Panther Commando

Chapter 3633: Rescue the hostages

The figures of Wan Lin and Xiaoya swaying in the darkness flew into the window like a fly. Just as they approached the window, their right hands stretched forward like lightning, and the two pistols shot out a burst of fire at the same time.

"Crack", "Crack", two crisp gunshots followed, and two bullets roared into the head of the drug dealer standing behind the old man and squatting under the window holding the child.

With the crisp sound of gunshots, the drug dealer who was dragging the old man around in the dark fell directly backwards, while the female drug dealer who was squatting on the ground and holding the little girl didn't say a word, her body was slanted on the ground like mud, and the two The pistol gripped by the drug dealer also dropped to the ground. At this time, the little girl who was lifted up by the female drug dealer also fell to the hard concrete floor.

At the same time, Wan Lin and Xiaoya had already flown into the window in the dark. The two of them loosened the rope they were holding with their left hands at the same time. Xiaoya hugged the girl who fell from the air in the air and landed on the indoors. Rolled under the side wall. At the same time, Wan Lin's left hand slammed out to the side of the wall in the darkness, and a few steel needles shimmering coldly in the dim starlight roared and flew towards the dark corner of the side.

At this moment, a black figure was leaning against the corner of the side of the window, and he struggled to raise the assault rifle in his hand to pull the trigger. But at this moment, a few sharp steel needles thrown out by Wan Lin roared into his forehead.

The boy's eyes widened suddenly, his open mouth didn't have time to let out a scream, his body was slumped against the corner of the wall, and the assault rifle he just raised in his hand immediately fell to the ground with a bang. On the concrete floor, there was a trail of black blood on the wall behind him.

Obviously, when the first squadron leader and the others started their operation, they had already passed through the rotten wooden door, and suddenly swept out two dense strings of bullets at the two drug dealers hiding on the side of the window, but although this kid was hit by several bullets, he could Not killed on the spot. Fortunately, Wan Lin appeared in time and found that the kid was holding a gun at the door and was about to pull the trigger. He decisively shot and killed the recalcitrant drug dealer on the spot.

At the moment when the gunshots rang out in the corridor on the first floor, Wan Lin and Xiaoya were like two lightning bolts in the dark. In the blink of an eye, they appeared at the window and killed three drug dealers with guns. Just as the corner drug dealer was killed by Wan Lin, there was a loud bang on the rotten and dilapidated door. A squadron leader and another team member kicked open the door and rushed into the house with a gust of wind. , the muzzles of the two men's guns in the shoulder sockets immediately aimed at the black shadows in the corners of the two sides of the window.

At this time, several ropes had already fallen from the wall outside the building, and several black shadows whistled down from the ropes on the second and third floors. The off-road vehicle in front of the building, which was driving slowly, also suddenly accelerated and roared towards the window where Wan Lin and Xiaoya rushed in.

The off-road vehicle then stopped with a sudden screech of brakes. Before waiting for the off-road vehicle to stabilize, three shadows had already opened the door and jumped out. A tall figure jumped up first, and with a gust of wind, jumped directly over the window sill more than one meter high and fell into the room. The two shadows behind They also jumped up, and the two landed on the windowsill and immediately raised their guns to aim at the room.

The two bright headlights in front of the off-road vehicle outside the window have illuminated the room of twenty or thirty square meters as if it were daylight. At this time, Wan Lin had already dragged the old man to the wall, and used his body to cover the old man tightly behind him. He held the pistol grip tightly in both hands, and aimed the muzzle straight at the other paralyzed man in the corner of the side wall. Sitting drug dealer. Xiaoya still hugged the girl with her left hand and lay on the ground, and the pistol in her right hand was motionless and aimed at the female drug dealer who was lying under the window.

The room suddenly became quiet, and there were four figures of drug dealers lying quietly in front of the window and in the corner of the wall. A strong smell of blood was emerging from them, and the room was silent!

At this moment, "Wow", a sharp cry suddenly sounded, and the little girl who was tightly pressed by Xiaoya suddenly let out a terrified cry.

Everything that happened suddenly just now scared the little girl into a daze, and she didn't make a sound for a long time. At this time, the gunfire had stopped, and the shaking figures in the room had stopped. She immediately blushed and let out a terrified cry.

Xiaoya heard the shrill cry of the girl in her arms and knew that the child was terrified. She quickly hugged her and stood up from the ground, her right hand quickly inserted the pistol into the holster on her leg, and then raised her right hand to cover the girl's eyes to prevent her from seeing the **** scene in front of her. She followed her face and said softly: "Little girl, stop crying, we are the police, we are here to save you, you and grandpa are safe!"

Following Xiaoya's gentle voice, the old man who was tightly pressed against the wall by Wan Lin's back suddenly let out a surprised cry: "Oh, you guys are here! Don't cry, Niuniu, grandpa is here. They are police uncles and police aunts, they are all good people, we are saved!"

The old man shouted in surprise, pushed away Wan Lin who was standing in front of him, and staggered to Xiaoya who was holding the girl. Seeing the old man's staggering appearance, Wan Lin quickly reached out to grab the old man's arm, and helped him walk to Xiaoya. Xiaoya hurriedly walked over and handed the child to the old man, then took another step to block the window to prevent the old man and the child from seeing the corpse of the drug dealer on the At this time, several bright flashlight beams had already The light illuminated the window and the corner of the house, and the figures of the four drug dealers on the ground had clearly appeared in front of Wan Lin and the others. Pools of red blood had already flowed out from the bodies of the four drug dealers, and the eyes of several people were wide open, with a dazed look in their eyes. They don't seem to believe until they die that they will end their sinful lives in an instant and bid farewell to this world forever.

Wan Lin let go of the old man's arm, turned his body and glanced coldly at the four corpses lying on the ground. He quickly inserted the pistol into the holster of his leg, and then raised his eyes to look at the few people who were leaping from the window. Only then did he notice that the tall Wang Tiecheng was the first to jump in from the window. He stepped over to Wang Tiecheng and said in a low voice, "Brigade Wang, why did you come up in person?"

At this time, Wang Tiecheng was staring coldly at the four drug dealers on the ground. He heard Wan Lin's questioning, and he first ordered the captain of the first squadron who came over and raised his hand to salute, "Take the old man and the child out first. In the car, don't scare the kids."

After he finished speaking, he turned his head to look at Wan Lin and Xiaoya and said, "You all went to battle in person, why don't I come? You've worked hard!" Wan Lin's face showed a smile, he looked at the two team members who were being attacked. Supporting the backs of the old man and the child who were brought out, he lowered his voice and said, "There is nothing to worry about, as long as the old man and the child are not hurt."

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