Panther Commando

Chapter 3357: Break through the fog

At this moment, Wan Lin stood quietly on the top of the mountain and did not move. His eyes were staring at the shadow that faintly flew out from the cave below. When he heard the sound of the object landing, his face suddenly changed. Showing a sneering look.

With his sharp eyes, he had already vaguely seen the dark shadow flying out of the cave through the white fog. At this moment, he had already judged that the dark shadow that suddenly appeared was not Xing Tao himself, but must be Xing Tao himself. The backpack that they had loaded with stones.

Wan Lin stood upright on the rock on the top of the mountain, his eyes fixed on the white mist at the entrance of the cave. He already knew in his heart that although Xing Tao rushed into the cave in extreme panic, he was a sniper who had undergone rigorous training, and calmness was a necessary condition for becoming a sniper. Moreover, Xing Tao himself is a very thoughtful person. Even in the panic, he did not lose due care.

When Xing Tao got into the cave to get the backpack and the sniper rifle, he immediately noticed the anomaly in terms of weight or position. He must have reacted that someone must have entered the cave beforehand and manipulated the things he left here. Therefore, he must have run to the place near the entrance of the cave by chance, lowered his head and drilled into the more secret hole under the cave wall, and took another hidden backpack and sniper rifle from it.

Wan Lin thought of this, and a look of regret suddenly appeared on his face. Xing Tao had to be so calm at a critical moment when his life and death was already a matter of concern, which shows that this kid must have been an excellent sniper in the past. Unexpectedly, such a once excellent soldier has now turned into a scum in the police world. It really made him feel sorry for the kid.

The regretful look on Wan Lin's face disappeared in a flash, and the icy look reappeared on his face. At this time, he stared at the thick fog on the hillside below and secretly said in his heart: "There is nothing to regret, this is Xing Tao's own choice, He has fallen to this point, and he can't blame anyone else for his own fault!"

At this time, he secretly raised the inner strength of his body, the infuriating qi in the body has been rapidly circulating in the meridians, and the armed police training uniform on his body has been slightly bulging in the infuriating qi, he then handed the sniper rifle to his left hand, and his right hand suddenly Raised to protect the chest.

He knew that Xing Tao suddenly threw these stones in the dark, and then threw out the backpack full of stones. The purpose was to attract the attention of the hidden police officers behind the mountain, and then take the opportunity to drill out of the cave. , trying to escape the siege of the police quickly by the thick night and the cover of the sniper rifle in his hand. Now, he will definitely get out of this cave!

Sure enough, as the backpack landed on the hillside, Xiaohua and Xiaobai on Wan Lin's shoulders suddenly stood up from his shoulders, and a red and blue beam of light appeared in his big eyes. At the same time, a faint figure appeared on the hillside shrouded in white mist.

Just as the other person's figure sprang out, Wan Lin's feet suddenly kicked on the rock on the side of the mountain, and with a "swoosh" like an arrow from the string, he rushed straight into the dense fog down the slope. At this time, the two leopards on his shoulders also suddenly jumped up from his shoulders. One person and two leopards carried three fierce wind noises, which were like three cannonballs roaring into the thick fog below.

Wen Meng, who was lying on the rock at the top of the mountain, has been paying attention to the dense fog on the hillside and Wan Lin's movements around her. At this moment, she saw Wan Lin and the two leopards suddenly volleyed out, and immediately stared nervously at the arrow like a string. Three black shadows suddenly got into the thick fog.

At this moment, her breathing suddenly stopped at this moment, and her heart was beating violently "bang bang bang bang", as if it was about to burst out of her throat at any time! She stood up from the top of the mountain with a sniper rifle in her hand, and jumped down from the side of the mountain in a flash, and then she drilled into the thick white mist down the slope.

At the same time, the wind knives hidden on the surrounding hillsides also faintly saw Wan Lin and the two leopards rushing down from the top of the mountain. Everyone was in the same mood as Wen Meng. Standing up in the middle, holding a weapon, he was about to rush into the thick fog.

Everyone has been in battle for a long time and knows that anything can happen in this thick fog, so everyone's heart is in their throats, and they all rush towards the misty mountainside with their guns in hand.

Just as everyone rushed out, there was a sudden sound of "slap", "slap", and "slap" in the thick white fog, and then a scream suddenly sounded, and a long Sniper rifles whizzed down the hillside through the thick fog.

The sniper rifle crossed an arc in the moonlight, and then landed on a rock under the **** with a "dang" sound. The crisp metal collision sound was very harsh in the dim mountains.

The Leopard team members who were rushing forward looked at the sniper rifles flying out of the thick Everyone immediately stopped and raised their guns to aim at the thick fog. At this moment, anxious expressions flashed in everyone's eyes, and the muzzles were aimed straight at the foggy hillside from all directions!

At this moment, two deafening leopard roars followed, and two beams of light, one red and one basket, shot out from the thick fog. When everyone heard the roars of the two leopards, their nervous expressions suddenly relaxed, and the muzzle of the guns facing the dense fog also drooped down, and everyone ran up the hillside with their guns in surprise.

These leopard team members are brothers in love with Xiaohua and Xiaobai, and they have heard the joy contained in the roars of Xiaohua and Xiaobai. They already knew in their hearts that Xing Tao was already under the control of Leopard Head Wanlin, otherwise the two leopards would never have made a cry of joy at this time!

Sure enough, before the roars of the two leopards had ceased, a heavy beating sound of "bang" came out of the fog, followed by Wan Lin's deep and angry scolding: "Bunny, your good days are over, let's go. !"

Following Wan Lin's scolding, Xiao Hua and Xiao Bai appeared faintly in the dazzling light and shadow. Two leopards broke through the fog above the hillside with the sound of the wind, and a vigorous figure followed them like lightning. Behind the leopard.

Everyone looked intently, and then everyone saw clearly that Wan Lin, who flew out of the mist like a fly, was holding a slightly fat body with one hand. The opponent's heavy body was as light as a chicken in his hand, and it didn't affect his speed at all.

Several people in the wind knife were overjoyed, and several people accelerated to meet them. Wan Lin rushed out of the thick fog. He stopped on the hillside outside the fog, raised his hand and threw the shadow he was holding in one hand under the rock beside him. Feng Dao said: "Old Feng, bring this **** to the foot of the mountain to wake him up!" nt

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