Panther Commando

Chapter 3639: howling bullet rain

At this moment, the person who rushed to the front on the screen suddenly turned around and rushed behind a rock on the side. He squatted behind the rock, raised his hand and made a "stop forward" tactical gesture to his teammates behind him, and then suddenly raised his gun from the side of the rock and aimed at the hill in front of him.

At this moment, on the hillside hundreds of meters ahead, between a rocky crevice, two dark gun barrels suddenly protruded, and the two gun barrels trembled and spurted out dazzling firelight. The gunshots of "Da Da Da" and "Da Da Da" instantly broke the tranquility of the mountains, and two strings of whistling bullets swept towards the silhouettes flying at the foot of the mountain.

At this moment, the black shadow, who was already lying behind the rock in front, pulled the trigger to fight back, turning his head and shouting loudly. At this time, the players in the back had already seen the suddenly raised arms of the players in front, and a group of people were quickly lying on the spot among the rocks.

Before these team members could hide their bodies, the bullets whistling from the hillside had already swept past their heads, and the surrounding rocks were immediately hit by a dense rain of bullets. One by one, the team members were lying on the back of the rock and immediately pulled the gun bolts quickly, raising the guns and pulling the trigger on the hillside ahead to the right. The muzzle of an assault rifle. Followed by bursts of dazzling fire.

Suddenly, the sound of gunshots erupted in the silent mountains, and the bullets ejected from the muzzles roared and swept down the hillside to the right. The rough rocks on the hillside in front of the right suddenly splashed with gravel and dust!

At the moment when a group of team members raised their guns to shoot at the steep hill on the right, a violent explosion suddenly sounded from around the team members. fly away.

These special forces soldiers who had just stretched out their guns behind the rocks were buried by the rocks and mud that flew from the surrounding and hillsides in a blink of an eye!

Amidst the deafening explosion, four or five black-hole gun barrels suddenly protruded from the hillside several hundred meters in front of the left. Go, "bang bang bang", "bang bang bang" machine gun sounds accompanied by the deafening sound of the explosion.

The special forces team members on the rocky beach at the foot of the mountain had already lowered their bodies and lay tightly under the rocks. On their bodies, there was a "crack and crackle" sound on their body armor and helmets.

The screens in the small conference room of the Special Forces Brigade were full of fire, and the surrounding stereos were echoing with deafening gunshots and explosions. At this moment, the eyes of Wan Lin and the others were all fixed on the screen, and they all looked very nervous. Both fists were tightly clenched together, as if they were already in the storm-like rain of bullets.

The silent mountains on the screen were filled with gunshots in a blink of an eye, gunpowder smoke filled the screen, and black smoke filled the screen.

On the screen, the figures that were just moving fast in the mountains were already lying motionless in the cracks of the rocks. Among the machine gun bullets swept from the side cliff like a storm, no one dared to raise his head easily.

Wan Lin and the others stared at the fierce battle in front of them, their eyes widened! Cheng Ru stared at the gravel splashing around the special forces team members in astonishment and shouted, "Li Tou, is this the actual battle scene of the Peregrine Falcon Base?"

Before Li Dongsheng could answer, a tall figure suddenly appeared on the cliff where the sound of the ear-piercing gunshots echoed on the left side of the screen, and the deafening machine gunshots stopped abruptly! The figure who stood up held a machine gun that was still smoking blue in his hand. He stepped on a raised rock in front of him with one foot, and shouted in Y language to the figure lying on the rocks below: "Training. It's over, go back to the station!"

At this time, Wan Lin and the others suddenly understood that this seemingly fierce battle scene was actually just a live-ammunition training session in the mountains! When they stared at the bullet rain whizzing past the team members just now, a tiny layer of sweat had already appeared on their palms, and they really thought it was a sudden ambush battle.

Wan Lin and the others are old special forces who have experienced countless battles. They can see at a glance that it is a real gun! As long as the hidden movements of those team members were a little slower, if they were not seriously injured by the violent explosion, they would definitely be shot through the body by the machine gun bullets shot from the hillside! This is real live ammunition training.

Seeing everyone's nervous expressions, Li Dongsheng raised his finger to the screen with a grim expression and said, "This is just a scene of the daily training of the Eagle Falcon Base. The following also introduces some of the environment in which their base is located."

With Li Dongsheng's voice, a steep hill appeared on the screen, and five special warfare officers wearing body armor and fully armed were rushing towards the top of the hill with guns swiftly.

They rushed to the top of the mountain and immediately lay down beside a few huge rocks, knelt on one knee and raised their guns and looked into the distance through the scope. It can be seen from their faces that they are smeared with three kinds of tactical paints of black, yellow and green, and their expressions are very nervous.

A few kilometers away in front of the mountains followed by a burst of fire deafening explosions suddenly exploded from several speakers! Not far away, a 200- or 300-meter hilltop was lit up with fire, and one by one roared towards the top of the hill. The top of the hill and the surrounding hillsides suddenly burst into flames, and strands of black gunpowder rose straight into the blue sky. .

In a blink of an eye, the top of the mountain was covered with explosive flames, and the entire hill was filled with smoke. It didn't take long, the top of the hill had been tossed off one layer by the explosions of fire, and the top of the hill, originally covered with gray-brown rocks, was already covered with deep craters at this moment, and several trees on the hillside were covered with craters. Thick smoke was rising from the blown tree trunk.

Wan Lin and the others stared at the fierce artillery fire on the screen, and a look of astonishment flashed in their eyes. At this time, they only saw fierce artillery fire, but they did not see the combatants on both sides. Judging from the fierce artillery fire on the scene, this should be the fire suppression before the attack.

At this moment, the fierce artillery fire suddenly stopped, and behind the huge rocks on the right side of the mountain, a black crowd suddenly appeared. The crowd scattered among the mountains and rushed towards the surrounding hills in front of them. The raised assault rifles in their hands also sprayed beams of fire with "da-da-da" and "da-da-da".

At this time, the mountain below suddenly drew closer, and the silhouettes of people who were rushing forward with guns were clearly displayed in front of the camera.

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