Panther Commando

Chapter 3577: Wanjia's Secret

Professor Chang looked at the elderly Wanjia and said with emotion: "Those little devils are cruel by nature, not only are they cruel and ruthless to outsiders, but their own children are also extremely cruel! These ninja family children have been tortured by their own family since childhood. , forced to perform inhumane training. They are even more brutal in agility training, in which they have to jump over ropes with blades inserted in them, and swerve through narrow passages full of sharp blades and gun points. , those children were covered in blood and scars."

Professor Chang said this with an angry look on his face, and he continued: "In this kind of training, if the body is slightly ineffective or the reaction is slightly insensitive, it will definitely be seriously injured. It is said that many young children at that time were not To die tragically under those sharp knives is to be severely maimed and disabled in this brutal training."

Hearing this, Xiaoya said with a sad face: "No wonder these little devils are so cruel, they have received such inhumane training since childhood, so that their bodies and minds have been completely distorted when they grow up, and they will definitely become bloodthirsty one by one. Like life, brutal and crazy!"

She is a doctor and knows that any normal person who has undergone such cruel training when he is a child will definitely be distorted in body and mind, and will naturally become more cruel and inhuman when he grows up.

Professor Chang nodded when he heard Xiaoya's analysis, and he continued: "Yes, these ninjas have no humanity, which has a lot to do with the cruel experience they endured in childhood. What I just said These trainings are only the most basic training subjects these ninjas receive. They also have to master various weapons, the use of hidden weapons, as well as strict training in disguise, poison and escaping, which is the most mysterious thing in ninjutsu. , The strange movements of the ninjas we saw were the evasion techniques that were not known to outsiders."

When Grandpa heard this, he looked at him intently and asked, "Escape? Is it the way of escape?" When Shanshan heard Grandpa's question, they all laughed "giggling", and were hugged by Xiaoya The Shanshan raised her face and smiled and said, "Grandpa Chang, these little devils haven't beaten them yet, why did they learn the technique of escape? They definitely won't be able to win this way, no wonder that little devil was beaten up by my brother! "

"Hahahaha..." Everyone laughed when they heard the clear voice of the little girl, and Professor Chang said with a smile, "Yes, they thought of running away before they fought, because they knew they couldn't beat us at all. But That's it, that ninja got spanked by your big brother."

He turned his head with a smile, looked at the old Wanjia and replied, "You are right, the so-called escape technique is actually the technique of stealth and escape, and the meaning of escape is to escape and escape. In ancient times, ninjas were mainly engaged in Performing assassination and spying on each other's intelligence tasks is related to their strict practice of escape from childhood."

"The escape technique is mainly divided into five techniques of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, as well as the techniques of wind, thunder, ice and insects. Art is to use the luster of metal objects to stimulate the eyes of the enemy, and then attack; the art of wood escape is to use light work, climbing and other skills to attack and escape between trees and jungles.”

"The technique of wind escape is to use the direction of the wind to scatter poisonous powder to attack the opponent; the water escape is to use reeds and other instruments to set up an ambush in the water, and then wait for an opportunity to suddenly emerge from the water and attack the opponent. It is said that the master of this kung fu can swim in water. Hidden for a day and a night without coming out of the water."

When Professor Chang said this, he looked at the old Wanjia and said, "These ninjas are really good at assassinating and escaping. In short, the so-called escape technique is to make full use of the changes in nature to attack and escape from the opponent. a method.”

At this time, Wan Lin said thoughtfully: "It seems that these ninjas use the method of one-shot retreat when they act, so they are rarely captured by the opponent. Even if they are captured by the opponent, these people are good at refining poison, If you make poison, you will definitely kill yourself by taking the poison prepared in advance. Professor Chang, this should be an important reason why ninjutsu is not known to outsiders, right?"

Professor Chang looked at him and nodded approvingly and said, "Yes, these ninjas follow a single strike and retreat, no matter whether they succeed or fail, they must use the escape technique to escape quickly. Since ancient times, few people have really come into contact with ninjas. So, people are just chasing the wind and word of mouth, making the already weird ninjutsu more mysterious and unpredictable, and few people can see the whole picture."

At this time, Xiaomiao stared at Professor Chang and asked, "Grandpa Chang, we can understand Jin, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth and Wind, but what is the matter of the thunder, ice, insect and beast escape techniques you just said, and how can these things attack? People and escape?"

Hearing Xiaomiao's question, Professor Chang looked at him with some surprise and said: "This kid has a really good memory, he can't forget it, and he actually remembered everything I said. This memory Very rare."

The old Wan family heard Professor Chang's surprised smiled and said: "Hehe, our Wan family direct descendants have this ability, and Lin Er was the same when he was a child. Our Wan family direct descendants have this ability. The children and grandchildren all started taking our Wan family's unique elixir in their mother's womb. After they came out of their mother's womb, they were washed and cut down by our Wan family's top experts."

When Wang Tiecheng and Liu Hongxin heard the old man's story, they looked at the old man in surprise. The old man saw that they and the two looked a little surprised, and he explained proudly: "After these children are born, we will bathe them with the elixir of heaven and earth treasures every day, and if they are a little older, we will practice our The inner strength of the Wan family. Ha ha ha, this is a unique unique skill of our Wan family. Everything we do is not only forging their bodies from childhood, but also training their intelligence and brain power, so they can It is said that he is born with a talent that is different from ordinary people.”

At this time, Shanshan raised her head and asked, "Grandpa, do I also have this kind of talent?" Grandpa smiled, reached out and touched her little red face, and said kindly, "Of course, you came here. When I was very young, I already asked your mother to take a medicinal bath for you every day, and I also gave you a deep internal power to wash the essence and cut the marrow, of course you have a talent."

He followed Shanshan's mother and said, "Shanshan's mother has been taking care of several children, and she knows it best. Others' children often catch colds and fall ill when the seasons change, and these little disciples in our family may even be hospitalized. Can't find the door."

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