Panther Commando

Chapter 3629: cry in the dark

Wan Lin slid down the rope to the third floor corridor. He immediately raised his gun and glanced around quickly. On the dark corridor wall on the side of the patio, there was a dilapidated aluminum alloy ladder. Obviously, there was a drug dealer on the roof just now observing the situation outside. He must have found that his companion on the roof had been killed by a sniper, and he was so frightened that he quickly retreated from the roof and moved the ladder to the side to prevent the police from The people attacked from above.

Wan Lin's eyes followed to the side corridor. The middle of the corridor is the entrance of the stairs. On both sides of the entrance of the roof, there are already a special forces team member with an assault rifle on his shoulder. Both of them are aiming sideways at the stairs below. The rest of the team members stood scattered on both sides of the corridor, and several of them also pointed their guns at the surrounding dark room in the dark, and the whole corridor on the third floor seemed very quiet.

Wan Lin quietly observed the surrounding movement with his true energy. After he was sure that there was no outsider on the third floor, he raised his right hand and made a "safe" gesture to the captain of the first squadron behind him.

When the captain of the first squadron saw Wan Lin's gesture, he immediately pointed down to the team member holding the through-the-wall radar. The team members immediately bent down to bring the radar closer to the ground and walked slowly along the corridor. He then straightened up and walked to the captain of the first squadron, raised his hand and gave him a gesture of "no target found on the second floor".

The first squadron saw the players' gestures, and immediately walked to the stairs with Wan Lin and Xiaoya, and the three of them raised their guns and aimed down. The captain of the first squadron saw that Wan Lin and Xiaoya had raised their guns and aimed at the stairs below. He immediately made a gesture to the two team members who were aiming downstairs on both sides of the corridor.

The two team members immediately raised their guns and aimed at the pitch-black corridor, leaning against the wall and slowly walking down the stairs, moving very carefully. At this time, several team members on the roof also appeared around the patio, and they silently slid to the third floor along the rope.

Wan Lin saw that the two team members in front were approaching the second floor. At this time, he was slowing down and approaching the dark staircase with his gun aiming at it. He raised his hand and pointed at Xiaoya next to him, and the two immediately followed the wall, with their guns slanted towards the second-floor corridor.

At this time, the captain of the first squadron and the rest of the team members who were distributed in the corridor on the third floor also carefully raised their guns and walked towards the corridor on the second floor. In the dim corridor, the movements under the feet of several people were very light and slow. Not only did they not make any sound, but even the dust on the ground was only slightly flickering by their feet, and a figure seemed to be walking slowly in the dark. Like a ghost, silently.

In the darkness, the two team members in front of Wan Lin and Xiaoya suddenly stopped at the entrance of the stairs on the second floor. The two quietly listened to the movement outside, and suddenly extended their guns to both sides of the stairs. A player immediately raised his hand and made a "safe" gesture towards the back.

Wan Lin and Xiaoya saw the gestures of the team members in front. They stepped out of the stairs one step at a time, knelt down on one knee and aimed at the dark second floor corridor at the same time. The captain of the first squadron and a member of the team behind also stepped out and quickly took a few steps to both sides of the corridor. The guns of several people were aimed at the dark houses on both sides of the corridor.

At this time, the team behind followed them down the stairs. They entered the corridor on the second floor and immediately raised their guns to check all the rooms on the second floor. The team members holding the through-the-wall radar also moved the radar detector close to the ground on the second floor to scout for the movement of the room below.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of rapid footsteps in the corridor on the first floor, and then a panicked shout was heard: "What are you doing? Let me go, let me go!" The cry of the little girl also sounded: "You let go of my grandfather, you let go of my grandfather!"

A group of people in Wanlin on the second floor suddenly heard the shouts from below, and everyone's expressions immediately became tense! Obviously, there are outsiders in the corridor on the first floor, and now they have been discovered by drug dealers and taken hostage, including a young child!

At this moment, the team member who bent down to detect the downstairs suddenly walked from the side room, and he made a nervous gesture to the captain of the first squadron and Wan Lin.

Wan Lin and the first squadron leader hurried over, and they looked down at the display screen in his hand. Four blurry figures were being displayed on the screen, two of which were closely following two people, one big and one small, and forcibly dragged them towards the end of the corridor on the first floor. At this moment, a woman's irritable and sharp voice suddenly sounded from the first floor: "Little girl, I'll ask the old lady to strangle you again!" Following her roar, a shrill cry of a girl followed from downstairs.

Wan Lin and the captain of the first squadron stared at the blurry image on the radar screen with wide eyes. A smaller figure was breaking free from the restraints of the person next to him and ran towards the two people on the side. At this moment, the woman who had kidnapped the child stepped over to the side of the child, raised her foot viciously, and kicked the two children who had just jumped to the ground.

She followed a step to the crying child, bent over and lifted the child from the ground. She followed her left hand and hugged the child's waist vigorously, and slapped the child's cheek with her right hand. She immediately covered the small mouth of the child who was crying, and the child's shrill cry came to an abrupt end!

Wan Lin and the First Squadron Captain stared at the screen suddenly burst out with a raging flame! They knew in their hearts that the person who picked up the child must be the woman who just walked out of the building and pretended to be a hostage. I didn't expect this woman to be so vicious, and she would actually do such a ruthless attack on a young child!

At this moment, two more figures ran out of the room on the side of the first floor. The two of them glanced at the corridor with their long guns. One of them ran to the woman who was covering the child's mouth tightly. He shouted loudly: "Stinky*, be careful with your grandmother, we still have to rely on this girl and the old man to save our lives!"

He then raised his gun and glanced at the side room, and then shouted: "You cover the little girl to death now, how can we rush out? Let the **** go! We just want her to scream, otherwise the police outside It's definitely going to come in!"

Following the man's irritable roar on the first floor, the woman's hand quickly dropped from the child's mouth, the child's violent panting followed, and then bursts of shrill cries were heard in the darkness.

Wan Lin and the captain of the first squadron heard the child cry again, and their nervous expressions immediately relaxed. At this time, although these drug dealers are extremely vicious, they have realized that they have to rely on these two suddenly obtained hostages to survive, so the two old and young hostages will not be in danger for the time being.

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