Panther Commando

Chapter 3487: Fried point location

The forest is filled with fog, and the white mist has shrouded the entire forest, and the thick trunks of the trees have become hazy in the fog. Wan Lin saw Xiao Hua's sudden attack, killing the opponent's machine gunner in one fell swoop, and at the same time attracting the attention of the other two enemies. Overjoyed in his heart, he immediately picked up his speed, and under the cover of the thick fog around him, chased the killer who was running away in panic.

At this point, he already knew that the wounded killer in front must be fleeing to the frontier line under the cover of the machine gunner. While fleeing, he suddenly heard the screams of his companions behind him, and he must have immediately realized that the companions behind him had been attacked by the ferocious little animal.

He immediately turned around and raised* and swept a rain of bullets behind him, regardless of whether the companions behind him were still alive? Sweeping a rain of bullets directly to the back to prevent Xiaohua from chasing him. Now, under the cover of the dense rain of bullets swept out by his hands, this kid is speeding up and fleeing to the frontier line.

Wan Lin stared at the flickering figure in front of him as he ran, a cold light flashing in his eyes. He was full of anger towards this guy who didn't even care about his companion's life or death! At this moment, he scolded furiously while running: "Bitch, he actually shot at his comrade, this **** doesn't even have the least humanity, he's not as good as a pig or dog! Such a person doesn't deserve to live in this world!"

While running, he suddenly changed direction to the side and the front, and went straight to the left side of the killer in front of the side to chase after him. Just when he changed direction and rushed towards the back of a tree trunk in front of him, "whoosh", a bullet whizzed past his head, and the hot air wave made his cheeks feel a pain, and he A faint flame of fire followed in the thick fog several hundred meters away from the side.

Wan Lin's face kept turning very gloomy. He didn't stop amid the whistling bullets, and he still charged towards the thick tree trunk in front of him at a high speed. The moment he rushed to the front of the tree trunk, the fast-moving figure suddenly stopped, he suddenly raised the sniper rifle in his hand, and pulled the trigger in the direction of the bullet. "Pfft", a rush of fire immediately spewed out of his muzzle, and the whistling bullets flew straight to a shadowy tree in the distance!

After Wan Lin pulled the trigger, he kicked the woods hard with his feet, and his body suddenly shot backwards. Just as his figure shot back, "Whoosh", a bullet shot by the opponent whistled and flew between the tree shadow in front of him and the tree in front of him.

Apparently, the new sniper on the other side changed his sniper position immediately after firing a shot. At this time, he saw Wan Lin rush to the tree and suddenly turned around and shot, thinking that he would continue to pounce behind the tree in front of him after pulling the trigger. Concealed, so the kid's muzzle immediately aimed at the tree shadow in front of Wan Lin and pulled the trigger.

But he didn't expect Wan Lin to shoot backwards at this moment. The bullet he shot whistled and flew between Wan Lin and the tree trunk in front, and the sound of being hit by Wan Lin's bullet followed him. .

At this time, the bullets fired by the two snipers on both sides of the enemy passed by the other side almost at the same time. Wan Lin flashed the bullets fired by the opponent in the middle of nowhere, and the back shot fell like a fly into the thick fog behind him. At this moment, Cheng Ru's urgent voice suddenly sounded in his earphone: "Leopard head, we are approaching the battlefield, please indicate the enemy's location, please indicate the enemy's location!" At the same time, Cheng Ru's violent breathing sounded from the earphone. !

Wan Lin, who was in the air, heard Cheng Ru's voice, and a look of surprise flashed on his face. He knew that his comrades had arrived in time! When he landed, he rolled over behind another tree in front of him in the thick fog, followed by a hurried order in his mouth: "The location of the explosion, the fire will block this area! I am 100 meters to the left of the fire."

He gave a hurried order, his right hand had already quickly grabbed a * from the tactical vest in the fog, he stood up in the thick fog, turned around and threw * vigorously towards the forest where the opponent was.

"Whoosh," * whistled in the thick fog and flew to the clearing in the forest ahead to the right. He followed and lay down in the thick fog again, and quickly rolled behind a tree in front of the left. He immediately stood up with his gun behind the tree, and rushed towards the left side of the forest like a cloud of smoke, continuing to chase the killer who was fleeing in front!

At this time, Wan Lin already understood the opponent's sniper's strategy. The other party wanted to do everything in his power to entangle him, cover the injured sniper to escape the border as soon as possible, and then escape under the cover of dense fog! Therefore, after Wan Lin shot back, he did not entangle with the opponent on the right who came for reinforcements, but ordered the team members who came from behind to entangle the sniper in the forest on the right, and went straight to the killer in front of him. , he must leave each other before the border!

"Boom," Wan Lin threw out a blast in the glade seventy or eighty meters away from him, and a burst of fire roared from the forest, and the surrounding thick fog rolled towards the surroundings.

Following the sudden explosion, "bang bang bang", "bang bang bang", "da da da", "da da da"..., a burst of violent machine guns and assault rifles suddenly sounded from the woods behind, The dense gunshots shook the branches and leaves in the forest violently. In the forest where the explosion occurred on the right side of Wanlin, there was suddenly a dense blast of sparks and dust flying. The tree trunks suddenly became Amid the deafening gunshots, Wan Lin swept past the thick tree trunks in the white mist. Sweeping away from the forest on the right, in the rolling thick fog, the opponent's sniper has disappeared.

At this time, the muscles on Wan Lin's face were already tense. He knew in his heart that the sniper hidden in the forest on the right must have changed positions. In this dense fog and forest covered with trees, the dense rain of bullets fired by Cheng Ru and the others may not hit the opponent, but the opponent has no time to attack himself in this dense rain of bullets, as long as he dares to expose The target will definitely be beaten into a sieve by a dense rain of bullets.

While running, he quickly glanced at the forest on the right, and then continued to drill into the forest in front. At this time, he has no time to take care of the reinforcement enemy on the right, and his current target is the snake-like opponent in front!

Wan Lin rushed through the dense forest in front of him in the fog. At this moment, he suddenly saw that a black shadow was flickering three or four hundred meters in front of him, and the shadow was twisting beside the blurred tree trunks. Running wildly with his body, while facing the side of the forest, bursts of rapid fire were sprayed out.

The New Year is approaching, Bamboo Fragrance Bookstore wishes all friends a Happy New Year and all wishes come true in the new year!

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