Panther Commando

Chapter 3320: vicious wolf dog

But Matsumoto and Kimura didn't expect it. Wan Lin and the others, who followed after them, did not find any trace of their escape in the rainstorm, but Wan Lin had already speculated that they were escaping to the mountains in the south, so they were a group of leopards. The team members crossed the big river directly, followed behind them and chased towards the dim mountains to the south.

When Matsumoto and Kimura safely crossed the narrow canyon in the dim starlight after the rain, a fierce gunshot suddenly sounded from the dim mountains behind. Matsumoto and Kimura were startled, they carried their guns and ran to the side hillside quickly, then crouched behind two rocks, put their shotguns on the rocks, and looked intently at the dim mountains behind.

A dark red fire was flashing in the night sky in the distance, and the sound of fierce gunfire was faintly passing through the canyon. Matsumoto listened carefully to the gunshots for a while, and his face suddenly turned pale.

He turned his head to Kimura, who was squatting behind another rock beside him, and said in a low voice: "Bad, the gunshots came from the mouth of the canyon we just passed through. Lao Tzu's hunch was accurate, and the opponent really followed. , who is behind this? How can they find our whereabouts in this extreme weather!"

Kimura's face has also become very nervous, when he heard Matsumoto's low voice and immediately said: "Could it be those leopards who entered our canyon from abroad? How did they appear here? If it is them, then We're in trouble!"

Matsumoto didn't answer his question. He listened intently to the sound of gunfire in the distance, and after a while he said in a low voice, "Who is the pursuer behind? Judging from the sound of gunshots, it's obviously someone who was just wearing our clothes. Taniguchi of the canyon we passed, suddenly appeared to intercept the opponent. This person is covering our retreat, did the bald brother send someone to support us?"

Before he finished speaking, the faint gunshots in the distance suddenly disappeared, followed by a few dull explosions. Matsumoto looked up at the dim night sky in the distance, and a white smoke was slowly rising from the distant mountains.

Matsumoto's small eyes blinked a few times, and he followed up: "This is *, the people who cover us must be escaping through the smoke. Damn, this is definitely not the man of the bald guy, the thugs under him are not so professional yet. means."

At this time, Kimura said nervously: "Captain, the person covering us is reminding us to retreat quickly. Let's run quickly? The opponent will catch up soon, these people can actually follow in such a heavy rainstorm. Behind us, it is likely that the Chinese special forces we encountered overseas. Grandma's, they are simply haunted!"

Hearing his words, Matsumoto suddenly flashed a look of horror in his eyes. He turned around with a gun and ran to the back foot of the mountain, just like a frightened rabbit.

The two ran down the hillside and ran straight to the several streams in front of them that flowed at the foot of the hill. At this time, the clouds in the sky are dissipating, stars have appeared in the gaps between Zeng and Zeng, and streams of water are reflecting light in the dim starlight.

Matsumoto and Kimura quickly rushed to the stream in panic, then jumped directly into the stream and ran straight to the dark mountains in the distance.

At this time, Matsumoto and the two were already like birds of a feather. In panic, they followed the streams flowing in the mountains to the east foot of the mountain and ran for several kilometers. After confirming that no one was following behind them, they appeared at dawn. Under the walls of the big drug dealer's manor in the mountains, Bald Brother.

Matsumoto and Kimura hid under the dark wall while breathing heavily, while listening intently to the movement in the mountains behind. After a while, after they were sure that there were no pursuers following, they climbed up a big tree outside the fence, and then passed through the high fence of the manor along the two thick branches. The two grabbed the thick tree branches under them with one hand and jumped directly into the dim and silent manor.

As soon as the two of them landed in the dim manor, "Wang Wang Wang", "Bang Wang Wang", a rush of dog barking suddenly sounded from the dimly lit manor, followed by two dark shadows from the front. From the small courtyard, two big wolf dogs rushed towards them barking wildly.

Kimura saw two vicious dogs rushing towards him, he stared at the two rushing wolf dogs in the dark and cursed: "Grandma, I just came back from fighting for your life, just **** it. Treating me like this? Looking for death!" He followed a shotgun that was slung off his shoulders, put the bullet on with a "clatter", and raised his gun to aim at the two rushing hounds.

"Don't shoot, your grandma doesn't think the movement is loud enough?" Matsumoto quickly reached out and grabbed Kimura's arm and whispered. He followed to release Kimura, his right hand quickly pulled out a sharp saber from his leg, and strode towards the two wolf dogs that were pounced from a distance. Hearing Matsumoto's bark, Kimura also strode towards the wolf dog with a shotgun, and cursed in broken Chinese.

With the barking of the wolf dogs, four figures ran out from the dimly lit small courtyard not far away, two of them stretched their hands into their waists and stood at the door, one of them raised a walkie-talkie and whispered What are you talking about? The other two ran towards Matsumoto and Kimura with long sticks, and one of them shouted viciously as they ran, "Who is it? Stop me! Damn, you dare to break through here, courting death? ?"

Before they could finish their words, the two ferocious wolfhounds had already rushed in front of Matsumoto and Kimura. They screamed wildly and suddenly opened their mouths, ferociously rushed straight towards Matsumoto and the two of them, a few sharp canine teeth in the dark There was a cold light in the starlight, and a stench from the dog's mouth rushed straight to the faces of Matsumoto and Kimura.

At this moment, a figure standing at the entrance of the small courtyard suddenly raised a walkie-talkie and shouted: "Da Hei, Er Hei, hurry back! It's my own person." He followed the two people who ran away with sticks. He shouted: "Fatty, they are their own people, hurry up and call Da Hei and them back!"

The boy's voice had not yet finished, he had already seen the two shadows in front of him suddenly turn to one side in the dark, his right hand raised up at the same time, a cold light and a long thing had already passed in the dark with the sound of wind, followed closely. "Ow" and "Ow" two wolf-dog whines suddenly sounded in the darkness.

The two wolf dogs that were throwing out screamed and fell to the side, one wolf dog fell directly to the ground, the four dog legs twitched violently in the dim starlight, and a strong smell of blood filled the air. The other wolf dog screamed and fell to the ground and rolled several times in a row, then rolled over and got up from the ground. It limped away with its tail between its tails.

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