Panther Commando

Chapter 3301: Must have been a soldier

Hearing Wan Lin's analysis, Feng Dao blinked his small eyes a few times, and said thoughtfully, "It seems that this sniper also came to assassinate Xing Er. Now he sees that the two killers have already assassinated them. Xing Er, so he immediately followed him here, trying his best to cover the killer's escape. It seems that he has a very close relationship with Xing Er and the killer. "

Wan Lin followed up: "Yes, this sniper must have a direct and powerful relationship with the drug trafficking group Xing Er and Bald Brother. Once Xing Er or these two killers are taken down by us, it will definitely put him in extreme danger. , otherwise he would not be willing to take such a big risk to appear in front of us special forces. Any trained sniper will assess the risk he is in before taking action, and he will definitely not be in front of us unless it is a last resort. Take it easy."

Feng Dao nodded, and he looked up into the air with a thoughtful face. Just as the two were talking, in the distant eastern sky, the rising sun had already hung high above the top of the mountain. Thousands of rays of light shone on the boundless mountains. Clear sunlight dissipates. After the rainstorm, the mountains are far and wide, and the grass and small trees on the surrounding hillsides are lush and green.

Fengdao stared at the green hills in front of him, and listened to the sound of running water around him, he took a few deep breaths of fresh air. He raised his sniper rifle and aimed at the undulating mountains in the distance and said, "According to our reasoning, the life and death of this Xing Er should be directly related to the safety of the bald brother and that Xing Tao."

He lowered his gun and looked at Wan Lin and continued: "And these two mercenaries were sent by Bald Brother and Kunsha, so the only suspect left is Xing Tao! But how can Xing Tao have a sniper rifle? , And also has such a skilled sniper technique? Does he still have an accomplice that we don't know?"

At this time, Wan Lin saw that the mist in the mountains was dissipating, and he also raised his sniper rifle and slowly swept the surrounding mountains. He aimed his gun at the foot of the mountain across the river, and said thoughtfully, "This is really puzzling. It stands to reason that Xing Tao, a man who sold police intelligence for money, would not tell anyone about himself. He will never easily tell the second person about shameful things. Could it be that he also temporarily hired a person with a sniper background to enter the mountain in order to assassinate Xing Er?"

Hearing this, Fengdao hesitated for a while, put down the assault rifle he was holding and said thoughtfully: "I think there are only two possibilities, one is that the sniper is Xing Tao himself, maybe he himself has experience as a sniper; The second possibility is that Xing Tao is unwilling to show up and buys a murderer to kill, and this killer must have been a soldier, and he once served as a sniper in the army."

Wan Lin's eyes flashed when he heard Feng Dao's analysis. He immediately put down his sniper rifle and crouched behind the rock, reached out and took out his mobile phone from the jacket pocket of his tactical vest and dialed it out. He whispered, "Brigade Wang, we have lost our target now. When we were tracking the killer at night, we suddenly encountered When a sniper blocked us, we had to fight back, and the killer who assassinated Xing Er took the opportunity to escape through the canyon and into the mountains."

He continued in a hasty tone: "After sniping at me twice in a row, the sniper threw out several bombs and tear gas, and then quickly fled under the cover of darkness and smoke. We now suspect: this The sniper who suddenly appeared is most likely Xing Tao or his accomplice. Quickly check if Xing Tao is at home?"

"If this person is Xing Tao himself, he is definitely not in the city now. In addition, you guys should investigate his resume to see if he has the experience of enlisting in the army and served as a sniper in the army. From this sniper last night Judging from the performance, this sniper who suddenly appeared must have received formal training and must have experience as a sniper in the army."

Wang Tiecheng was shocked when he heard Wan Lin's description, and he quickly said, "Are you injured?" He knew that being ambushed by a sniper in such a dark night was a very dangerous thing.

Wan Lin immediately replied coldly: "No, this **** doesn't have the ability! At that time, I was already in danger, and the bullet flew past my head."

Wang Tiecheng breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Wan Lin's safety, and he followed on the phone and said, "Okay, I will immediately notify Deputy Director Qi to check Xing Tao's current location, and then call up his file to see him. Have you ever been a sniper in the army? I'll notify you immediately." After speaking, he immediately hung up the phone.

Wan Lin inserted his phone into the jacket pocket of his tactical vest, looked up at Xiao Hua who was lying on the rock beside him, and said, "Xiao The line of sight is very good now, go to the other side of the river and search for the two killers. Let's see if we can find the traces left by the two killers?" He raised his hand and pointed to the other side of the river.

Xiaohua immediately jumped down from the top of the rock when she heard the sound. It rushed to the side of the mountain and followed the slope, and ran towards the big river below the foot of the mountain like a swipe of blue smoke.

Wan Lin and Fengdao saw Xiaohua rushing out, and the two immediately raised their guns and aimed at the other side of the river. At this time, the surrounding mountains were very quiet. The four or five blue sheep on the opposite mountain were looking around vigilantly. One of them reminded the slightly larger blue sheep to glance at the river, and immediately took the others around him in panic. The ground ran towards the back hillside, and disappeared behind the top of the mountain in a blink of an eye. Apparently, they had seen the little flowers heading for the beach below.

At this moment, two hares with long ears suddenly appeared in the grass on the hillside below. They stood up with their two long ears and looked vigilantly towards the surrounding hillsides, then stared at the little flowers that were ups and downs at the foot of the mountain and rushed towards the river, and then jumped up and down in panic. To turn around and run towards the side hillside.

The two hares jumped up against each other in panic, and the two rabbits more than a foot long collided head-on on the hillside. The two rabbits fell to the back hillside on their backs. They tumbled a few times on the hillside, and then limped into the dense grass on the side hillside, and disappeared into the tall grass in a blink of an eye. middle.

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru clearly saw the panicked appearance of the two rabbits through the scope on the gun.

At this time, their mood had relaxed. Since there are still highly vigilant herbivores on the mountaintops and slopes in the distance, it means that there are no strangers there, and the two killers must have fled the surrounding mountains in a hurry.

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