Panther Commando

Chapter 3334: Ringtones

Matsumoto and Kimura put on police uniforms and caps, and immediately turned around to face Li Xiong and Wang Qian. Matsumoto straightened his back and asked, "Hurry up and see, is there anything inappropriate?" He and Kimura opened their shirts again and inserted the pistol and dagger into their waists.

Wang Qian hurried over to look at Matsumoto and the two of them carefully, and then said, "Okay, you really look like a police officer in these clothes. When the eighth and the others are wearing these clothes, I feel awkward no matter how you look at them. It seems that you still Really came down from the army."

Matsumoto turned his head and looked at Kimura, who was wearing a police uniform beside him, and said proudly: "Of course, people who have never been a soldier have not received military training, and their movements are very different from professional soldiers. Once you wear these The uniforms are even more obvious, and they can definitely see flaws in their style. Both of us are veterans, and wearing these uniforms should not reveal flaws.”

Sitting on the sofa, Li Xiong took a careful look at Matsumoto and Kimura, and then he looked at the assault rifles that Matsumoto and the two were leaning against the sofa, and hesitantly said, "You are wearing police uniforms, but the police don't seem to have taken them. Are they armed with this kind of military assault rifle? They usually have weapons such as guns or pistols, so why don't they find two armed police clothes and put them on?"

When Matsumoto and Kimura heard Li Xiong's words, they hurriedly looked at the assault rifle. At this time, Wang Qian shook his head and said, "It's useless to change the clothes of the armed police. The Chinese police and the armed police are not equipped with this kind of wooden handle. Rifle, even if you put on the clothes of the armed police, it is not right to wear a gun."

At this time, Matsumoto pondered for a moment, looked at Li Xiong and Wang Qian and said, "It doesn't matter, just wear this policeman's clothes. When we encounter armed police or police officers, try to hide as much as possible to avoid close contact. If something happens, let the old eight and the others pretend to be. Help the mountain people who are searching the mountains to deal with the police and armed police."

Wang Qian looked at the police uniforms on Matsumoto and the two of them, and then looked at the assault rifles standing beside them, and said helplessly: "We don't have the standard weapons used by the armed police, so that's all we can do. Be careful yourself, if you encounter police officers People try to stay away from them as much as possible, and the old eight has rich experience, let him deal with it in the past. Now the target of those police searches is Xing Tao alone, so there should be no doubts about the four or five of you."

At this moment, a call suddenly came from the walkie-talkie Wang Qian put on the coffee table: "Second boss, second boss." Wang Qian quickly picked up the walkie-talkie and said, "It's me, talk."

A hurried voice came from the walkie-talkie: "Second boss, a large number of police and armed police have appeared on the mountain road outside. They have set up checkpoints at every fork in the mountain road, and passing pedestrians and vehicles must accept it. Strict inspection. In addition, I called a relative in this mountain just now, and he said that many people in their village have also gone out with the armed police to search the mountain. We are now approaching a top of the road, are we coming back now? "

Wang Qian replied with a gloomy face: "Why are you coming back? You are watching from the top of the mountain. Pay attention to the trail leading to our mountain and the surrounding mountains. Once you find a policeman approaching our villa, notify me immediately."

After he finished speaking, he put down the walkie-talkie and looked at Matsumoto and said, "As expected, the road between the mountains has been tightly sealed, and people in the surrounding villages who are familiar with the situation in the mountains have also been called out by the police to show the way to the armed police."

Matsumoto heard the conversation on the walkie-talkie. He tidied up his police uniform and walked to the sofa to sit down. He rolled his eyes and said, "The police blocked the mountain road because they were afraid that Xing Tao could quickly escape from this mountain by means of transportation. They used local mountain people as guides, presumably to let these mountain people who are familiar with the terrain of the mountains quickly block the mountains that fled overseas with the armed police, the purpose is to surround Xing Tao in this area." He said He raised his hand and drew a small circle on the map on the coffee table.

As soon as Matsumoto's voice fell, a rush of phone ringing suddenly sounded from the mobile phone placed on the coffee table in front of Wang's predecessor! The expressions of several people in the living room immediately became tense, and their eyes were all fixed on the mobile phone screen that was shining brightly on the coffee table.

Wang Qian grabbed the phone, glanced at the screen, and said in a low voice, "It's Xing Tao!" After that, he pressed the speakerphone button to lift the phone into the air.

The living room suddenly became quiet, and the air in the room seemed to freeze. Li Xiong, Kunsha, Matsumoto, and Kimura all stared straight at the mobile phone that Wang Qian held up, and everyone's faces were extremely nervous. Wang Qian then whispered to the mobile phone in his hand, "I'm Lao Wang, let's talk."

A rush of voice immediately came from the phone: "Pharaoh, I am being chased by a large number of police in the mountains. I have already got rid of the police behind me. You should send someone to the mountains to meet Lao Tzu! The police must be arranging a large-scale search. Shan, those policemen who were dumped by me must still follow me to Wang Qian glanced at Matsumoto, followed by pretending to be panic and said to the phone: "What, haven't you always been safe? , how can you suddenly be chased by the police? "

Xing Tao's irritable voice immediately came out on the phone: "Don't ask the ****, hurry up and send someone over to meet Lao Tzu! If it wasn't for Lao Tzu who was secretly covering your people last night, they would have been arrested by the special forces behind them. Now you have to send someone to pick me up and find a safe place for me to hide for a few days. I can tell you that if Lao Tzu is caught by the police, none of your **** can run away!"

When Wang Qian heard Xing Tao's threat, his face became very ugly. He was about to continue talking to the phone when Matsumoto, who was sitting opposite him, suddenly raised his hand to stop him. Matsumoto then stood up and stuck his head close to the phone, and said in a slightly stiff Chinese language: "Last night outside the canyon, it was really you who suddenly appeared among those chasing soldiers for long-distance sniping?"

Xing Tao, who was on the other side of the phone, was stunned when he heard the unfamiliar voice. Obviously, he didn't expect that there were people around Wang Qian who knew so much about what happened last night. He followed up and said, "Yes, who are you?"

Matsumoto immediately replied: "I was the one who killed Xing Er yesterday!" Xing Tao then continued: "The skills are good, the two of them can kill six people at once! I only exposed the sniper to help you escape. My identity. Grandma's, they must have suspected me through my experience as a sniper in the army. You quickly tell Lao Wang, and let you bring two people who are familiar with this mountain to meet Lao Tzu. "

At this time, Kun Sha and Li Xiong around already understood that Matsumoto was testing whether the person who covered them last night was Xing Tao himself. At the same time, he was also testing whether this kid had been a sniper. He was learning about Xing Tao's true skills. , to prevent defeat in the fight.

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