Panther Commando

Chapter 3485: life and death moments

In the dark forest, Wan Lin dashed forward in the dark forest, watching the other side's running line intently. At this time, he understood in his heart that the other party's figure was moving very fast in the panic, and even if he raised his gun to aim, he was not sure to hit the opponent's body directly, so he simply picked up the gun and chased forward. Now, the opponent is already injured, and there is simply not enough physical strength to maintain this movement speed for a long time.

Sure enough, Wan Lin had just picked up the gun and chased the front for about a kilometer, when the writhing figure of the other party had clearly appeared in the forest in front of him. At this time, the running speed of the other party has slowed down, and the figure has also lost the regular twisting during the run, and his steps seem to be staggering, only about four or five hundred meters away from his current position!

Wan Lin looked at each other's figure while running, and a fierce murderous aura flashed in his eyes. He quickly rushed to the back of a tree in front of him, quickly extended his sniper rifle from the side of the trunk, and aimed at the staggering figure in front of him. He took a light breath, raised his hand and pulled the bolt with a "crash" sound, and quickly put his right index finger on the trigger.

At this moment, the staggering figure of the other party suddenly slanted towards a piece of grass in front of him. Wan Lin's eyes flashed a fierce murderous aura, and the gun was aimed at the opponent's head before pulling the trigger.

At this moment, Wan Lin's mind trembled violently, his murderous eyes suddenly shrank to the size of needles, and a dangerous aura rushed into his mind! He didn't care to pull the trigger, he grabbed the gun and rushed out into the grass on the side! Just as he left the side of the tree trunk like lightning, "Whoosh", a sharp sound of piercing the air suddenly sounded from his left ear, a hot wind rubbed his left cheek and flew past, a wave of heat scalding him. sitting with hot cheeks.

At the same time, "bang bang bang", "bang bang bang", a burst of machine gunfire followed, and the big tree where Wan Lin was just now was immediately covered by a whistling bullet. A violent rain of bullets flew through the forest where he was, and sparks, bark and broken wood splashed on the surrounding tree trunks. .

Wan Lin saved himself between life and death, dodging a sniper bullet from the opponent, and then rolled into the grass in the low-lying area. He lay motionless in the grass in the depression. When he was in the sniper position at the back, his eyes had carefully observed the surrounding terrain through the fog around him, and he knew that the side of the trunk was a low-lying area overgrown with weeds. Any good sniper must carefully check the surrounding terrain and be ready to retreat at any time before pulling the trigger. So when he was suddenly attacked, he immediately rushed to the low-lying place on the right.

At this moment, bullets roared in the forest above the hollow, and the surrounding forest echoed with the sharp whistling sound of "whoosh, whoosh" bullets piercing the air as they flew past. Wan Lin was lying nervously in the grass, and now he knew that reinforcements from the other side had already appeared in this forest!

A violent rain of bullets flew towards the hidden forest, and the machine gun sounds of "bang bang bang" and "bang bang bang" seemed very dull in the dense forest. The gunshots rang out for a while and then suddenly disappeared, and the rain of bullets flying over Wan Lin's body also stopped its whistling. Obviously, in order to cover their companions and suppress themselves with firepower, the opponent's machine gunner has pulled the trigger and swept out the bullets in the machine gun magazine, and is now replacing the new *.

At this moment, Wan Lin suddenly grabbed a rotten tree several tens of centimeters in length from the grass, turned around and threw it behind the tree that had been invisible just now, followed by holding the gun and rolled over behind another tree on the right in the grass. out. "Pfft", he threw it to the dead wood on the left, and there was a sound of being hit by a bullet, and the black dead wood immediately flew into the forest behind.

Wan Lin knew in his heart that when the machine gun sounded, the sniper who suddenly appeared on the other side must have raised his gun and aimed at this forest! At the moment when the dead wood was hit, Wan Lin rolled his gun and rolled under another tree seven or eight meters to the right, and then rushed directly behind a half-human-thick tree three meters to the right. After rolling over to the side tree, he immediately got up on one knee, raised his gun from the fog and aimed at the forest ahead.

At this moment, there was an angry look in Wan Lin's eyes. Just now, his sniper rifle had locked on the opponent, but just when he was about to kill this kid, the opponent's reinforcements suddenly appeared in front of him, and they formed an attack on him. great threat. If it wasn't for his quick reaction just now, he would have been hit by the opponent's sniper bullet, which made him really angry!

He knew from the gunshots from the front that there were at least two enemies who suddenly appeared in front of him, one was a sniper, and the other was a machine gunner, and these two suddenly appeared enemies must have come to pick up the killer in front of him. , that new sniper must be hiding in the forest ahead and aiming at the position where he was just now.

Under the cover of the tree trunk and the permeating fog in front of him, Wan Lin raised his gun and carefully searched for the position of the other party. Just now, he used the cover of the thick fog under him to quickly change positions. The opponent would definitely not find that he was far away from the sniper position just now. Now he just calmed down and carefully searched for the opponent's position.

The forest is already filled with fog, and there is no opponent at all in the white forest. Wan Lin glanced at the forest in front of him, and cursed in his heart: "Kuroda really made a lot of money to save this **** in front of He actually sent a sniper and machine gunner to rescue this kid. !"

He knew in his heart that it was difficult to cultivate a good sniper, and it was even more difficult for a mercenary group to find a good sniper. Many excellent snipers trained in the special forces are unwilling to work as mercenaries to earn money after retirement, so each mercenary group cherishes their snipers, not performing important tasks. Major generals send them out.

Now, Kuroda actually sent another sniper to rescue the boy in front, which shows that he attaches great importance to this killer who came to assassinate him! Otherwise, he will never send another sniper to enter China, a country that is very dangerous for their mercenaries.

Wan Lin quickly searched the forest in front of him with his eyes, and he was about to drill into the forest in front of him with his gun. In this thick fog, it was difficult for him and the other party to find the other party's location.

At this time, Wan Lin really felt anxious in his heart. This place was already close to the border line. Once the other party escaped the border line through the thick fog in the forest, then he would have great ability, and he would not dare to do so without an order. Cross this border into the territory of another country.

The New Year is approaching, Bamboo Fragrance Bookstore wishes all friends a Happy New Year and all wishes come true in the New Year!

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