Panther Commando

Chapter 3638: Video material

Xiaohua and Xiaobai jumped over from the side coffee table when they heard the sound. The front paws of the two leopards firmly held the big paper bag, and they looked at Wei Chao and the three with grinning teeth. Wei Chao was so frightened that he quickly retracted his right hand that was about to be stretched out and shouted, "Little Ancestor, can't we do it if we don't?"

"Hahahaha..." Everyone in the room burst out laughing. Wan Lin patted the heads of the two leopards with a smile, then looked at Li Dongsheng and said, "Before we came back, Xiaoya and I were in the Special Forces of the Armed Police, helping them deal with a case of drug dealers taking hostages together. The brigade has already reported to you."

Li Dongsheng nodded and said, "When you were in action, the Wang Brigade reported this to me. Have the hostages been rescued safely?"

Wan Lin immediately replied: "The hostages are an old and a young grandson, and we have rescued them safely!" He followed up and reported the situation at that time.

After he finished his report, he looked at Li Dongsheng and continued: "In this operation, Wang Brigade and the others have newly equipped a wall-penetrating radar, which can penetrate walls to detect people behind objects, and the effect is much better than those of infrared devices. This kind of radar is small in size and can be used by a single soldier. It is quite concealed. However, the detection range is only 20 meters, which is not suitable for us to use in the field. I wonder if we have such a high-power radar in China? If there is, then we are in A weapon for field combat."

Hong Tao was pleasantly surprised when he heard Wan Lin's description: "There is such a good thing? If it can increase the detection range and can be carried by one soldier, it is indeed a weapon for us! Li Tou, have you heard of this thing? If so, hurry up and get us a set."

Wang Hong and the others also looked at Li Dongsheng with great interest. They are all experienced special forces, and naturally understand the role of this radar on the battlefield. Once this equipment can be used on the field battlefield, the situation on the battlefield will be clear at a glance, and all hidden enemies will definitely be invisible.

Li Dongsheng glanced at the comrades around him, he shook his head and said, "I was once invited to a seminar on this new type of equipment, and I know this kind of through-the-wall radar equipment. This kind of equipment is only developed in recent years. This new type of detection equipment is relatively close and uses radio frequency technology, which is currently only suitable for urban street fighting and police response to emergencies.”

He looked at Wan Lin and continued: "According to foreign military information, this kind of equipment was once used in urban combat in street fighting. They implemented transparent strike tactics based on this through-the-wall radar, targeting opponents hidden behind houses and obstacles. Confirmation has indeed played a great role in the battle. According to post-war statistics, the use of this transparent strike tactic can reduce the casualty rate of one's own side by about 40% and increase the tactical success rate by about 50%. rate, the effect is remarkable.”

When Wan Lin heard this, his eyes lit up and asked, "They are also using the wall-penetrating radar equipped by our armed police force?" Li Dongsheng replied, "Yes, they are all radars developed using this radio frequency technology, which can detect the range. It's really close, and now it's only suitable for street fighting and the police to respond to public security emergencies, not for our field special forces."

After hearing this, Wan Lin said with a bit of frustration: "Oh, I'm happy for nothing. If there is a single-soldier radar that can detect several kilometers or tens of kilometers, we can see the enemy's situation at a glance when we are operating in the field. , at that time, Lao Cheng and I killed the enemy without drinking a little wine!"

Seeing his proud look, Lingling smiled and said, "Look at the beauty of the leopard's head. If that's the case, if you snipers kill the enemy alone, then why do we have to do." Cheng Ru said with a smile: " Of course, you two beauties pour wine for us both!"

"Fuck you, you still need someone to serve you in battle!" Xiaoya and Lingling raised their hands to fight Chengru. Li Dongsheng and the others all laughed "hahaha".

Everyone laughed for a while, Wan Lin looked at Li Dongsheng and asked, "Li Tou, how are Xie Chao, Xu Liang, and Yan Ying at the Eagle Falcon Base?" It seems a little dignified.

Xie Chao and the three of them went abroad to participate in this training camp on behalf of the Chinese army. Not only their special forces from China, but also special operators selected by the military of various countries were trained there. A field of special forces, they all represent the military honor of the host country.

Hearing Wan Lin's question, Li Dongsheng replied with satisfaction: "Yes, these three boys have arrived at the Eagle Falcon Base for a month, and are undergoing extremely strict special military training there. It is understood that the instructors at the Eagle Falcon Base are right. The three players we sent from Huaxia are very satisfied. They have participated in several actual battles in training, and they did not embarrass us."

When Lingling heard Li Dongsheng's answer, she exclaimed in surprise, "What? They have already participated in the actual combat there, and it hasn't been a few days of training!"

Li Dongsheng said with a solemn expression: "Yes, this is the characteristic of this Falcon base, the combination of training and actual combat! Their training philosophy is that only through all-round training in actual combat can an excellent special operator be trained. There is no good practitioner."

Saying he stood up and said, "Go, go to the small conference room next to you, I'll show you the Falcon base and send us the relevant information." He walked to the desk He opened the drawer and took something, then strode towards the door.

Li Dongsheng took Wan Lin and the others and strode into the small conference room next to him. Lingling and Xiaoya walked directly to the small table in the corner of the room, picked up the thermos and made a cup of hot tea for each of them. Wan Lin and the others took the tea cups and sat at the round conference table. Everyone looked at Li Dongsheng eagerly.

Li Dongsheng sat on the chair, and he handed a memory in his hand to Hong Tao and said, "This is the video training material sent to us by the Falcon Base, you can put it for everyone." Hong Tao immediately inserted the memory into the conference table and placed it on the table. The projector, a desolate mountain area immediately appeared on the screen on the side.

Wan Lin stared at the screen with a teacup in his hand. The rolling hills were exposed with taupe-brown rocks, and a few small trees drilled out of the rock crevices were swaying in the wind on the steep rock wall.

With the movement of the camera, an undulating mountain is revealed at the foot of the mountain. Between the jagged rocks, there are 20 or 30 figures in special combat uniforms and fully armed. Smeared with heavy tactical paint, they flickered among the rocks, and their tactical movements were very skilled and agile.

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