Panther Commando

Chapter 3094: Khun Sa rushed out

The captain of the guard, Su Anggang, pulled Kunsha to lie on the mound. Intense gunshots had already sounded in the dimly lit mountains ahead. The guards who were running at the front suddenly heard the gunshots coming from the mountainside in front, and immediately lay on the rocks and tree trunks. Raise the gun in the back and sweep towards the mountainside in front. And the group of drug dealer soldiers who followed behind them were lying under the rock in panic at this time, holding their guns and no one dared to stick their heads out.

Kunsha lay on the mound and looked up. At this time, he saw in the dark that the group of men in front were all huddled behind the cover and did not dare to show their heads. Only the dozen or so guards who rushed in front were fighting back desperately. He scolded the front angrily: " Brats, I have paid for you to feed you, hurry up and give it to me!"

Kun Sha angrily scolded an assault rifle that snatched away a guard by his side, then suddenly stood up from the mound, and pulled the trigger in the middle of the mountain where the group of boys lay, "Da Da Da", "Da Da Da", "Da Da Da Da" Da Da" A shot of gunfire suddenly sounded from the mound, and the whistling bullet hit the rock behind the group of drug dealer soldiers, and a string of sparks emerged, and one of the boys who was lying under the rock quietly retreating followed. A scream.

A group of drug dealer soldiers were lying nervously in the dark when suddenly they heard gunshots coming from behind them. A group of people hurriedly turned their heads and looked back. While strafing, a group of people jumped up from the mountains in fright, and charged forward like a group of frightened rabbits with guns, running and sweeping a rain of bullets against the distant mountainside.

Kun Sha's thin face has been twisted in extreme anger, a pair of small eyes have turned red, and his appearance has become very terrifying. Now his lair has been attacked by others, and the warehouse that hides a large amount of arms and drugs has also been blown up by the opponent, which is tantamount to costing most of his life!

He stood on the dark mound and swept out all the bullets in the magazine, followed by handing the assault rifle to the guard beside him, and roared: "Go, kill these **** for me. Dare to destroy our hometown, I must let them burn to ashes in the canyon!"

At this moment, the foot of the mountain outside the canyon suddenly sounded two series of deafening machine guns, "bang bang bang" and "bang bang bang". He swept towards the shadow that was rushing from the mountains. In the blink of an eye, seven or eight of the drug dealer soldiers rushing in front had fallen.

At this time, on the mountainside, which was originally suppressed by the dense firepower below the mountain, while the enemy's firepower was weakened, a violent machine gun sounded "bang bang bang". Echoes.

Matsumoto just got up in a rage and wanted to follow Kunsha down the mound. At this time, he saw the sudden and violent fire of the machine gun in front of him. He rushed to the front and grabbed Kunsha's arm and shouted: "Hide!" Following his voice , a sound of stray bullets swept past them.

Kun Sha and the surrounding guards were shocked, and they rushed down the mound one by one and lay down behind the surrounding rocks and tree trunks, and followed the probe to look forward.

The blackness of the foot of the mountain and the mid-mountain are flashing with the fire of three machine guns, and there is not a rapid and weak light flashing in the darkness of the half-mountain. At this time, Matsumoto climbed from behind a hidden rock to Kunsha's side and shouted to him, "Boss Kunsha, the opponent has already rushed out of the canyon, shall we hurry up?"

Kun Sha was leaning on a rock and looking forward, when he heard Matsumoto's cry, he immediately turned his head and stared at him and roared: "Cut, where can I retreat now? This is Lao Tzu's home, I His grandma's must be killed, and these **** must not be allowed to escape from here!" He then got up from behind the rock in a rage, and limped forward with a pistol regardless.

When the surrounding guards saw Kun Sha rushing out, they quickly stood up from the dimly lit mountains, rushed to Kun Sha's side and ran with him. Matsumoto was lying on the back of the rock and saw that Kun Sha had lost his mind. He reluctantly bent over and stood up, and rushed up with his gun. At this time, the two mercenaries on the side crawled over from the darkness, and one shouted to Matsumoto in R language: "Captain, when is this, let's withdraw?"

Matsumoto turned his head to look at his two subordinates in the dark, and said with a gloomy face: "Withdraw, Kunsha will not withdraw, how can we withdraw? Even if we leave here safely, Kuroda will not give us a penny, you guys I don't know what's going on here at all! The hundreds of thousands of dollars in employment fees that Kunsha should have paid to us this year have not been called to Heotian, so we just go back, can Heotian give us the money? ?"

When the two mercenaries heard Matsumoto's their expressions changed immediately. Their Yamaguchi security guards settle their remuneration according to their tasks, and usually only give them some basic living expenses, but most of the money can only be settled after the tasks are completed. If they fled back privately, Kunsha would definitely not send the remaining employment fee to Kuroda, and Kuroda would definitely not send them the pre-mission.

At this time, a mercenary hesitated for a moment. He looked up at the group of Kunsha who were rushing forward like crazy, and said: "Now the drug storehouse of Kunsha and the cave that hides a lot of wealth have been blown up. Do you have any money, boy?"

Matsumoto said coldly: "Don't worry, the skinny camel is fatter than the horse! These drug lords have huge sums of money in big banks all over the world, and even if he doesn't sell drugs, he can eat for a few lifetimes. These people are insatiable greed. , that's why I won't give up the business of drug trafficking. Let's go, let's protect this kid and escape from here together, and we'll decide the next move depending on the situation. Maybe this kid will save his life for the sake of us. It will give us a lot of money.”

He said that he stood up from behind the rock with the gun in hand, bent over and chased after the group of Kunsha. When the other two boys saw Matsumoto chasing after him, they quickly stood up from the dimly lit mountains, staggered and bent forward and rushed forward.

At this time, Kun Sha rushed forward like a madman with a dozen guards of his own. While shouting loudly, he raised his pistol and shot forward casually. A group of guards were also scattered in the mountains around him, rushing forward bravely, facing the fire in the distance, "Dah" Da Da" and "Da Da Da" swept out a series of dense bullet rain.

The drug dealer soldiers, who had just been suppressed by the bullet rain on the opposite side, were lying in the dark and suddenly heard shouts and gunshots coming from behind. A group of people turned their heads and saw that their bosses rushed up desperately, a group of drug dealer soldiers. Immediately there was a light in his eyes.

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