Panther Commando

Chapter 3657: get out of here

Xie Chao is indeed telling the truth. Lingxiumen itself is a mysterious martial arts sect deep in the mountains. In addition, they are withdrawn and rarely interact with the outside world. Xie Chao really does not know at a young age what kind of martial arts his Lingxiumen should belong to. Types of? He only knew that the kung fu on his body was very cold, and he didn't dare to use his full strength, so as not to hurt others.

After the principal asked, he calmly stared into Xie Chao's eyes. At this time, he had already seen that this little sniper from Huaxia was very sincere and told the truth.

He raised his hand and patted Xie Chao's shoulder lightly, followed by a cold sweep of the surrounding group of fully-armed students, he said in a stern voice: "Everyone who comes here for training is a country and region that spends a lot of money. Special operations personnel sent by the capital. I know that some of you are from the so-called well-known special operations forces, but those honors are exchanged by your predecessors with their lives and blood donations, and they have nothing to do with you!"

When the principal said this, he suddenly raised his voice and roared: "Here in our Eagle Falcon base, you have no military rank, no designation of the original unit, and no honors you have won in the past! Here, each of you is just an ordinary student, No one has privileges! If someone dares to disobey the military order, be greedy for life and fear death, the lesser ones will be expelled immediately, and the more severe ones will be rectified on the spot! Don't forget, your military and you have signed a life and death certificate with us, here I have the right to use any means to deal with those who disobey the military order!"

He suddenly raised his right hand, pointed at Xie Chao and the three around him and continued: "I don't know what the technical and tactical level of these three Chinese soldiers is? But I just saw the **** nature of the soldiers on them, and saw the indomitable Chinese soldiers. The military temperament! The technical and tactical level is not good enough to practice, but if you don't have the blood of a soldier, you are greedy for life and fear of death on the battlefield, you don't deserve to stay in my Eagle Falcon base!" The principal's voice was not high, but there was a hint in his voice. A chilling murderous aura.

In the voice, his tall body swayed violently, and suddenly rushed to the side of a machine gunner. His left hand flashed in front of the opponent's face like lightning, and at the moment when the opponent instinctively dodged, his right hand grabbed the opponent and carried the machine gun.

He twisted and jumped onto a rock more than half a meter high next to him, and quickly pulled the bolt with his right hand, pulling the trigger with the muzzle facing everyone's heads, and "bang bang bang bang" swept out a rain of bullets. Everyone only felt a heat wave coming towards them, and the air in front of them was distorted by the sound of sharp bullets breaking through the air. The headmaster looked tall and tall, but his series of movements were as smooth and fast as lightning, and his hands clasping the machine gun were as stable as a rock.

Amidst the deafening sound of machine gunfire, a piece of bullets whizzed past each student's head. The two students who had just finished shooting live pistols suddenly screamed in the rain of bullets. They threw away the assault rifles in their hands, turned around and fled to the side.

The whistling machine gun bullets swept behind the two students who had escaped. The dense rain of bullets hit a piece of sparks on the rock behind the two of them, and a cloud of dust splashed like bubbles on the mud.

In the rain of bullets whistling behind them, the two students swooped under a rock in front of them. The dense machine gun bullets followed like a shadow, and the two people were hit by bullets in front of their heads and behind their feet. The two boys hugged their heads and lay under the rock in horror, their whole bodies shaking violently from the sound of gunfire.

The deafening gunshots stopped abruptly! The masked headmaster and the two instructors had cold faces as they glanced grimly at the group of students who were still standing at attention. They followed and looked at the two students who were shivering behind the rock, and a look of extreme disgust suddenly appeared in their eyes.

The masked principal looked away from behind the two boys, as if he never wanted to see these two students who were greedy for life and fear of death. With his left hand holding the machine gun still emitting a faint wisp of blue smoke, his eyes swept over every student standing upright. He nodded slightly, raised his hand and threw the machine gun at the machine gunner.

He looked at the group of standing students and said indifferently: "Very good, if you can stand still under the machine gun bullets whistling by the wind above your head, you are worthy of being a soldier, and you are qualified to stand on the position of my Falcon Base! "

He followed and said to the two instructors around him: "Johnny, send someone to send these two away immediately. Warn them, whether in this land or back to their own country, as long as they dare to reveal the location of our Falcon base. , even if he ran to the ends of the earth, the people at our Falcon Base will definitely take their heads off!" His voice suddenly brought out a strong murderous aura, and the dark mask covering his face , all drummed up in this sudden outpouring of murderous aura.

"Yes!" Instructor Johnny shouted, and then lowered his head and whispered an order to a walkie-talkie on his shoulder. Soon, four fully-armed soldiers ran towards this side from the hillside. Several of them ran to the two students who were climbing up from under the rock, and dropped their weapons with quick movements~www.wuxiaspot. com~ then stood aside with a gun and stared at them motionless.

At this time, Xu Liang whispered to Xie Chao and Yan Ying beside him, translating every word of the principal, while staring at the two fleeing students on the side. At this time, he could already see that it was a black student with a similar stature and a tall white student. Both of them looked like twenty-five or six-year-olds. They should be two veterans. Would have made such a disgusting action in the sound of gunfire.

Instructor Johnny strode up to the two of them, and he shouted sharply: "Please follow these soldiers and leave the Falcon base immediately, we will be responsible for your return tickets!" After speaking, he reached out and tore off the sleeves of the two students. The falcon armband of the falcon, followed by twisting and striding towards the principal.

The faces of the two students who had just climbed up from the rock were ashen, and the tall white student shouted loudly, "Principal, instructor, we are not afraid of death, we are just an instinctive reaction!"

Instructor Johnny stopped when he heard his cry, and he suddenly turned around and shouted at the two desperate-eyed boys: "Fleeing when you heard the gunshots, that's the reaction of ordinary civilians. You are military veterans. The soldiers in training are not civilians! Run away alone after hearing the sound of gunfire, what do I want you soldiers to do? You **** embarrass your army and all our special soldiers. Go away, don't let Lao Tzu see you again! "

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