Panther Commando

Chapter 3632: like the sky

At this time, Wan Lin had already turned around and carefully observed the room. He raised his finger and pointed to a rusted metal pipe in the corner of the wall, and said in a low voice to the first squadron commander: "Now we are on top of each other's heads, where the rope poles are fastened. There may be a sound to alert the drug dealers downstairs, you can find two team members to come over and wrap the rope around the waist to fix the rope, and we jump directly from the window sill when we move."

The captain of a squadron heard Wan Lin's low voice in the dark, he immediately waved to the two team members standing at the door, and the two team members quickly came over on tiptoe.

Wan Lin and Xiaoya immediately took off the tactical backpack they carried behind them and put them on the ground. The two of them reached out and took out two ropes from the bag and handed them to the two players who came over. They then approached the window lightly.

The two team members quickly tied one end of the rope firmly around their waists, and then handed the two ends of the rope to Wan Lin and Xiaoya respectively. They stuck their heads out of the window on the second floor, carefully observed the distance between the second floor and the window on the first floor, and then firmly grasped the middle of the rope with both hands.

Wan Lin and Xiaoya saw the movements of the two team members and knew that they were well-trained, and they already knew the distance from the window on the first floor. The two of them raised their hands at the same time and made an "OK" gesture to the two team members. The two of them bent down and placed the guns and assault rifles in their hands on the ground, and then nimbly jumped to the window sill.

Wan Lin stood steadily on the windowsill. He reached out and took out a few steel needles from his waist and sandwiched them between his left fingers. Then his left hand firmly grasped the other end of the rope, and his right hand pulled out the holster on his leg. pistol, gently pulling the bolt. Xiaoya saw Wan Lin's movements, she also pulled out the pistol with her right hand and gently pulled the bolt, raised the pistol to aim down, and firmly grasped the rope head with her left hand.

Wan Lin turned his head and saw that Xiaoya beside him was ready. He immediately turned to face the captain of the first squadron standing in the dark, and made a decisive "act now" gesture. He then lowered his head and focused on the downstairs Looking in the direction of the window.

Seeing Wan Lin's gesture, the captain of the first squadron immediately whispered to the team members who were detecting the movement downstairs: "Once you find out where the other party is moving, report it immediately!" After speaking, he walked out of the dark room with a solemn expression. . He knew in his heart, could the safety of the two hostages be guaranteed during the operation? This heavy responsibility has been placed on the two special forces members of the military.

The night was dark, the dark blue night sky was inlaid with bright stars, and a curved moon had risen into the sky. In the thick night, the factory area of ​​the abandoned factory looked very dark, only the police lights on the police cars parked one kilometer away were flashing clusters of red light in the night.

At this time, next to the dark wall next to the factory area, the deafening voices of negotiating experts from the police and the drug dealers still reverberated. From time to time, there were bursts of scolding from the drug dealers, the pleadings of the elderly and the cries of children. Sounds from time to time.

Beside the dim window on the second floor of the small building, Wan Lin and Xiaoya squatted half-squatting by the window with their faces covered with masks. The two of them were holding the rope in their left hands, and their eyes were staring at the sound of scolding and children. The windows on the first floor where the crying sounded, their faces looked very solemn.

Right at this moment, at the broken gate of the factory a few hundred meters away, there was a sudden squeaking sound of the door opening, and the harsh sound was very abrupt in the night.

At this time, the voice of the negotiator also sounded loudly: "Attention to the people inside, we have sent you a car according to your request, the car has been filled with fuel, and there is still the food and drinking water you requested in the trunk, you immediately Release the hostages! Immediately release the hostages." With his shouting and the sound of opening the door, there was a roar of car engines in the distance.

In the deafening voice, Wan Lin and Xiaoya didn't look up at all. They knew in their hearts that Wang Tiecheng and Deputy Director Qi must have seen that they were ready to take their places, so they sent an off-road vehicle to attract the attention of drug dealers and avoid them. They found movement on the second and first floors.

With the roar of the engine in the distance, Wan Lin and Xiaoya squatted at the window on the second floor and heard clearly that a drug dealer was whispering in surprise: "Brothers, the car is coming, prepare it for me, we Take this little girl and leave together in a while!"

Following his voice, an old voice shouted angrily: "You can't..." Just as he started speaking, a stern "slap" sound had already sounded, and then he heard the old man's mouth come out. A low "whoosh" sound. Obviously, the old man's mouth has been tightly covered by the drug dealer to prevent the old man from revealing their plan to the police.

The night was getting darker and darker. Two bright headlights suddenly appeared at the gate of the abandoned factory. A large off-road vehicle suddenly drove in from the door. The two headlights in the front were like two searchlights, straight. The light of the first floor was where the drug dealer was located, and the two hostages who were pushed to the window were clearly revealed in the vision of people in the distance.

As time passed by, the speed of the off-road vehicle was extremely slow, and it was slowly approaching the window where the drug dealer was located in the uneven factory area. At this time, Wang Tiecheng, Deputy Director Qi, and all the officers and soldiers of the armed police who were lying on the fence around the wall were all nervously staring at the window on the first floor where the two hostages were and the squatting on the second floor. of two shadows.

They all knew in their hearts that the comrades in the building were about to launch a fatal blow to the drug dealers! But they also understand that this move is directly related to the safety of the two hostages, the old and the young, and the situation is quite critical! If the drug dealers were not directly killed in the operation, the two hostages and the personnel participating in this operation would most likely be shot by the other side and cause heavy casualties!

Just when everyone was nervous, Wan Lin and Xiaoya suddenly heard a very low knocking sound from their earphones. Wan Lin and Xiaoya didn't hesitate, their feet slammed on the second floor window sill, and their bodies jumped down from the dark window sill on the second floor with a slam, dragging a thin string behind them in the darkness. the rope!

At the moment when they saved, two series of deafening gunshots, "da-da-da" and "da-da-da", suddenly sounded from the corridor on the first floor, and a red fire suddenly flashed in the room on the first floor where the drug dealer was located. .

Just when the gunshots sounded on the first floor, the figures of Wan Lin and Xiaoya had already drawn an arc in the air, like two gods, and suddenly volleyed into the window on the first floor, which was flickering with fire.

The vigorous figures of the two swayed into the window from both sides of the hostage exposed by the window, and Xiaoya and Wan Lin's right hands stretched forward like lightning.

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