Panther Commando

Chapter 3093: Raging Enemy

The sliding rod slanted down the slope, and Kun Sha, who was sitting on the sliding rod, fell down from the sliding rod. Matsumoto, who was on the side, saw the scene in front of him, and quickly grabbed Kun Sha's arm. Su Ang, who was beside him, was also shocked, and quickly reached out to support Kun Sha's shaking body.

Kun Sha stood firm and immediately pushed Su Ang away angrily. He shouted hoarsely to his subordinates who were lying on the mountain in front of him: "Come on, hurry up!" He staggered and ran down the slope. Su Ang and a few guards next to him also rushed forward with Kun Sha.

At this time, Matsumoto stood on the mound and looked at the dazzling firelight and thick dust mist rising in the canyon. His face had turned pale, and his small eyes also spurted out a look of rage!

He already knew in his heart that the huge explosion sound came from the cliffs on the side of the canyon, and the opponent would definitely blow up the cave where the ammunition depot was hidden! Otherwise, such a large explosion energy would never have been generated in the canyon, and the entire mountain area would have been shaken.

Matsumoto was really angry, the muscles on his face had become distorted, a furious look was spurting out of his small eyes, and there was an unbearable feeling of humiliation in his heart. In the past few years, although Kunsha did not tell him what was in the cave, he did not let them, the mercenaries, enter the cave. But Matsumoto knew in his heart that the capital of Kunsha's comeback must be hidden in that cave. In addition to the weapons storehouse and drug storehouse, there must be a lot of gold bars and U.S. dollar bills in it!

Although the canyon was destroyed by those Chinese people a few years ago, the thin camel is bigger than a horse. Ao Kun, a drug cartel that has been domineering in this mountainous area for decades, must still be hiding a huge wealth of unknown . And Kun Sha has risen rapidly in recent years, and it must have been possible for him to rise rapidly by relying on the huge wealth left by his brother.

Now, these Chinese people not only slaughtered Kunsha's men and horses under his nose, which made Matsumoto really feel a sense of humiliation that he had never felt before. After all, he is also the chief instructor hired by Kun Sha, and all the dead and wounded drug dealer soldiers are all created by them.

At this time, such a big explosion suddenly erupted in the canyon, which means that the opponent has completely blown up the cave, and the collapsed cliff must have destroyed the military tent that their mercenaries built under the cliff. Then the money they have received in the past few years will definitely be destroyed with a huge explosion.

These Huaxia people and machete people not only blew up the material warehouse of Kunsha, but also broke his Matsumoto's fortune, so he stared at the rising fire in the canyon angrily, his two small eyes almost Bleeding!

At this time, the drug dealer soldiers in the mountains in front of them saw the flames erupting in their own canyons, standing in the mountains and looking up at the canyon, their faces suddenly twisted. They also suddenly understood that their old nest was taken by others! A group of drug dealer soldiers then let out a furious roar, carrying guns and rushing towards the foot of the mountain outside the canyon.

The other two mercenaries on the mound also stared blankly at the canyon in the distance. Their faces became as pale as Matsumoto's, and there was a slow fire in their eyes. They also realized at the same time: The money is gone!

The two pulled the gun bolt with a "crash", and at the same time let out a roar in R language, and rushed down the **** with the gun in hand! Matsumoto saw that the people around him were rushing forward, and he also pulled the bolt of the gun furiously, and ran forward with the crowd.

The huge explosion in the canyon gradually died out, and the sky became dark again. The starlight that originally flickered in the crevices of the clouds disappeared as if scared away by the sudden loud explosion, and the sky became gray.

Matsumoto ran a few hundred meters forward with Kunsha's group in his rage. While running, he suddenly raised his head and looked into the air. He was stunned when he saw the gray sky, and then turned his head to the east. Sky looked. At this time, he suddenly discovered that a white fish maw had appeared on the top of the mountain far in the east.

He quickly took a deep breath to suppress the anger in his heart, and then looked towards the canyon again. At this time, his mind suddenly reflected: The night has subsided, and the sky is about to dawn! At this time, the sound of gunfire in the direction of Taniguchi in front suddenly became intense!

Matsumoto was shocked and immediately realized that the opponent's purpose of invading the valley was to blow up the drug processing factory in the valley and the material warehouse that Kunsha depended on for survival! Now that they have completed their mission, they must be evacuating from the canyon, otherwise Taniguchi's gunfire would not suddenly become so At this time, he slowed down and secretly said in his heart: These people are now rushing towards Taniguchi , definitely meet each other head-on! His small eyeballs quickly rolled a few times in the sockets, and then rushed a few steps to the side of the two men, he whispered in R language: "Are you in a hurry to find death? Why are you running so fast!"

He rushed past the two men and ran to Kun Sha, who was surrounded by guards and ran forward. He grabbed Kunsa's arm and shouted, "Boss Kunsa, now the enemy's situation is unknown, you can't rush to the front!"

Su Ang, who was protecting Kunsha, also suddenly realized the danger, and he quickly grabbed Kunsha and persuaded: "Boss, we can't go forward, let's observe here first!" The arm that held Kunsha ran towards a small mound on the side, and the surrounding guards quickly followed with guns.

Matsumoto glanced at the mercenary who came up behind him with a gloomy expression, and then followed Kunsha to the mound on the side. He ran to a small tree on the mound and stopped, and immediately raised his binoculars to look at the mountains ahead. His two subordinates also quickly ran to the side of the group of people in Kunsha, and raised their guns from the sides of the group to aim at the dim mountains in front.

At this moment, a burst of fire suddenly erupted from the black mountainside in front, followed by the sound of "bang bang bang" machine guns. The two guards who had rushed to a few hundred meters from the foot of the mountain fell to the ground in response, and a spark was shot out by bullets in the dark surrounding mountains. With the sound of the machine gun on the mountainside, a faint fire flashed on the dim side of the mountainside, and a guard at the bottom of the mountain who was pounced on the back of the rock fell backwards.

Matsumoto was shocked, and immediately lay on the ground and shouted to Kunsa who were standing on the mound: "There are snipers, get down, get down!" Su Ang heard Matsumoto's cry, and hurriedly pulled Kunsa Lie down behind a rock.

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