Panther Commando

Chapter 3486: howling rain

At this time, Wan Lin wanted to also use the cover of the thick fog to quickly insert into the forest in front of him, and set up an ambush to intercept these daring bastards!

Just as Wan Lin was about to rush out from behind the invisible tree, Cheng Ru's hurried voice suddenly came from his earphone: "Leopard head, we have heard the gunshots and are now approaching the border. You are now in What position, the continuous gunfire does not sound like the machine guns our troops are equipped with, what's going on ahead?"

Wan Lin was overjoyed when he heard Cheng Ru's voice, knowing that his teammates had caught up in time, but Cheng Ru and the others were not aware of the sudden battle situation on their side. He quickly hid behind the tree again, covered his mouth with his hands and lowered his voice and commanded: "A sniper and machine gunner suddenly appeared in the forest in front of me to intercept me, and now I am setting up an ambush to entangle them. Immediately insert near the border line. Block the enemy's retreat and must not let them escape! Now I can't determine whether the other party has other reinforcements, you must be careful in your actions!"

After he finished speaking in a low voice, he immediately took the gun and rushed out from behind the tree. At this time, his figure was very fast, and he went straight to the dark forest in front of him from the thick fog on the side. At this moment, his fast-moving figure was like a ghost floating in the fog, flickering between the white fog and the blurred tree trunks.

The thick fog has filled the entire forest, and in the white fog, only the trunks and thick branches and leaves standing in the forest can be vaguely seen. Wan Lin's figure rushed forward like a fly in the thick fog.

Wan Lin had just rushed out 500 or 600 meters in the thick fog, when he suddenly noticed that 600 to 700 meters ahead, two black shadows were faintly swaying. Suddenly.

He found the other party's trace, and a fierce murderous aura suddenly emerged from his body. He didn't care about hiding his figure while running, and rushed forward quickly in the fog. At this moment, the eyes that were staring at them were staring at the two dark shadows that appeared and disappeared in the distance.

He rushed forward for dozens of meters, and found that the opponent had appeared in an open field among the forests. He immediately raised his gun to the side and looked forward while running, and pulled the trigger with his fingers decisively. "Pfft", a low gunshot sounded from his gun immediately, he pulled the trigger and didn't care to see if he hit the enemy? Immediately put a single pistol and dash to a tree in front of the side.

"Whoosh", a sharp sound followed from behind him, and a bullet swiped across his back! Wan Lin raised his gun sharply while sprinting, pulled the trigger again looking for the opponent's ballistic direction, and a bullet roared into the dense fog in front of him. He had already accurately judged that the opponent's sniper was in the thick fog 600 meters in front of him at the moment when the opponent's bullets whizzed past.

With a weak flame spewing from his muzzle, his figure had rushed behind the tree, he followed the gun and lay under the tree, and quickly rolled out to the side of the forest under the cover of the thick fog on the forest floor.

He rolled over to a tree on the side and immediately stood up with his gun, bent over and rushed towards the forest in front of him. At this moment, a deafening machine gun sound of "bang bang bang" and "bang bang bang" suddenly sounded from the forest in front of him, and on the tree trunk behind Wan Lin, a "crack clap clap" sounded a piece of bullets. in the sound.

Wan Lin's face immediately became tense, he slammed his feet on the woodland while running, and his body shot forward like an arrow from the string. A rain of bullets whistled from the forest in front of him. Several whistling bullets flew over Wan Lin's bulletproof vest, and the surrounding fog rolled in the dense bullets that flew past.

With a gust of wind, Wan Lin threw himself behind the tree trunk in front of him with a "whoosh", and he lay motionless under the root of the tree. "Papa", "Papapa", there was a sound of being hit by bullets from the trunk of his invisible tree, and pieces of bark hit by bullets fell to the woods on the side with green smoke.

Wan Lin lay sideways under the tree with burning eyes, he quickly glanced at the side of the forest through the thick fog, followed by holding the gun and rolled to the side of a low-lying grass. At this time, he did not dare to jump from the ground again. Under the dense coverage of the machine gun bullets, no one could run through the forest without any scruples.

The deafening sound of machine guns sounded intermittently from the forest in front, and a rain of bullets flew through the forest where Wan Lin was located. In the foggy forest, pieces of broken wood that were hit by bullets were flying. The trunks and the flying bark in the middle of the forest were filled with green smoke, and the forest was filled with the smell of burning wood.

At this moment, the deafening gunshots in front suddenly stopped abruptly! Followed by a shrill scream suddenly came from the forest in front. Wan Lin was overjoyed, knowing that Xiao Hua, who had been silent for a while, suddenly appeared from the thick fog!

Wan Lin took advantage of the opportunity when the opponent's bullet rain disappeared from the forest, and quickly rolled out of the grass to the side. At this time, he could see out of the corner of his eyes that a dazzling blue light suddenly appeared from the thick fog hundreds of meters in front of him. It shot out of the thick fog in front and went straight to a tree on the side.

The blue light flashed away, followed by the rapid and low gunshots of "pupupu" and "pupupu", and a dim firelight followed the rapid gunshots and flashed out of the fog in the distance~www Lin suddenly stretched out his hand and pressed the grass in front of him during the tumbling, and his tumbling body jumped up from the thick grass. He bent down and slid into the mist-filled forest in front of him.

At this time, Wan Lin already understood that Xiaohua saw that he was suppressed by the firepower of the opponent, and suddenly approached the opponent quietly from the dense fog, and then suddenly jumped out of the dense fog, killing the enemy who was shooting towards Wan Lin in one fell swoop. Machine gunner! The blue light in Xiao Hua's eyes must be pointing to Wan Lin's location of the opponent's sniper.

And the low-pitched gunshots that sounded one after another must have been the injured killer who was fleeing to the border under the cover of his companion's machine gun. Xiaohua's sudden attack in the thick fog not only killed the opponent's machine gunner in one fell swoop, but also indicated to Wan Lin the location of the other two enemies!

Wan Lin saw Xiao Hua risking her life to attack to support him. At this moment, his figure moving quickly in the fog, like a black smoke swirling in the forest, went straight to the forest in front of the opponent's location!

At this time, Wan Lin had already seen as he was running. In the thick fog six or seven hundred meters ahead, a black shadow swaying from side to side was sweeping away a rain of bullets while rushing towards the forest in front of him. He immediately saw from the swaying figure of the other party that this kid was the opponent who had been injured by him!

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