Panther Commando

Chapter 3578: generous person

When Liu Hongxin and Wang Tiecheng heard their grandfather's explanation, they looked at the children of the thousands of families around them enviously. At this time, Shanshan's mother looked at the old man and said gratefully: "Grandpa is right, let alone a few children who have never been to the hospital, even after I came to you, I have never had a cold or fever. Grandpa, you are protecting us. The whole family, thank you so much!" As she said that, tears welled up in her eyes.

At that time, after she and Shanshan were rescued by Wan Lin from the ruffian, Wan Lin saw that their orphans and widows had no place to live and no source of livelihood. Wan Lin sent their poor mother and daughter to his grandfather at that time. After the grandfather learned about their life experience, he loved Shanshan very much and always regarded her as his own granddaughter.

At that time, Wang Molin, after knowing the situation of Shanshan's mother and daughter, specially instructed Director Ye Feng of the Provincial National Security Bureau to set up a special fund to protect the lives of the elderly from thousands of families. It is to ensure that Wanjia, an old man who has mastered Huaxia's stunts, has a happy life, and at the same time cultivate more talents who are proficient in Wanjia's stunts for Huaxia.

This move really helped Shanshan's mother and daughter completely get rid of the sea of ​​misery and live a happy life that Shanshan's mother never thought of. Therefore, she, a woman with a tragic life, is grateful to her grandfather and Wan Lin from the bottom of her heart, and she does her best to take care of her grandfather's daily life and the lives of several children.

Grandpa saw Shanshan's excited look, smiled and waved his hand and said, "Shanshan, why are you being polite to us? We are all family. If I want to say thank you, it's me and Lin'er who thank you! Without you, How can I, an old man and a few children, live so well."

At this time, Xiaoya looked at Shanshan's mother and said sincerely: "Eldest sister, Wan Lin has told me many times, he said that if you didn't take care of grandpa by his side, he would not be able to perform tasks outside. Thank you, It should be me and Wan Lin thanking you, the eldest sister!" Wan Lin also looked at the eldest sister and said, "Eldest sister, we are a family, you are welcome. You are the hostess of our Wan family, what is there to be polite between us?"

Grandpa also said with a smile: "Yes, Shanshan's mother is the mistress of our Wan family, and all the money I have is handed over to Shanshan's mother for management. Every month, Shanshan's mother takes her bank card to the bank to withdraw money, and then Give me pocket money! I don't dare to go into the bank. I went into the bank with my bank card once before, and those little girls and boys stared at me like monsters, and they scared me and ran out. already."

Wan Lin, Xiaoya and the children all laughed when they heard grandfather's witty voice. Wang Tiecheng, Professor Chang and Liu Hongxin also had smiles on their faces, but they all looked at the elderly Wanjia with admiration.

They already understand in their hearts that the reason why Wanjia Kungfu can reach such a high level is not only related to their own inheritance and efforts, but also to their brave, kind, and generous nature. A selfish family would never be able to practice such profound martial arts! Shanshan's mother and daughter, Jingyi, Xiaomin, and Shanhua are fortunate enough to be with such an old man. It is indeed a great honor for them.

At this time, the old Wan family glanced kindly at the smiling children, and then sighed: "Besides the children of the Wan family, we have the kind mother Shanshan and the professor Chang who is a master of ancient and modern. Blessings! They can not only follow me to inherit the kung fu of Wanjia, but also learn from Professor Chang the knowledge that cannot be learned in books, and at the same time learn from Shanshan's mother the kind and hard-working nature of our Chinese people, they can follow us When a few grow up around me, they will definitely have great prospects in the future!"

He then looked at Professor Chang and said, "Old Chang, go ahead and talk, you haven't answered the question Xiaomiao asked." Xiaomiao and Shanshan also looked at Professor Chang excitedly and said, "Grandpa Chang, please speak quickly. Yeah, we're all in a hurry." "Yes, Grandpa Chang, please tell me, when we grow up, we will fight those ninjas just like my big brother!"

Professor Chang smiled and looked at Xiaomiao and Shanshan and said: "Okay, then I'll continue. The question Xiaomiao raised just now is very good, and the escape techniques such as metal, wood, water, fire, earth, and wind are easy to understand. Only the lightning escape technique, the ice shield technique and the insect and beast escape technique are difficult to understand."

He took a sip of the tea bowl that Xiaomin handed over, and continued to speak while looking at a few attentive disciples: "Actually, these escape techniques are not uncommon for you disciples of the ten thousand families, it's just that the names of these escape techniques make People feel mysterious. Lei Dun is actually the same as the infuriating energy that you have cultivated in your body. Although those ninjas do not have the profound internal skills you have cultivated, they have summed up a set of methods that can mobilize the energy in the body in critical moments based on their practice or experience. way to attack and escape.”

"Huh?" Grandpa frowned when he heard this. He followed and looked at Professor Chang intently and asked, "Is there something similar to our infuriating little devil?"

Professor Chang waved his hands and said disdainfully: "How can they have the profound internal power of our Huaxia internal power, they just through cultivation, they can greatly stimulate the hidden energy in the body in critical moments. The principle of being able to jump over the wall is the same."

When Grandpa heard this, he suddenly He smiled and said, "Hahaha, I thought these little devils really have some profound internal skills, so that's what happened." He followed Shanshan and smiled. He said, "It's like we are chasing a vicious dog behind Shanshan. At that time, Shanshan will definitely run faster than a rabbit!"

When Shanshan heard Grandpa Gao's ridicule, she blushed and broke free from Wan Lin's embrace, ran to Grandpa and shouted, "Grandpa, I was originally faster than a rabbit!"

"Hahahaha..." Everyone laughed. Grandpa took Shanshan into his arms and said with a smile, "Of course, we Shanshan, a master of internal skills, can run faster than a big tortoise."

It was already past ten o'clock in the evening, and cheerful laughter resounded in the dimly lit Wanjia courtyard. The stars in the sky are embedded in the dark blue night sky, and they all quietly blinked their eyes and stared at a group of people in the small courtyard. It seemed that they did not understand how the people here were so happy.

Professor Chang followed with laughter and said: "These ninja ice escapes use special equipment to throw sharp ice to create chaos and wait for opportunistic actions. At the same time, they also used sports equipment such as our ice knives in ancient times. It can move quickly on the ice. The so-called insect escape technique is nothing more than raising some poisonous insects and small beasts as an attack method.

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