Panther Commando

Chapter 3656: Principal wearing a mask

Xu Liang said loudly, and he stretched out his arms and hugged the mule. The black student on the side and another white student with a big nose also stepped in front of Xie Chao and Yan Ying with a smile. Laughing and turning around in place.

"Hahahaha..." When the people around saw the bold actions of several people, they all let out a burst of cheerful laughter. There were also smiles on the tense faces of Johnny and Instructor Scorpion, and their eyes were full of relief. Instructor Johnny walked over to a few people with a smile. He looked at Xie Chao who was carrying a sniper rifle and nodded, and said in a slightly blunt Chinese language: "Are you the sniper named Xie Chao? Age seventeen, very good!"

Xie Chao nodded shyly, then raised his face and asked in surprise: "Instructor, do you speak Chinese?" Johnny nodded and said with a thumbs up, "What kind of kung fu did you use just now? To be able to grab his sniper rifle from this big mule."

At this time, the mules heard the conversation between Instructor Johnny and the little sniper, and everyone quickly gathered around. The mules put their arms around Xu Liang's shoulders and asked, "What did they say?" Xu Liang smiled and put Xie Chao and Instructor Johnny's dialogue was translated again.

After listening to this, the mule hurried to Xie Chao, he grabbed Xie Chao's right hand and looked carefully, then shook his head and said in surprise: "This kid's hands are normal, but how did he just follow the ice! Just now his When my hand touched my chest just now, I felt like I was thrown into the ice cellar, as if the blood in my whole body was frozen in an instant, it's amazing!"

When everyone heard the mule's description of how Xie Chao felt when he was hit in the chest, everyone looked at Xie Chao in astonishment. Xie Chao didn't understand the meaning of the tall sniper in front of him, and quickly turned his head to look at Xu Liang.

Xu Liang translated the mule's words, Xie Chao looked at the mule's face flushed and apologized after hearing this: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I just saw that you were tall and strong like a big sturdy mule, so you shot a little harder. , but I haven't dared to try too hard, are you all right?"

Before he finished speaking, the instructor Johnny, who could understand Chinese, had already laughed "haha". The mule hurriedly turned to look at Instructor Johnny and asked, "Instructor, what is he babbling about?"

Johnny laughed and said: "Xie Chao is apologizing to you. He said that you looked like a big mule just now, so he shot a little harder, but he didn't use all his strength, and he gave you the big mule. For the sake of face. Hahahaha, he asked if you were okay?"

When everyone heard Xie Chao said that they had not worked hard enough, they laughed loudly with a "coax". The mule blushed and laughed, and said repeatedly: "It's okay, I didn't say it, my mule is solid."

At this moment, everyone suddenly heard Instructor Scorpion shouting loudly: "Stand at attention..., salute!" Everyone quickly put their feet together and looked up, followed by raising their hands to salute a tall man walking from the side of the mountain. .

The three of Xu Liang raised their hands to salute and carefully looked at the person who came. The person who came was tall and burly, with a black face mask covering his angular face. The mask completely covered the lower half of his face. Only a pair of blue eyes, which were deep in their sockets, were exposed, and their eyes were very sharp. Sharp, the whole appearance gives a sense of mystery and majesty.

At this time, the two instructors, Johnny and Scorpion, were already running in front of him, and the two stopped in their tracks and raised their hands to salute. The visitor raised his hand and waved it between his foreheads, and Johnny shouted loudly, "Report to the principal..."

Xu Liang's eyes lit up when he heard the word "principal", and he quickly whispered to Xie Chao and Yan Ying beside him: "This is the principal of the Eagle Falcon Base!" Xie Chao and the two looked at the legendary and very mysterious principal , looks a little nervous. Before Xiang set off, they had heard Li Dongsheng personally introduce them to the situation of the Eagle Base, and also mentioned that the principal of the Eagle Base was very mysterious.

At this time, the principal waved to the instructor Johnny who was going to report the situation. He quickly looked at Xu Liang and the three with sharp eyes, and then stared at Xie Chao, who was short and had a sniper rifle on his back. The two instructors said, "Johnny, Scorpion, I have seen what happened at the command post."

After speaking, he strode up to the three of Xu Liang, and shouted to the students who were still raising their hands in salute: "Complete!" He followed Xu Liang and the three and said in blunt Chinese: "I represent the Eagle Falcon Base. , welcome you Chinese special forces!" In his voice, he stared at Xie Chao and continued: "Very good, your performance just now is very characteristic, you are an excellent sniper!"

When Xie Chao heard this and the praise from the mysterious headmaster, he raised his hand shyly and saluted, "Report, I'm just a recruit, not a good sniper, far worse than my master!" Although the surrounding foreign students listened Don't understand what he said? But seeing his naive look made him laugh. Indeed, a seventeen-year-old special forces, which is indeed a little small in their eyes.

The principal smiled when he looked at him, he stretched out his hand and pulled down Xie Chao's raised right hand, looked at him and asked with a smile: "It's far worse than your master, Your master is so powerful. , what's his name?" Said, his sharp eyes stared at Xie Chao's eyes.

"My master..." Xie Chao murmured that he didn't know how to answer the principal's question. He knew that the identities of Wan Lin and the other Hua Leopard team members were highly confidential in the military and could not be disclosed at all.

Seeing that Xie Chao didn't know how to answer, Xu Liang quickly looked at the principal and said, "Report, the master Xie Chao said is our sniper coach in the spy battalion." He then quickly interrupted and said, "Xie Chao He grew up in the mountains and has been hunting for a living, so his eyesight and marksmanship are very good, and his skills are very agile."

When the principal heard Xu Liang's answer, the pair of sharp eyes above the black mask darkened obviously, as if feeling very disappointed. He looked at Xu Dianguang and nodded, and said kindly: "Very good." He then looked at Xie Chao and said, "I have studied your Chinese Kung Fu, and the palm you hit on the chest of the mule just now is legendary, isn't it? inner strength?"

The three of Xu Liang were stunned for a moment. They had already seen from the principal's blue eyes and exposed skin that he was a white man with a big nose, but they did not expect that he also knew the mysterious inner strength of Huaxia. Xie Chao hesitated for a moment and nodded, looked at his arrogant eyes and replied, "It should be regarded as internal skills. I have always lived in the depths of the mountains. I really don't know if I practice internal skills?"

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