Panther Commando

Chapter 3315: anger in the heart

Wan Lin issued an order to Chengru and Xiaoya. He then leaned on a tree branch and pondered for a moment, then raised his sniper rifle and looked at the mountains on the south and north sides.

In the mountains on the north side, there is still no one person to be seen. The figures of Zhang Wa and Bao Ya have been hidden among the dense vegetation and rocks; on the undulating mountains on the south side, they are flickering and appearing. With the wind knife and Xiaoya figure. Sniper Lin Zisheng was carrying a long sniper rifle and ran to a hill in the northeast, preparing to establish a sniper position at a high point to meet the coming Kun Sha men.

Wan Lin put the sniper rifle on a thick tree branch in front of him. He raised the muzzle of the gun and looked over the figures of the wind knife and looked towards the mountains in the distance. The mountain on the south side was where they walked when they followed Xing Tao last night.

At that time, Wan Lin and the others were in the dark, trying their best to track and search for Xing Tao, the sniper. They did not pay attention to the surrounding mountains in the dark. Now he carefully observes this mountain full of vitality through the scope of the gun, which suddenly gives him a refreshing feeling. The mountain in front of him was now shrouded in golden sunlight, and the hillside surrounded by lush weeds and trees was green.

Wan Lin carefully observed the mountains on the south side, and then he raised the gun and looked towards the mountains in the distance. On the top of the mountain in the distance stood a block of jagged boulders, and the east-facing rock wall was reflecting the golden sunlight. On the hillside in the distance, a stream of water rushing down from the top of the mountain is hanging diagonally on the steep hillside, and the faint sound of running water is coming from a distance.

At this moment, a huge goshawk suddenly appeared on the clear blue sky. The huge goshawk is spreading its long wings, soaring up and down with the help of the rising air flow between the mountains. Suddenly, a loud chirping of a goshawk sounded from the blue sky, and the goshawk soaring in the air made this endless mountain look even more spectacular and vast.

Wan Lin slowly moved the sniper rifle in his hand through the thick branches and leaves in front of him. The scope on the gun in front of him followed the gun and slowly swept across the picturesque and beautiful mountains. At this moment, Wan Lin raised the muzzle of his gun and looked at the goshawk flying in the blue sky, and suddenly a sad feeling arose in his heart.

Green mountains and green waters, picturesque mountains! In this mountain that Wan Lin is familiar with, at this time, he is holding the sharp weapon in his hand to kill, aiming at this piece of grass, tree, mountain and stone that gave birth to him and nurtured him, aiming at the free and free The goshawk soaring in the air really made him suddenly feel a sense of sadness, and at the same time, a raging flame burst into his heart.

Such a picturesque and beautiful mountain in front of me is now rampant with those domestic and foreign drug dealers. Bald Brother, Kunsha and the others smuggled and sold harmful drugs in this mountain where only simple mountain people lived; they slaughtered recklessly in such a beautiful mountain. Blood is flowing in this mountain, and these human scums are defiled this picturesque mountain! All this made Wan Lin, the master of the mountain, suddenly burst into an uncontrollable anger.

At this moment, Wan Lin's eyes staring at the scope suddenly turned red, and a strong murderous aura suddenly shot out from his body lying on the branch. The surrounding dark brown branches and green leaves shook violently in the fierce murderous aura suddenly urged by Wan Lin. Wen Meng, the sniper among the rocks below, was startled.

In Wen Meng's shock, she grabbed the sniper rifle and rolled out to the side, then turned around and aimed at the big tree with murderous aura behind her, and quickly pulled the bolt with her right hand.

The strong murderous aura on the top of the mountain vanished in a flash, and the branches and leaves that were shaking and swaying above the tree suddenly stopped again. At this time, Wan Lin heard Wen Meng's voice below, and he immediately understood that he was in anger and had already forced the murderous aura out of his body.

He hurriedly mentioned that infuriating energy circulated in his body for a week to stabilize his mind, and quickly retracted the murderous aura that was shot out of his body into his body. He then stuck out his head from the thick branches and leaves, smiled apologetically at Wen Meng, who was raising his gun and aimed at the tree, and then whispered: "Wen Meng, it's alright! You can rest now, the other party is not yet. will appear here."

Wan Lin drilled through the thick branches and leaves as he spoke, and jumped directly from the tall tree branch with a sniper rifle. He landed on a rock under the tree and strode towards Wen Meng with a gun in hand.

He walked to Wen Meng and sat on a rock. He reached out and took out a box of food from his backpack and handed it to Wen Meng, and said with concern, "You haven't rested well since last You can eat something now, then close your eyes and rest for a while. I am responsible for the vigilance here. Xing Tao is now fleeing from the outside of the mountain to the depths of this mountain, and he has not arrived here so fast. I guess, Xing Tao Thao and the drug dealers who came after him should be here after dark, so you don't have to be so nervous now."

Wen Meng heard Wan Lin's concerned voice, and turned over gratefully and sat up from under the rock. She took the carton handed over by Wan Lin and tore the wrapping paper on it, then handed the carton to Wan Lin and said, "Leopard head, you have been resting all the time, you should eat it first. I still have individual rations in my backpack. Well, I'll do it myself."

Wan Lin nodded, took the individual soldier rations handed over by Wen Meng and slowly began to eat.

At this time, Wen Meng also took out a single soldier's ration from her backpack and slowly ate it. She ate two mouthfuls, turned to look at Wan Lin and asked in a low voice, "Leopard head, where did Xing Tao get the sniper rifle from? Huh? It's not easy to get such expensive sniper rifles, and I'm afraid there won't be such foreign sniper rifles in the police station."

Wan Lin slowly chewed the food in his mouth, and looked at the undulating hills on the north side thoughtfully. Hearing Wen Meng's question, he replied thoughtfully: "I heard from the Wang Brigade that this Xing Tao has been engaged in anti-drug work in the Public Security Bureau, and he has also gone abroad to perform tasks many times. I guess he got it from abroad. This sniper rifle, and then took the opportunity to complete the mission overseas, secretly carried this sniper rifle into the country, and hid it in this hidden cave."

He followed and glanced at the mountain where the entrance of the cave was located, and continued: "The sniper rifle we found in the cave just now was the equipment carried by the M army snipers decades ago. At that time, the M army used to be around our China. countries have emerged on a large scale.”

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