Panther Commando

Chapter 3316: between people and ghosts

When Wan Lin said this, a look of regret suddenly appeared on his face, as if he was regretting that he and the brave special soldiers around him failed to catch up with the brutal battle.

He then looked at Wen Meng and said, "It is said that when the soldiers of the M Army were withdrawing on a large scale, they dropped a large number of weapons and equipment in neighboring countries. I guess Xing Tao's sniper rifle was left overseas at that time. Xing Tao must have secretly obtained this sniper rifle from those drug dealers when he went out of the country to perform anti-drug missions in the past, and then secretly brought it into our China."

Hearing Wan Lin's speculation, Wen Meng nodded and said, "It's very possible. I have heard in the National Security Bureau that some anti-drug police officers will take great risks in order to obtain drug trafficking intelligence and evidence of domestic and foreign drug trafficking groups. Carrying out missions overseas. Some police officers even paid the price of their lives to obtain information about drug dealers delivering drugs. These people are all heroic anti-drug heroes that we admire. Unexpectedly, Xing Tao, an excellent anti-drug police officer who once was able to live and die for the country , now that he has come together with those drug dealers, this is indeed a sigh, how could he have come this far, is he not afraid of the sanctions of the national law?"

Wan Lin heard Wen Meng's sigh, he withdrew his gaze from the mountain on the side, turned his head to look at the mountain on the north side where Xing Tao's trace might appear, and was silent for a while, and then said: "Actually, people and ghosts are just the difference between a thought. Tao Neng went from being an ordinary anti-drug police officer to now the deputy director of the sub-bureau in charge of anti-drug enforcement, which shows that he must have been a very good police officer in the process of serving as an anti-drug police officer, otherwise his superiors would not have mentioned him in charge of anti-drug work. leadership positions.”

"But such an excellent anti-narcotics policeman sold his soul for those material wealth after taking up a leadership position. He changed from a very good person to an invisible ghost at this moment, and turned into a ghost. The ghost who betrayed himself, betrayed his family, betrayed his motherland, he has now become a street rat! Speaking of which, this is really pathetic!"

Wan Lin shook his head, looked at Wen Meng who was sitting next to him and continued: "Actually, judging from the distance Xing Tao has traveled, I am afraid that he has been attracted by the large amount of money in the hands of those drug dealers a long time ago. , seduced by the lavish life of those drug dealers. Otherwise, he wouldn't have secretly obtained that sniper rifle when he was an anti-drug police officer. He is a policeman himself, and of course he knows that possession of weapons and ammunition is a felony. Since he dares to Possession of firearms shows that he already had criminal thoughts at that time."

"The sniper rifle is actually recording this kid's mental journey. After he stepped into the leadership position of the deputy director of the branch, the sneakiness in his heart must have flared up. He used the information about the drug dealers he had at work to come to the Bald drug dealers in exchange for large sums of money, in fact, he has become a protector of those drug dealers."

Wan Lin's expression suddenly became a little dim when he said this. At this time, he really felt sorry for Xing Tao in his heart. Such an excellent talent who can serve as a sniper in the army and can become a glorious anti-drug policeman has now been reduced to the point of being in gang with drug dealers and an enemy of the country, which really makes him feel sad.

When he said this, he stopped talking and was silent for a moment, then raised his head and stared silently at the mountains to the north. At this moment, the regretful look on his face suddenly disappeared, and the fierce murderous aura suddenly appeared on his face!

He stared at the undulating mountains with his bare eyes, and suddenly said in a deep voice, "Xing Tao is secretly hiding his wealth and weapons in the cave, and he has already realized: these illegal activities he has done , he will be discovered by the police sooner or later, and he will definitely be severely punished by the law."

He suddenly raised his right hand and tightly grasped the sniper rifle leaning on the rock beside him. He followed and said sharply: "But he did not stop himself from the precipice in the face of his own greed, instead he intensified and asked the drug dealer for more. , and finally picked up this hidden sniper rifle to fight against the law. We must not give him any chance in the face of such a person, such a person is already dead! The law has not allowed him to be a person like him, Continue to live in this world and do bad things!"

Wen Meng listened to Wan Lin's analysis attentively. At this time, she had silently put down the lunch box in her hand, and she had already picked up the sniper rifle standing beside her and placed it on her knees with both hands.

She heard Wan Lin's angry voice, and clenched the body of the sniper rifle with both hands. At this time, in Wan Lin's voice, she suddenly turned around and raised the sniper rifle in her hand, lying in the crevice of the rock beside her.

Wen Meng aimed at the mountains to the north and suddenly pulled the bolt At this moment, her beautiful big eyes were staring at the scope, and her right index finger had been lightly pressed on the trigger, a sharp sigh. Murderous aura was spewing out of those big eyes.

At this time, Wen Meng, a girl with a quiet personality, has been infected by Wan Lin's emotions. The genuine energy in her body that is unique to the children of the Wan family has fluctuated with the emotions of Wan Lin, a direct disciple of the Wan family. Wan Lin's rhythm spurted out a fierce murderous aura!

Time passes slowly over the beautiful mountains, and the golden sun has slowly passed through the mountains of the top of the mountain without knowing it. It seems that suddenly, a red sun has hung on the top of the mountain in the west, and the originally sunny mountains have become hazy.

At this time, Wan Lin was sitting cross-legged among the towering rocks on the top of the mountain.

Two meters away from him, Wen Meng was lying in the crevice between the two rocks, the sniper rifle in front of him was aiming at the mountains on the north side. After lunch, Wan Lin ordered Wen Meng to rest quietly under the rock for a few hours. Now Wen Meng, after waking up, is taking over from Wan Lin to monitor the surrounding mountains from the top of the mountain.

After Wan Lin took a rest in Wen Meng, he quickly used the dusk time to regulate his infuriating energy, trying to keep his body in the best fighting state when darkness came.

Wen Meng was lying in the crevice of the rock and slowly moved the gun body, watching intently as the scope swept across the rolling hills on the north side. Just as her muzzle moved to the west side of the mountain, her slow-moving muzzle suddenly came to a standstill, her eyes staring at a mountain several hundred meters away several kilometers away without moving.

On the hillside with dense vegetation growing on the mountain in the distance, a black shadow the size of an ant is rising from the dense vegetation on the hillside, followed by flying to the distant mountains.

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