Panther Commando

Chapter 3634: applause in the dark

At this time, the captain of the first squadron came over and heard Wan Lin's voice. He looked at Wan Lin and Xiaoya and sighed: "It's really fortunate that the children and the elderly are safe and sound. Thanks to you and Major Wan's decisive actions, they quickly killed this man. Two drug dealers holding hostages, this ensures the safety of the two hostages."

As he spoke, he raised his finger and pointed at the drug dealer who was killed by Wan Lin in the corner, and said gratefully to Wan Lin, "Thank you Captain Wan for your life-saving grace! If you hadn't shot in time, the assault rifle in this kid's hand would have rang. You saved our lives!" When Wang Tiecheng heard this, he frowned and stared at the captain of the first squadron and asked, "What's going on?"

The first squadron quickly recounted the situation just now, and he sighed: "I saw Captain Wan's kung fu with my own eyes. Captain Wan appeared at the window just now, raised his right hand and shot the drug dealer hiding behind the old man, and his left hand also Raised at the same time, killed almost at the same time, was raising his gun to shoot at the door."

He turned his head and glanced at the assault rifle that fell on the ground, and continued with some fear: "Otherwise, the bullet fired by this kid will definitely hit me and Hu Zi who are rushing in from the door. Captain Wan's shot is too much. Just in time, thank them so much! By the way, Captain Wan, what did you use to kill this kid? I only heard the sound of your pistol, did you use some mysterious hidden weapon?"

Wan Lin looked at the first squadron leader and waved his hand, and said with a smile, "What's there to be thankful for? If you didn't shoot at the door and distract the attention of these drug dealers, we wouldn't have killed the drug dealers so smoothly. Save the hostages." He raised his left hand upwards, and his fingers made a mistake to reveal two steel needles that were still hidden between his fingers. He smiled and explained: "There is nothing mysterious, just a few steel needles."

Hearing Wan Lin's answer, the captain of the first squadron and the surrounding team members looked at Wan Lin's hands in astonishment. They never thought that the seemingly ordinary steel needles in Captain Wan's hands were the ones who saved the lives of their team members at a critical moment.

The captain of the first squadron glanced at the steel needle in Wan Lin's hand in astonishment, followed by raising his flashlight and walked to the side corner. It was only then that he noticed that there was indeed a small red dot on the other party's temple, and a thin bloodstain had already flowed from the red dot. At this time, he already understood that the shot from Captain Wan, which seemed to be thrown out at random, had already hit the key point of the poison dealer's head in an instant, causing the kid to die in an instant and lose any ability to act.

At this moment, there was a clutter of footsteps in the corridor, and Deputy Director Qi appeared at the door with Sun Bing, the leader of the anti-drug squad, and a group of police officers. Deputy Director Qi took Sun Bing into the house with big strides. He grabbed Wan Lin and Xiaoya's arms and said, "Thank you! You are not injured, are you?" He had clearly seen it beside the command car. , it was Wan Lin and Xiaoya who attacked from the window.

Wang Tiecheng, who was standing beside Wan Lin and Xiaoya, heard Deputy Director Qi's question, and he said with a smile: "Deputy Director Qi, don't worry, these drug dealers can't bear to hurt the two of them. Excellent special forces."

At this time, Sun Bing had already walked around and bent over to examine the four drug dealers who were killed. He followed and grabbed Wan Lin's hand and said, "Thank you so much, you avenged my brother!"

Wan Lin saw Sun Bing's excited look, he raised his hand and pulled the mask off his face, looked at Sun Bing and said, "Are the injured brothers in danger?" Sun Bing quickly replied, "They are now undergoing surgery at the Armed Police Hospital. I heard from the brothers in the hospital just now that several brothers were seriously injured. The bullets had penetrated their bodies through the bulletproof vest, and when they were sent to the hospital, they were directly pushed into the operating room. The doctor said that fortunately they have bulletproof protection. The clothing blocks some of the kinetic energy of the bullets, and they are not in danger for the time being."

He said angrily glanced at the several drug dealers who were killed on the ground, and then said: "I didn't expect that they would have such powerful assault rifles, and even body armor could not stop the bullets they fired."

As he spoke, he raised his head and looked at Wan Lin and Xiaoya carefully, and said in shock, "Hey, why don't I know the two of you? I know almost all the officers and soldiers under the Wang Brigade." He followed and stared at Xiaoya again. He said, "You still seem to be a female soldier, don't you?" At this time, Xiaoya was wearing a full set of special operations uniforms, with a helmet on her head and a mask on her face.

At this time, Deputy Director Qi heard Sun Bing's question, he turned his head and stared at Sun Bing and said angrily: "What nonsense! Why didn't you report before you act? If there is something wrong with the brothers, I will take you as the Ask!" Sun Bing's face flushed, and he quickly lowered his head. In this operation, he was indeed reckless and underestimated the enemy, so much that he seriously injured several brothers of the anti-drug brigade.

Seeing Deputy Director Qi's face ashen, Wang Tiecheng quickly waved his hand to stop him from getting angry here. He then glanced out the window and said in a low voice: "Deputy Director Qi, those reporters have already gathered around. Now that our task has been completed, we will leave it to you to deal with the aftermath. We will withdraw first, we are really afraid of those The long guns and short cannons in the hands of reporters.”

Deputy Director Qi understood that Wang Tiecheng and the others did not want to be exposed to He quickly said, "Leave this to us, and you can leave quickly." He then stretched out his hands and squeezed Wan Lin. He Xiaoya's hand said: "Captain Wan, thank you so much, I will go to the door with Wang Brigade in a few days to thank you!" Wan Lin smiled and waved his hand, he pulled his mask and said to Wang Tiecheng: "Wang Brigade, let's evacuate quickly. Right? Or those reporters will definitely put our picture in the newspaper tomorrow."

Wang Tiecheng immediately said: "Evacuate. Captain of the first squadron, take your people out immediately!" After speaking, he, Wan Lin, Xiaoya, and Deputy Director Qi raised their hands to salute at the same time, and they immediately strode towards the dimly lit Walk in the corridor.

At this time, the headlights of the cars outside had been turned on, and the originally dim abandoned factory area was illuminated by beams of bright headlights as if it were daylight.

When Wang Tiecheng, Wan Lin, and Xiaoya brought a group of special forces in armed police special combat uniforms and fully armed, they appeared in a row at the door of the small building, and suddenly there were bursts of applause and cheers in the distance.

A group of reporters who had broken through the police block saw the mighty special forces walking out. They quickly raised the cameras in their hands and clicked the shutter on the team members who walked out. The bright flash was in the dim field outside the fence. One after another.

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