Panther Commando

Chapter 3630: Furious drug dealer

At this moment, Wang Tiecheng's anxious questioning voice suddenly sounded in the headphones of the first squadron leader and Wan Lin: "The first squadron leader, why are there children crying?" The first squadron leader hurriedly walked to the side of a dark room. Inside the house, he covered his mouth and whispered to Wang Tiecheng about his current location and the sudden hostage situation.

Wan Lin stood at the door of the room where the first squadron captain was, raising his gun at the dark corridor entrance on the side, his face was very gloomy. They didn't expect that just when they were about to launch an operation against the drug dealers, the drug dealers suddenly caught two more hostages.

At this time, a man's roar sounded on the first floor: "Listen to the police outside, this old and young are real hostages! You all show me clearly, if you dare to act rashly, we will die, and we will also take them away. Get on the backs of these two hostages! Did you hear that?" He followed and shouted again: "Old guy, tell the police outside, why are you here? Tell them to his grandma!"

Following the boy's vicious shouting, an old, panicked voice sounded: "Who the **** are you? Don't hurt the children!" Before the old man's voice fell, "Crack", a crisp mouth sounded, the drug dealer A furious voice followed: "Old man, your grandma doesn't want to live anymore? Hurry up and shout to the outside world as I said! Tell them not to shoot."

The old man's panicked voice followed: "Don't shoot people outside, we are indeed ordinary people, you must not shoot."

The old man's voice had already brought out a cry, and his voice seemed very panicked. He followed intermittently and said: "I... my granddaughter and I are... our son who came out of the mountains to find a job in the city, but I didn't... I didn't think about it... I thought that the money was stolen by the thief, and even the money for the car was gone. ."

"We walked for an afternoon, and it was getting late, and only then did we see that there was a broken factory here, so I wanted to take my granddaughter to rest here for a night, and then go to the road tomorrow to find a way. I didn't expect them to come too. When we got here, they found out and forced them into this room, you must not shoot, my granddaughter is next to him." He then comforted his granddaughter who was crying hoarse next to him.

In the darkness, the panicked voice of the old man from the first floor had clearly reached Wan Lin and the others on the second floor. He and the surrounding special forces have already understood that the old man and the child downstairs did come here by accident, and they must have been found in the most side room when the drug dealers were looking for a hidden place. Overjoyed, he took the old and young as a hostage and took them to the room downstairs.

At this time, Wan Lin had already determined that the grandparents and grandchildren downstairs were indeed real hostages, and the situation had become complicated. If the downstairs are just those vicious drug dealers, they can take immediate action after determining the exact location of these drug dealers.

But now, two hostages suddenly appeared in the hands of the drug dealers, which put Wan Lin and the others immediately shouldering the heavy responsibility of protecting the hostages. Any negligence in action now may result in casualties for the hostages.

Following the old man's voice, the stern voice of the negotiator sounded outside the building: "Listen to the drug dealers in the building, I warn you not to hurt the hostages, otherwise you will not be able to escape! Immediately release the hostages!" The negotiator's majestic voice repeated It sounded all over, with a strong deterrent in the voice.

At this time, the low voice of the female drug dealer suddenly came from downstairs, and she said in a crying voice: "Boss, let's surrender, shall we? Just now I saw Xiao Li's head was smashed by a shot with my own eyes. I don't want to die!" She did see the three companions beside her being shot dead by snipers at the door just now, and she clearly saw the tragic scene of the female companion beside her being shot in the head, she was really scared.

Before she could finish her sentence, a crisp mouth sounded, and the angry voice of the male drug dealer who shouted just now followed: "F*ck, my grandmother will kill you now! You don't even think about it, selling it through your hands. How many kilograms of drugs have you taken. Now you are dead if you are caught by the police, and you still have a way to live with Lao Tzu! Give Lao Tzu a good view of this little girl, if they are there, we will not die!"

With the voice, the kid raised the pistol in his hand and pointed it out the window, and pulled the trigger a few times in succession. He then shouted to the outside again: "You all listen to Lao Tzu, and immediately bring us an off-road vehicle with food and drinks. Otherwise, I will kill this old man now!"

In the pitch-black second-floor corridor, Wan Lin listened intently to the sound from downstairs, while turning around and making a "continue vigilance" gesture to the surrounding team members. He then pulled the team member holding the through-the-wall radar, followed the sound from below, and walked lightly into the second room on the left side of the corridor on the second floor. He followed the team and pointed to the ground.

The team members immediately put the radar detector in their hands on the ground, and several clear figures appeared on the screen immediately. Wan Lin squatted down and stared. At this time, the captain of the first squadron reported the situation to Wang Tiecheng, and he also walked into the room where Wan Lin and the others were with his gun silently, and then squatted beside Wan Lin and looked down at the In the room on the first floor below, four figures are appearing in the window, one of them is hiding behind the other with a pistol in his right hand, and the muzzle in his hand is facing the head of the person in front of him. The person next to him squatted under the window sill, holding up a crying child with both hands.

Behind the walls on both sides of the window in the house, there were hidden boys with assault rifles in their hands. One of them aimed at the old man who was pushed to the window, while the other aimed at the door behind. At this time, outside negotiators were loudly negotiating with the drug dealers, trying their best to stall for time.

Wan Lin squatted in the dark and turned his head to look at the captain of the first squadron. He lowered his voice and asked, "What instructions do you have from the captain?" The captain of the first squadron immediately replied in a low voice, "Captain Wang ordered us to choose an opportunity to act, and we must not hesitate to do so. At all costs, ensure the safety of the two hostages! Now that the situation is quite critical, the drug dealers are getting more and more emotional, and they may hurt the hostages at any time in their emotional agitation! So we must act as soon as possible."

Wan Lin frowned and asked, "Can the snipers outside lock on the target?" The first squadron leader frowned and replied, "No, now these drug dealers have realized that we have snipers, so they are all very careful. Window The two drug dealers were hiding behind the hostages, and the snipers could only vaguely see his shoulders and couldn't kill him with a single shot."

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