Panther Commando

Chapter 3300: oath in the mountains

The wind knife straightened up, took a deep breath of the cool mountain air, and then leaned against the wet rock. He raised his eyes and looked at the surrounding mountains and said in a low voice, "Leopard head, the mountainous area of ​​your hometown is so beautiful, it is no wonder that all your families have lived in seclusion in this mountain for generations."

When Wan Lin heard Feng Dao praise his hometown's landscape, he retracted his long sniper rifle from the rock in front of him, and said with a smile, "Our ancestors of Wan family chose this mountain area as a place of seclusion because they fell in love with this mountain. The beautiful geographical environment and rich natural resources in the middle of the mountain. The depths of this mountain are not only inaccessible, but also there are many rare and exotic animals in the deep mountain. As long as people who are familiar with this mountain, can completely isolate themselves from the outside world and live in the mountains. There will definitely be no shortage of food and clothing, and will live a prosperous life.”

When he said this, he suddenly shook his head, and sighed with a gloomy expression: "Alas, such a beautiful natural scenery can be used to cultivate the disposition. Although those of us who have lived in the depths of the mountains for a long time seem to be poor from the outside, we can The spiritual world of mountain people is rich, and people are more simple and kind.”

As he spoke, a look of anger suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he said in a low voice, "But now it's impossible, those so-called rich people outside the mountain have also entered this mountain, and they have brought all the **** of the world into this original spotless place. In the depths of the mountain, they defiled this holy mountain and disturbed the tranquility of our mountains. Now, they have brought blood and killing into this mountain again."

When he said this, he suddenly looked up at the white mountains in the distance and scolded: "Bastards, since you dare to start killing here, then I will use the same method to drive you **** out of here forever. , this mountain does not welcome you!"

Feng Dao heard Wan Lin's angry scolding, he suddenly raised the assault rifle in his right hand, and a murderous look appeared on his face. He knew in his heart that Wan Lin, as the owner of this mountain, was swearing to the mountain where his ancestors lived for generations, that he would drive out all the dirty things that had soiled the mountain, and restore the mountain to peace. !

At this moment, Xiaohua suddenly ran over from the hillside in front. It quickly ran to a rock in front of Wan Lin in the dark and stood up, swayed its front paws at Wan Lin for a while, then turned around again, and pointed to a reflection not far away with a dejected expression. Where the white light shook his right paw.

Wan Lin raised his hand and touched its little head lightly, straightened his waist and said to the wind knife: "Xiaohua said that around the big river in front, she has completely lost the traces of the two killers. Just now Xiaohua swam across the big river and went to the other side to look for it. After a while, there was no trace of the other party. I guess the other party heard the gunshots coming from behind, so they must have realized that we had caught up. They must have swam a long distance in the river to get rid of us as soon as possible. They went ashore and continued to flee, these two killers do have rich experience in mountain combat."

Feng Dao nodded. He raised his assault rifle and looked through the scope on the gun to the mountains still shrouded in white mist in the distance. He then lowered the muzzle of his gun again, staring at the big river in front of him, where the white light was slightly reflected in the mist, and pondered.

After a while, he suddenly raised his head to look at Wan Lin and said, "Judging from the murder scene and our tracking, we can confirm that these two killers are mercenaries under Kun Sha. But we have been chasing people like Kun Sha from abroad. I didn't find any snipers among them, but when I was in Taniguchi just now, where did the sniper who suddenly appeared on the top of the hill come from? If this kid hadn't appeared just now, forcing us to shoot back, I'm afraid we would have already Catch up with those two killers!"

At this time, Wan Lin was looking up at the top of the mountain hanging in the white mist in the east. He heard Feng Dao's question and was about to answer when the sky in the east suddenly turned red, followed by a sudden jump from the top of the mountain in the distance. Round flaming sun. Over the distant top of the mountain, the clouds that were solidified in the air suddenly became colorful, some seemed to be inlaid with a layer of yellow gold, some were bright red like fire, and the dark sky in the east suddenly became beautiful. .

Feng Dao saw Wan Lin's somewhat obsessed gaze, and quickly raised his head to look at the eastern sky. At this moment, his small eyes suddenly widened, and he couldn't help muttering while looking at this beautiful sunrise picture: "This is really a beautiful beauty on earth, it's so beautiful!"

At this time, he suddenly understood the anger in Wan Lin's heart just now. Such a beautiful natural scene is the best gift from God to these mountain people. How could the masters of this mountain allow those lawless scum here? For evil? They are bound to expel the scum of the world from this beautiful There is still peace here!

Wan Lin stared at the beautiful sunrise scene in the sky, and suddenly said: "That sniper is definitely not Khun Sha's subordinate. When they crossed the border, they fought fiercely with the angry drug dealer soldiers behind him. Snipers, it is impossible for those drug dealers to approach them. At that time, Khun Sa and the others were in such a dangerous situation, and this sniper did not appear to stop the pursuers for them, which shows that there must be no snipers in the Khun Sa group!"

He turned his head to look at the wind knife and continued: "Those mercenaries are here to assassinate the gangsters like Xing Er. Even if they have snipers, they will not carry sniper rifles that are inconvenient for action. To deal with Xing Er and this group of people, They don't need to be so inspiring."

Feng Dao's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he turned his head to look at Wan Lin and said, "You mean, this sniper who suddenly appeared in Taniguchi to cover the killer's escape is not under Bald Brother and Xing Er, or he Wouldn't act alone. Then why would he take such a big risk to cover the killer's escape all of a sudden? That doesn't make sense."

He said and pondered for a moment, then continued: "Judging from the situation that the sniper suddenly started sniping at you just now, this kid not only has good marksmanship, but also has rich sniper experience. Since he has discovered our actions, he should be able to see it. People like us are not ordinary police officers, so why does he dare to take such a big risk and suddenly shoot?"

Wan Lin frowned and looked at the colorful clouds that were changing with the wind in the eastern sky. He pondered for a while and said, "Judging from the situation that this sniper started sniping at me just now, I heard that the purpose was to delay our attack on those two killers. Pursue the speed, and at the same time inform the two killers to flee quickly."

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