Panther Commando

Chapter 3333: shadow of heart

At this time, Wang Qian saw that Kunsha and the others understood what they meant, and he said in a low voice with a gloomy expression: "Grandma, this is also a last resort. Mr. Song, you will deal with it randomly according to the situation at that time! No! Don't kill them if you have to, these three are right-hand men by our side, and what we just said is only the measures to be taken in extreme cases."

The bald brother Li Xiong also looked at Matsumoto and explained in a low voice: "Pharaoh is right, this is only a measure taken in extreme circumstances. In the past, we have set rules for these people around us, and we must not fall into the hands of the police alive. The police caught them alive, and we're going to destroy their whole family! We've dealt with this kind of thing a few times before, and they all know it. But things are unpredictable. They're really going to be caught by the police, and no one can say whether they can hold on. ."

When Matsumoto heard Li Xiong and Wang Qian's explanation, he nodded and said with a murderous look on his face: "I understand what you mean! Don't worry, if they are in danger, we will not let them fall into the hands of the police alive. "He turned to look at Kimura beside him, and Kimura nodded gloomily. Matsumoto saw Kimura nod, then raised his head and looked out the window with a complicated expression.

The rising sun has risen high from the top of the mountain in the east, the warm sun rays have dispelled the dust and fog in the mountains, the hillsides outside the window are clearly exposed in the morning light, and the mountains are already full of vitality.

At this time, a crisp bird chirping faintly spread into the smoke-filled living room. Matsumoto looked up at the green vegetation on the hillside outside the window, and listened to the crisp birdsong from the mountains, but his brows furrowed tightly.

Now he has fully understood the danger he will face this time. He is not very worried about the armed police and policemen scattered all over the mountains. He believes that he and Kimura, two mercenaries who have undergone strict mountain and jungle combat training, are fully capable and safe. He escaped from the opponent's gun, what he was really worried about was the group of Huaxia special forces who cut off the Kunsha Canyon outside the country!

Ever since he protected Kun Sha and escaped into Huaxia, there has always been a kind of unease deep in his heart. He felt as if he had never gotten rid of those mysterious and powerful soldiers. Last night, when he and Kimura suddenly heard the sound of gunfire coming from behind in the dark, the shadow hidden in his heart was suddenly magnified!

He was sure that the people chasing after him must be the mysterious special forces who followed them back from abroad. Because he firmly believed that even the most famous special forces troops in the world could not find their traces in the dark and flowing mountains in the mountains with heavy rain last night. The only one who can catch up behind them so quickly is the legendary Huaxia Commando!

Matsumoto sat on the sofa and stared out the window, the bright sunshine, the green hillside, and the melodious sound of birdsong suddenly made him feel agitated. He silently turned his head and glanced at Wang Qian's mobile phone on the coffee table, a look of fear suddenly appeared in his eyes.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a sense of fear in his heart. He was really afraid that the phone that was lying quietly on the coffee table would suddenly ring, and Xing Tao would call for help right now! In the mountains with such a clear view, he and Kimura would not be able to covertly operate in the mountains for a long time. Once they approached the location where Xing Tao escaped, they would definitely be discovered by the police and armed police who were intercepting and besieging them.

If the mysterious leopard team also participated in the mission of arresting Xing Tao, once he and Kimura met these ferocious Chinese special forces, it would be tantamount to suicide! He and Kimura can handle ordinary police and armed police, but if he really encounters these best special forces in the world, he really feels panic in his heart.

A few years before he brought his mercenary team to Khunsha to carry out the mission, he heard other mercenaries in Yamaguchi Security say that the best Black Hawk snipers in the world were defeated by these people. A large number of mercenaries dispatched by the security guards to Ao Kun and Kunsha were also wiped out by these ferocious Huaxia special forces. He shrank his neck and turned to look at Kimura.

At this time, Kimura lowered his head and said nothing. From the corner of his eyes, he saw Matsumoto looking at him, raised his head and looked at Kimura and said in a hesitant voice: "The person who appeared behind us last night is not still here, right?" Obviously, he was also muttering to himself in his heart, would those people who appeared and disappeared like a shadow behind them suddenly appear in the mountains?

Kimura said in a low voice and did not wait for Matsumoto to reply, but turned his head to look out the window again, he stared at the green hillside in the distance and said: "With such a good sight in the mountains, we can't hide our actions at all~www. He suddenly pondered for a while, looked back from the window and looked at Wang Qian and asked, "Pharaoh, do you have those police clothes here? "

Matsumoto's eyes lit up when he heard Kimura's question, and he turned his head to look at Wang Qian and said excitedly: "Yes, it's okay for us to disguise ourselves as police officers, then we can walk in the mountains swaggeringly, still my brother. Flexible brains! Old Wang, you often transport drugs in the mountains and cities, don't you have these things?"

At this time, Wang Qian also stood up excitedly. He turned around and shouted to the bodyguard standing at the door: "Get some police uniforms!" Then he looked at Matsumoto and Kimura and said, "This method is too much. Well, wearing a police uniform can really prevent outsiders from suspecting your identity. In the first few months, there was a murder case here. Two boys murdered and fled into the mountains. At that time, a large number of armed police and police entered the mountains to search for the mountains. Mountain residents who live in the mountains and are familiar with the terrain have been mobilized to assist in the search."

He glanced at Li Xiong as he spoke, and then said, "Grandma, at that time we were having a group of people carrying the goods from you, just in time for a large number of armed police to search the mountain. These brothers of mine just changed The clothes got mixed up. It was very dangerous at the time, thanks to the fact that they were carrying several uniforms of the armed police."

Matsumoto said with great joy, "That's great, then Lao Mu and I will change into police uniforms, and Lao Ba and the others will act as our guides as mountain people in the mountains. Even if they see us, the armed police and police won't have any doubts, as long as they see us. Just don't get too close to those cops!"

At this time, Li Xiong's bodyguard had already run in with several folded police uniforms. Matsumoto and Kimura immediately went up and took a look at the police uniforms. They immediately picked out two police uniforms and gestured. In front of everyone, they took off their sports uniforms and quickly put the police uniforms on. on the body.

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