Panther Commando

Chapter 3358: Shame of the soldier

At this time, the thick fog on the hillside gradually dissipated in the mountain wind, and a group of people rushed out from the foot of the mountain and in the cave behind. Yu Wenfeng and several people ran towards the surrounding mountains with guns, and immediately raised The gun was aimed at the dim surrounding mountains, and a cordon was set up between all the mountains 200 meters away from Wan Lin and the others.

Wan Lin immediately walked over to the foot of the mountain with Cheng Ru and Xiaoya, who were running over. Xiaoya and Wu Xueying around them had already turned on their flashlights to take a picture of Xing Tao, who had been thrown onto the grass by the wind knife.

Wan Lin stopped at the foot of the mountain. He glanced at the dimly lit mountains around him, and then whispered: "Lingling, immediately inform the Wang Brigade that the battle is over, capture the target Xing Tao and a teammate who will come to support him. The brat, is now preparing for the on-site interrogation! Ask him where he is now? Please come over as soon as possible." "Yes!" Lingling replied immediately, then ran to the side of the microphone and whispered to the Wang Brigade.

Xiaoya, Wen Meng, and Wu Xueying stood beside Wan Lin, and they all held strong flashlights to Xing Tao, who was lying on the ground. Wan Lin and Cheng Ru stood beside him coldly, staring at Xing Tao, who was lying on the grass like mud.

At this time, the wind knife grabbed Xing Tao's collar with his left hand, raised his right hand and pressed it against the chest, and then raised his palm and slapped Xing Tao's cheek "snack" a few times, and he threw it. Xing Tao retreated to Wan Lin's side.

Xing Tao, who was knocked unconscious by Wan Lin, suddenly opened his eyes. He lay on the grass and glanced blankly at the shadows around him, then he supported the grass with his hands and struggled to sit up. He raised his head and looked at the sniper rifle in Wan Lin's hand, a look of panic suddenly appeared in his eyes. He stared blankly at the long sniper rifle for a while, then took a deep breath, raised his head and looked at Wan Lin and the two leopards standing on his shoulders.

At this time, he had already recognized that the person with the sniper rifle in front of him was the figure who suddenly jumped down from the top of the mountain like a sky. At that time, the other party seemed to have a pair of divine eyes piercing the clouds and mist in the thick fog, and he jumped to his side and slapped him on the shoulder. He suddenly felt the sound of wind coming from his side in the thick fog, and immediately raised the sniper rifle in his hand in a panic.

At this moment, the opponent's right palm suddenly changed direction, hitting his raised arm with a gust of wind, and a sharp pain followed from his arm. He groaned at the time, released his tightly gripped sniper rifle in the severe pain, turned around and threw himself into the thick white fog on the side, his left hand quickly stretched out to his waist, trying to pull out his waist in a close-quarters fight. The dagger in between stabbed the opponent.

Just as Xing Tao's hand touched the dagger at his waist, the other party had already kicked the falling sniper rifle, and the figure appeared beside him like a lightning bolt, and a strong wind flew towards his neck. Before Xing Tao could react, there was already a sharp pain in his neck, he screamed and his head drooped down.

He followed in a daze, and suddenly two dazzling beams of light shot out from the thick fog, one red and one basket, and he immediately felt the other party grab his belt and lift his heavy body like an eagle catching a chicken. , rushing out of the fog in general.

Xing Tao sat on the grass and looked up at Wan Lin and the two leopards. His face had turned pale, and his eyes were full of panic and despair. He knew that he was completely finished, and in front of this group of fierce opponents, he had no hope of escaping! As he squeezed out his breath, he stared at Wan Lin's shoulder.

At this time, he suddenly discovered that on the left and right shoulders of the young armed police soldier standing upright in front of him, there were actually two kittens with red and blue light looming in their eyes. The demeanor of the two kittens is very powerful, like two shrunken leopards, majestic!

In the darkness, Xing Tao's eyes suddenly flashed a look of panic, and his right hand suddenly touched his waist. But his hand touched his waist, and his right hand suddenly fell weakly. He had already discovered that the place where the pistol and dagger had been inserted into his waist was empty. At this time, Feng Dao, who was standing beside him, said coldly, "Want to commit suicide? Don't bother, you don't have the ability in front of Lao Tzu!"

When Xing Tao touched his waist with his right hand, he already understood that all the weapons on his body had already been dropped by the opponent. At this time, not only did he have no chance to resist, he had even been deprived of the right to commit suicide! A look of extreme disappointment flashed across his face, and he raised his head to look at the armed police uniforms worn by Wan Lin and the people around him. Suddenly, a strange look appeared in his eyes.

He took a deep breath, raised his head and stared at Wan Lin and asked in a hoarse voice: "Are you a sniper? Good You can defeat a good sniper, I Xing Tao has no regrets! You are not from the Armed Police Force, right?" He then took a deep look at the sniper rifle in Wan Lin's left hand.

Wan Lin looked down at him and said coldly, "You also deserve to mention the word sniper? A former soldier has actually fallen into such a prison. You are a disgrace to our soldiers and a scum of the police! You Now I don't have the right to mention the word sniper anymore!"

Before he finished speaking, a cold look suddenly appeared in his eyes, staring at Xing Tao's twitching face and shouting sharply: "I don't need to force you to explain, where is the bald brother?"

Wan Lin's words were like a rounded hammer, hitting Xing Tao's heart hard. He was able to become a sniper in the field army in the past, which shows that he really took up the post of this excellent soldier by virtue of his own efforts and hard training. But now he has actually changed from a policeman who maintains social order and catches lawbreakers to a despised prisoner, which really makes everyone at the scene feel both angry and sad.

When Xing Tao heard Wan Lin's rebuke, his face suddenly turned red in the bright flashlight beam, and Wang Ze and Wan Lin's eyes suddenly flashed a fierce light. But his face turned pale again, his raised head suddenly slumped, and his body trembled violently. At this moment, he was indeed ashamed of himself.

At this moment, a group of ups and downs black shadows suddenly appeared in the dark surrounding mountains, and the black shadows went straight to Wan Lin and the others. "Stop!" Lin Zisheng followed from the dimly lit mountains on the side. He, the sniper, has been hiding in the mountains to provide vigilance for his comrades. At this moment, when he saw the figure that suddenly appeared, he immediately made an inquiry in the shadow.

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