Panther Commando

Chapter 3576: mysterious ninjutsu

Professor Chang said, took a sip from the teacup that Xiaoya handed over, and he continued: "Since ancient times, ninjutsu and ninjas have been shrouded in legend and mystery, and ninjas are also described in legends as Invisible warriors with mysterious power. In fact, their own martial arts are not high, but they have excellent light skills, especially good at stealth in complex terrain and mountains. Because of this, these people make full use of their own Specialty, secretly performing intelligence and assassination missions, rarely confronting people head-on."

Professor Chang shook his head lightly, turned his head to look at Wan Lin and Xiaoya and said, "However, it's just a general statement that the kung fu is not high, and some of the ninjas are master fighters, so don't be careless when you face them! The ninja I met back then was a first-class fighter, with great movements and strength, if he hadn't seen the support staff behind me at that time, I'm afraid I might have been poisoned by him."

Wan Lin and Xiaoya heard Professor Chang's advice and knew that he was afraid that they would underestimate the enemy when they encountered the black snake, so they solemnly warned themselves, they nodded quickly, and Wan Lin asked: "The movements of these ninjas. It's very awkward, ordinary people can't exercise for a long time, and they don't have a solid foundation of internal strength, how did they get that kind of exercise speed?"

The surrounding Wang Tiecheng and Liu Hongxin also looked at Professor Chang. They had seen Wan Lin's demonstration just now, and they really felt very different, so they were also surprised.

Professor Chang stared at Wan Lin and said, "I was surprised when I saw that kid's strange movement, so I specially asked my colleagues in R country to collect some information about ninjas. The data shows that the training of ninjutsu Including camouflage, escape, concealment, fighting, geography, medicine and demolition."

"Ninjutsu, also known as Hidden Jutsu in the past, is a fusion of related spiritual methods and secret skills derived from our Chinese Buddhism. These ninjas are secretly passed down from generation to generation in the form of families, and it is difficult for outsiders to know their details. It is said that they Codenames are used on missions, and I never tell anyone my real name."

Grandpa nodded when he heard this and said, "It's no wonder that even our Wan clan has no detailed records of this kung fu. In our ancestral secret books, there are detailed analysis and countermeasures for the characteristics of various martial arts, even some famous martial arts. There are records of the kung fu of the little-known small schools, but the kung fu characteristics and coping methods of ninjutsu are not recorded."

At this time, Xiaomiao looked up at his grandfather and asked, "Grandpa, isn't what you just recorded in the secret book?" Grandpa replied with a smile: "At that time, our ancestors were in a hurry when they saw the man in black. He didn't have a face-to-face confrontation with him when he escaped, so there is no way to know the characteristics of this kung fu. At that time, the ancestors left such detailed records, the purpose is to remind us descendants that we will meet people who use this kung fu in the future. You must be careful.”

After he finished speaking, he looked at Professor Chang and said thoughtfully: "Old Chang, go ahead and talk, I am also interested in this kung fu, there is no characteristics and coping methods of this kung fu, this is our Wan clan. Sorry."

Professor Chang nodded and continued to speak: "In ancient times, most of these ninjas were the lowest level soldiers in R country's military activities, and they performed the most dangerous tasks. Most ninjas were born humble, and they came from the society. The bottom class, unable to enjoy the social and political status and treatment of ordinary warriors, engaged in assassination, intelligence and other activities for the political and military interests of their lords all their lives. However, these people, because of their poor family background, have been forced by their parents since childhood. It's hard, dangerous training, so instead they've got this weird kung fu."

Professor Chang sighed when he said this: "Oh, they are pitiful! These ninjas received extremely strict training when they were young. They don't have the cultivation methods of our Chinese internal kung fu, and they rely entirely on inhumanity. After training, I gradually mastered this peculiar kung fu.”

"Actually, ninjutsu is trained from the aspects of balance, sensitivity, strength and endurance of the human body. Of course, ninjutsu also has many sects in R country, and the training methods of each sect are different, but in general the these contents."

Grandpa nodded when he heard this and said, "Yes, our excellent internal power sects in China practice internal power from breath, and then cooperate with physical training to achieve multiplier effect. Those little devils do not have these internal power cultivation methods, so They can only rely on hard practice. Do you understand how they train?"

Professor Chang replied: "I only know the general situation. The specific training methods are the secrets of these ninja families, and outsiders have no way of knowing."

He then raised his finger and pointed to a small bamboo forest growing by the wall: "It is said that when they are doing balance training, they start by walking on a bamboo pole that is flat on the ground, and continue to practice until one leg stands on a rounded bamboo pole without noticing it. Slip and fall; then they raise the horizontal bamboo pole to about three feet off the ground, continue to walk on the bamboo pole, practice until the movement is free; After practicing this method, they will not be afraid of heights, they will jump and jump as if they are walking on the ground. After they have such a balance ability, they will naturally be able to walk and fly on the roof, walls and trees as if they were walking on the ground.”

Grandpa laughed loudly when he heard this: "Hahaha, I thought they had some great tricks, it turned out that they were just using equipment to practice light gong, isn't this superfluous, we don't need those dogmatic things, what terrain is there in the mountains? We are ten thousand children. Isn’t the Qinggong practiced better than them. Hey, no matter how high they lift the bamboo poles, they are not as high as the cliffs in our mountains, right?”

Wan Lin heard his grandfather's laughter, and said with a smile: "Ha ha ha, they don't have the courage to practice on the cliffs, they have no foundation of internal strength, and their physical agility and courage are far inferior to ours, so their Ninjutsu can only do some shameful things."

Professor Chang smiled and nodded, followed by saying: "These ninja families do not have profound internal skills as a foundation, so they can only use this mechanical method to train their disciples. The same is true for their endurance training. This method is said to be divided into tranquility. , Do two kinds of exercises."

"The static training method is to hang the trainee's hands on the tree, and the ground is full of sharp hidden weapons, requiring the trainee not to let go and jump down. The dynamic training method is to use long-distance running exercises, and insist on long-distance running on various terrains every day. , to exercise their own endurance.”

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