Panther Commando

Chapter 3096: Mountains outside the canyon

Hearing Matsumoto's order, Su Ang quickly replied, "Yes, yes! I will order them to retreat now." He leaned out from behind the rock and shouted to the guards who were lying at the foot of the mountain in front of him, "Brothers... …”

As soon as his shout came out, Matsumoto covered his mouth and scolded in a low voice, "Are you stupid? Call them all back, who will resist the opponent?"

Su Ang was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood what Matsumoto meant. Matsumoto asked him to call several guards around to retreat together, but did not ask him to greet the group at the front. At this time, once the guards in front retreated, the drug dealers who were lying behind would definitely turn around and run back. If no one resisted those Chinese, the other party would definitely speed up to catch up!

Su Ang understood what Matsumoto meant. He rolled his eyes and quickly stuck his head out from the side of the rock. He raised his gun and swept out a string of bullets at the mountain in front of him. Then he shouted in front of him in the dark. : "Brothers, our hometown has been blown up by those bastards, and we all follow Lao Tzu. We must not let those **** escape the canyon alive!"

Following his shouting, Matsumoto, who was lying on the back of the rock, also suddenly stood up from behind the rock. He shouted in blunt local language and swept out a string of bullets against the mountainside in front of him. , the other guards around also stood up in the shouting, raised their guns and swept out a few strings of fire snakes in front of them.

A group of drug dealer soldiers and guards lying on the mountain in front suddenly heard the shouts and gunshots coming from behind them. A group of people quickly turned their heads and looked back. They happened to see Matsumoto and the surrounding guards suddenly standing up. , while strafing towards the front hillside, shouting at the same time.

A group of drug dealer soldiers saw Matsumoto, the chief instructor, and the guards around Kun Sha, all standing up and fighting back in the rain of bullets. Standing up on the mountain, while shooting forward, he rushed towards the foot of the mountain in front of him frantically.

Matsumoto shouted and swept out a shuttle of bullets. He saw that the drug dealers and soldiers in front were all rushing forward bravely. The boy's face immediately showed a sneering smile. A few people from Kunsha at the back chased after him.

Seeing Matsumoto fleeing backwards, Su Ang quickly stood up and rushed to the side of the guards, grabbed the guards who were about to rush forward and shouted in a low voice, "Are you **** looking for death? Get out, brother!" After speaking, he also turned around and chased after Matsumoto, who had already rushed back.

The guard who was standing up to rush forward was pulled by Su Ang, and then he heard Su Ang's scolding. He was stunned for a moment, then turned around and chased after his companions who had already rushed out to the side, then pulled them. After whispering a few words, a few people immediately ran to the dark mountain behind.

In the dimly lit mountains, the sudden attack of the drug dealer soldiers suppressed the fire of the machine guns on the hillside in front and at the foot of the mountain. The enemy who was lying in the mountains was frightened by the rain of bullets fired in front, and immediately rushed forward like crazy. Pieces of sparks shot by bullets splashed on the dim hillside in front, and the hillside was filled with dust and mist. .

At this moment, the sound of gunfire suddenly erupted from the dark foothills and the hillside ahead! Clusters of fire from the muzzle suddenly spewed out from the hillside near the foot of the mountain, and the whistling rain of bullets immediately swept towards the drug dealer soldiers who rushed towards them. In the blink of an eye, the dozen or so drug dealer soldiers who were rushing in front had fallen backwards in the rain of bullets.

The group of drug dealer soldiers who were rushing forward were taken aback, and a group of people immediately hurriedly lay down on the rolling hills, and then swept their guns forward from behind the rocks and the grass between the mountains.

The group of people who suddenly appeared on the northern **** and the foot of the mountain were the machete warriors like Xiao Yaji and A Bao who had just withdrawn from the canyon. They rushed out of the canyon and ran to the foot of the northern mountain. They had just turned over the foot of the mountain. When they saw the enemy rushing fiercely, a group of people immediately lay on the hillside and at the foot of the mountain, raised their guns and pulled the trigger at the enemy, and the fierce firepower immediately knocked down the enemy's arrogance.

Cheng Ru, who was lying on the dim hillside holding a sniper rifle and pulling the trigger, saw Zhang Wa and a group of people coming from behind, he immediately ordered loudly into the microphone: "A Bao, take your people to block at the foot of the mountain. Enemy! Zhang Wa, you bring Xiaoya and a few people to the hillside."

The group of people who rushed in the dark immediately split up and rushed towards the foot of the north side of the mountain, and then they were lying behind the rocks and tree trunks in the rain of bullets fired by the enemy and shot forward with their guns. The sudden rain of bullets suppressed the arrogance of the enemy in the mountains. The machine guns of Wang Dali and Brother Yuwen, who had been suppressed by the enemy's firepower, also sounded again, and a string of fierce bullet rain whistled towards the mountains. The sparks shot by the bullets splashed in the dark At this moment, Cheng Ru saw the enemy's arrogance being knocked down, he immediately stretched out his sniper rifle from behind the rock and aimed at the far back. The fleeing Sombra pulled the trigger several times in a row. He followed the gun and hid behind the rock. While quickly pulling out a new magazine and inserting it into the gun body, he asked Zhang Wa, who rushed to his side and opened fire, "Has the leopard head been pulled out yet?"

Zhang Wa lay on the side of the rock and swept out a string of bullets, and then answered loudly in the fierce gunfire: "Not yet. Just now, the leopard head has approached the enemy's defensive position from the forest, and he ordered us to withdraw first. The canyon supports you, and now Fengdao and Zisheng are receiving him at Taniguchi!"

Cheng Ru heard Zhang Wa's answer, and immediately understood that Leopard Head was approaching the mountain road where the enemies gathered. He must have heard the gunshots coming from his side and knew that the Kunsha group was approaching Taniguchi with all their strength, so he immediately ordered Zhang Wa and the others took the machete out of the canyon to support themselves here.

When Cheng Ru rushed over from the canyon to reinforce Dali with a sniper rifle just now, he was really surprised when he saw a large number of drug dealer soldiers rushing in not far away. At that time, they were on the top of the hidden mountain outside the Scimitar tribe, and in the dark they saw Khun Sa running to the north foot of the mountain surrounded by a group of people.

At that time, he saw that this group of people was only twenty or thirty people, but he didn't expect that sixty or seventy drug dealer soldiers would suddenly appear here, which really puzzled him.

He rushed to the hillside with a sniper rifle, quickly observed the enemies scattered in the mountains, and then aimed the muzzle at the group of people standing in the mountains in the distance. At this time, he had already judged in his heart that there must be the drug lord Kunsha and those mercenaries among this group of people. He followed Wen Meng, a sniper who was hiding on the mountainside, and they both pulled the trigger on the group of shadows in the distance.

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