Panther Commando

Chapter 3095: I've got my eye on you

When a group of drug dealer soldiers saw Kun Sha taking the lead, they immediately raised their guns and shot forward as if they had been suddenly injected with morphine, and then got up from the ground and rushed forward bravely. Several machine guns were also mounted on the rocks and swept toward the foot of the mountain ahead.

In the blink of an eye, Wang Dali, Wen Meng, and the Yuwen brothers who were on the mountainside in front of them were immediately suppressed by the enemy's fierce firepower. The dense rain of bullets from the soldiers shot out pieces of jumping sparks.

Not long after, a group of drug dealers and soldiers rushed to the foot of the mountain like crazy, three or four hundred meters away. The ups and downs were scattered in the mountains on the north side of the mountain, and they rushed towards the foot of the mountain near the mouth of the valley. At this time, Kun Sha took the dozen or so guards around him, and his eyes were flushed to a place that was seven or eight hundred meters away from the foot of the mountain in front of him.

At this moment, Kun Sha, who was limping forward with Su Ang's support, suddenly saw a subordinate who was shooting with a machine gun in front of him. Suddenly, his body slanted to the side of the rock, and the machine gun was shooting fire. It disappeared suddenly, followed by the sound of another whistling machine gun on the side.

Kun Sha and Su Ang were shocked, and at this moment, Matsumoto suddenly rushed from behind and hugged Kun Sha to the side. At the same time, "Whoosh", a sharp piercing sound suddenly passed by Kun Sha's ears, and his dry cheeks immediately felt hot.

At this moment, Su Ang on the side also suddenly realized that it was the enemy's sniper who had already aimed at them! He hurriedly kicked the ground and slanted his body to the side of the mountain. As soon as he left his original position, a sniper bullet had passed behind him with a sharp piercing sound, and a guard standing behind him suddenly fell backwards without saying a word.

When Su Ang landed, he saw that the men behind him were falling backwards, and he couldn't help shivering: the opponent had at least two snipers aiming at him, otherwise these accurate sniper bullets would not have aimed at himself and Kun at the same time. Sand two people!

In a panic, he rolled out to the side regardless, until he rolled behind a half-human-high rock on the side, then got up and squatted up, looking at Matsumoto and Kunsha who were behind him worriedly in the dark. Just as he turned his head, "Crack", a crisp sound suddenly came from the rock in front of him, and a cluster of sparks flew off the rock with a few stone chips hit by bullets. Su Ang was shocked, and hurriedly lay under the rock and turned his head to look back.

At this time, Matsumoto had already rushed behind the rock on the side with Kun Sha in his arms. He knelt up from behind the rock, grabbed Kun Sha from the ground with one hand, and shouted, "Get out, you didn't see the opponent's sniper. Already targeting you? This means that the Chinese special forces have withdrawn from the canyon, and they must have guessed that you are here. These people come here desperately, their target is your drug warehouse and you, the drug lord himself, you Don't understand the current situation? Let's go, they will all withdraw from the canyon in a while, and we will not be able to retreat in time!"

After he finished speaking, he did not wait for Kun Sha to answer, he pushed the skinny Kun Sha into the arms of a mercenary next to him, and ordered in a low voice, "The two of you carry him on your back and quickly evacuate here!" After speaking, he Twisting and lying behind the rock, he raised his gun and looked at the dimly lit mountain ahead.

When the two mercenaries on the side heard Matsumoto's order, one carried Kunsha and ran towards the darkened mountains behind. The other boy quickly stood up with his gun, turned around and ran behind his companion.

Matsumoto stared at the mountain in Taniguchi through the scope on the gun. At this time, the night sky was already gray, and the mountains not far away seemed to be shrouded in a faint layer of mist, and the flames from the muzzles of several clusters of machine guns were flickering in the mist. A group of drug dealer soldiers in the mountains ahead were sprawled behind rocks and in the grass in the low-lying areas, firing their guns.

Matsumoto quickly observed the battle situation in front of him, and immediately judged in his heart that the two machine guns shooting near the foot of the mountain must be the Huaxia special forces who had withdrawn from the canyon and rushed to reinforce, and there must be two extremely dangerous snipers hidden on the hillside. . Otherwise, the opponent's bullets would not have hit the positions of his group at such a long distance. He turned to look at Su Ang, who was hiding behind the rocks on the side.

At this time, Su Ang had already realized the danger, and the bullets that flew past him just now made the hairs on his whole body stand up. This made him immediately realize that those Huaxia people had blown up the material warehouse in the canyon and must be withdrawing from the canyon now.

And these few bullets that went straight to himself and the boss of Kunsha must be shot by the snipers in the Huaxia special Those machete people still do not have such accurate marksmanship. It is estimated that these Chinese people have already seen that the drug lord Kunsha is hidden here, so after they killed the two machine gunners in front of them, the muzzle immediately aimed at them!

Su Ang saw that the two mercenaries were already running towards the dark mountain behind with Kunsha on their backs. He hurriedly shouted to the surrounding guards, "What are they doing lying on their backs? Hurry up and protect the boss!" Four or five guards were lying on the ground raising their guns and aiming forward. At this time, they heard the voice of Su Ang, the captain of the guard. They quickly turned their heads and looked back, only to find that their boss was being carried behind by a mercenary. run away.

These boys quickly climbed up from the dimly lit mountains, and with guns in hand, they chased after Kunsha, who looked behind them in panic as they ran. Su Ang hid behind the rock and saw that several of his surrounding men had already stood up and ran back. He quickly bent over and stood up from behind the rock, turned around and ran towards Matsumoto who was waving to him.

He ran to Matsumoto's side, immediately crouched beside him and asked in panic: "Chief instructor, what should we do now? Those Chinese people must be evacuating from the canyon, and I guess they must be chasing us."

He just escaped from the opponent's sniper bullet, and now his mind is very clear. He has realized that after the opponent may blow up the cave in the canyon, the next target is most likely Kun Sha himself! And now a reinforcement company in the canyon has failed to stop the opponent from blowing up the cave, which shows that those terrifying Chinese special forces are here. If the other party withdraws from the canyon and goes straight to the dozens of people who chase after him, then not only Kunsha is in danger, but also the guards such as them may not have bad luck.

Seeing Su Ang's panicked appearance, Matsumoto immediately withdrew his assault rifle from the side of the rock and whispered to him, "Hurry up with the people who greeted you to withdraw, protect Kunsha and escape immediately!"

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