Panther Commando

Chapter 3319: cautious Matsumoto

Before Wen Meng's words were finished, Wan Lin was already running towards the cliff on the south side with his gun in the dark. Then he saw his vigorous figure flickering in the darkness and quickly disappeared behind a rock standing on the cliff. .

The mountains were completely dark, and the whole mountain was shrouded in a thick night. At this time, the five figures that suddenly appeared in the southwest of Wanlin and the others were the two mercenaries under Kun Sha, Matsumoto and Kimura, and the other three shadows were the three bodyguards beside Bald Brother.

Last night, Matsumoto and Kimura, under the cover of heavy rain and dark night, unexpectedly rushed into Xing Er's villa, destroying Xing Er's family in one fell swoop, and at the same time killing three accomplices around Xing Er. The two quickly killed several people in the villa, and then climbed the fence again and turned outside the courtyard in the heavy rain, and then fled to the top of the mountain where the small mountain village was located.

The two rushed down the top of the mountain in the torrential rain and dark night, and then fled to the mountains on the south side. At this time, they fled quickly in the mountains with heavy rain, and rushed straight to the streams flowing in the mountains.

They knew in their hearts that when such a big murder happened in this small mountain village, the police in Huaxia would definitely conduct a careful search in this mountainous area to check their whereabouts. Therefore, after the two rushed down from the top of the mountain behind Xing Er, they immediately stepped on the streams washed down by the rainstorm, and fled to the manor near the bald brother in the mountains.

Matsumoto and Kimura braved the pouring rain and ran for several kilometers in the mountains covered with mud and water, before they stopped in front of a surging river bank, panting violently. At this time, the torrential rain was still falling from the air "rushing", and the rainwater collected from the surrounding hillsides rushed in the river.

Kimura raised his flashlight to look at both sides of the rushing river, then turned off the flashlight, turned his head to look at Matsumoto and said loudly: "The river on the side is relatively narrow, and there are several boulders in it, we can jump over the rocks, but the water is fast. , we must be careful."

Hearing Kimura's suggestion, Matsumoto turned his head and looked into the river with the waves on the side. He then raised his hand to wipe the rain on his face, blinked his small eyes and turned to look at the dark mountains behind him and replied, "Grandma, I don't know why? I feel very uneasy today. There's a pair of eyes staring at us from behind, it's really evil!"

When Kimura heard Matsumoto's terrifying words in the dark, he raised the shotgun in his hand nervously and turned to look at the dark mountains behind him. The mountains were pitch black, and the stagnant water in the mountains was emitting a gloomy light in the distant lightning.

He raised his gun and swept across the rolling hills behind him quickly, then shook his head vigorously in the darkness. He put down the shotgun he held and said, "Captain, are you worrying too much? Speaking of which, God has helped us today. Such a heavy rain suddenly fell in the mountains, which not only covered our assassination operation, but also prevented us from doing so early. After washing our traces, it is impossible for the other party to catch up with us. Let's go, we will directly cross this big river from those big rocks, and it will be even more impossible for the other party to find our traces." He said, twisting The body is about to run sideways along the river.

Matsumoto grabbed his arm and said loudly in the sound of "rushing" running water: "Be careful, my hunch is rarely wrong! Now we jump into the river and swim for a few kilometers along the river, and then board the Go back to the manor on the opposite river bank. Grandma, if we really lead the police to the manor, we are all finished for his grandmother and ready to go down the river!"

After speaking, he quickly sorted out his backpack and the shotgun slung on his shoulder, and then, with a lightning bolt that pierced the night sky in the distance, he stared at a black lacquer that was flowing downstream from the upper reaches of the river. Painted thick trunk. Just as the tree trunk floated in front of them, he suddenly kicked the rock under his feet and jumped directly into the middle of the rushing river.

He fell into the rushing river with a "pop", then quickly swam his arms and swam towards the falling tree trunk. He then hugged the thick tree trunk tightly and rushed downstream with the rushing water. Kimura looked at Matsumoto and shook his head helplessly. He immediately picked up the shotgun in his hand and stared at another stake that rushed down from above.

Holding the tree trunk in front of them tightly, the two rushed downstream for several kilometers along the rushing river in the torrential rain and darkness. At this time, the downstream river suddenly became wider in a flat mountain, and the rushing river suddenly slowed down here.

Matsumoto suddenly felt the flow of water around him slow down in the water, and immediately raised his head to look at the river that was splattered in the rainstorm. When he saw the wide river around him in the dark, his face suddenly showed joy.

He then took another look at the other and then suddenly released the tree trunk he was holding tightly in his hands, turned around and swam hard towards the other bank of the river. As he swam, he stretched out an arm and waved to the shore at Kimura who was rushing down behind him.

Kimura, who had just rushed into this area of ​​water with the rushing river water, had already felt the flow of water slow down at this time. He raised his head just like Matsumoto's. He quickly released the wooden stake in front of him and waved his arms vigorously towards the shore. Swim around.

The two of Matsumoto struggled to swim to the shore in the dark, and then grabbed the rocks on the shore and climbed to the shore full of muddy water. At this time, the pouring rainstorm suddenly disappeared, and the rain column that filled the sky suddenly turned into a drizzle. Matsumoto climbed to the shore, sat on the rock on the shore and gasped for a while, then looked up at the dark mountains behind.

At this moment, the torrential rain in the mountains suddenly stopped, a few twinkling stars had appeared in the originally dark night sky, and the rolling hills on the other side of the river faintly revealed a faint mountain shadow, and the sound of running water was deafening.

Matsumoto wiped a handful of drops of water that was dripping from his head. He looked at the dim mountains on the other side of the river and whispered to Kimura who was beside him: "Grandma, it should be safe this time! The other party is very talented. , it is impossible to keep up! Come, we will return to the villa from here."

When Kimura heard Matsumoto's voice, he grinned in the dark. He didn't believe just now that the other party could find their traces in such a heavy rainstorm, and he always thought that Matsumoto was too careful. He immediately took the shotgun from his shoulders, and with the gun leaning on it, he got up from the rocks on the shore, and followed Matsumoto strode toward the darkened mountains to the south.

Matsumoto, the mercenary team leader of the Yamaguchi security guard, is indeed experienced. He took Kimura down the river and indeed covered the traces of their escape. Even the two leopards with a very sensitive sense of smell were not found on both sides of the river. their traces.

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