Panther Commando

Chapter 3658: just enough cost

In the roar, Instructor Johnny angrily pulled out the pistol from the holster on the side of his thigh, and quickly pulled the bolt with his left hand. With a few triggers, several bullets hit the mud on the heels of the two of them accurately.

The two boys saw that the instructor suddenly drew out the pistol in a rage, so scared they raised their feet and fled outside the canyon. The speed of the two was extremely fast. They were really afraid that the instructor would shoot them in rage. They know that they have signed the life and death documents, and no one will avenge them if they die here!

Johnny stared angrily at the two fleeing boys, then raised his hand to insert the pistol into the holster, and shouted angrily, "You bastard, I really want to kill these two **** with one shot!"

He followed and shouted at the four soldiers standing with guns: "Go to the two of you, **** them to the airport, and tell them about our precepts on the way. Someone will pick you up at the airport. I will send them their passports and air tickets. I'll take you to the airport." "Yes!" The four soldiers answered in unison, followed by chasing after the two boys with their guns.

Instructor Johnny followed with strides to the headmaster. He glanced coldly at the students who were standing upright, and shouted sharply: "I tell you, in this turbulent mountain, no one can guarantee your safety. Now, I will give you one last chance. Those who are willing to take a step forward immediately and go with them! Otherwise, our Falcon Base will never pay return air tickets for deserters!"

The sun had completely set at the foot of the mountain, and the dim canyon was silent. All the students stood upright, with a firm look in their eyes, and no one took a step forward. The masked headmaster and the two instructors swept their stern gazes over every student in front of them. They looked at the students who were standing motionless and nodded lightly, and the stern expressions in their eyes also softened.

The principal turned his head to look at the two instructors and ordered: "Johnny, bring these three Huaxia team members to collect weapons and equipment and be ready to fight at any time, and then take them to take a bath and eat. Let them have a good rest tonight, no need to participate. Training. Scorpion, you come with me." After he finished speaking, he turned around and strode towards the foot of the mountain behind, his footsteps seemed very brisk.

As soon as Lingling said this, Hong Tao shouted excitedly: "Okay, this is the place to train real special forces!" Wan Lin also looked at the people around him and said loudly: "Yes, this Falcon Base is really extraordinary! We are worth sending People go to learn!"

At this time, Xiaoya raised her head and looked at Li Dongsheng and said, "Li Tou, why is the principal of the Eagle Base so mysterious? He wears a mask in the base. Who is he?"

Wan Lin and several others also looked at Li Dongsheng. From Xie Chao's diary just now, everyone could feel that the instructors of the two bases and the mysterious principal all had a favorable impression of the Chinese soldiers. But they were indeed a little surprised. They didn't understand how these strangers could have a good impression of the Chinese soldiers for no reason.

Li Dongsheng shook his head, looked at Xiaoya and replied, "I've always wondered, when we contacted the Falcon Base, the other party was very eager for us to send someone there. Moreover, they are also extremely favorable on training fees, which is indeed a problem. We didn't know why the other party valued our special soldiers in China so much. This principal is even more secretive, and no one knows his origins. However, judging from the way he shoots with a gun, this man's marksmanship is extremely accurate. A battle-hardened old special soldier."

He then looked at Wan Lin and the others and said, "From the situation just now, you should be able to understand that the training fee for this Eagle Falcon base is extremely high, because they are using the most advanced weapons and equipment in the world, and they are all trained with live ammunition. There are also many security personnel in the base. But they only charged half of our training cost, which I estimate is only enough for the training cost.”

Wan Lin and the others were a little surprised when they heard Li Dongsheng's answer. They really didn't understand why the Falcon Base would take special care of their Chinese soldiers. At this time, Lingling smiled and said, "It's not a good thing to collect less money. Hey, don't worry about it! Who cares who the principal is? As long as they don't bully Xiaochao and the others."

"Hahahaha..." Everyone laughed. Hong Tao said with a smile: "Yes, it's still our sister Lingling who is free and easy. It doesn't matter who they are, just be friendly to us!" At this time, Wang Hong also smiled and said: "Hehe, the person who bullied Xie Chao and the three boys has not yet given birth. When you came out, didn't you watch them pack up the mules? It's alright for these three little boys not to bully others!"

Everyone laughed when they heard Wang Hong's evaluation, Wei Chao said with a smile: "Yes, yes, these three boys showed their hands as soon as they arrived at the Eagle Falcon Base, and no one will dare to blow them up in the future. Okay. , give our Huaxia special forces a face!"

Li Dongsheng followed up and said, "Our leopard commandos have already become famous on the stage of the World Special Forces Competition. This time, Xie Chao, Xu Liang and Yan Ying will still have a good time in the hunter school of the Eagle Base. Come on. Hahahaha, these three boys have given our special forces in China a good fight, and they must be rewarded well when they come back!"

When Hong Tao heard Li Dongsheng mentioning the World Special Forces, his heart moved, looked at Li Dongsheng and said, "Brigade commander, speaking of the special forces competition, will the principal of this Falcon Base be the one who participated in the competition? The organizer? Those of them know the strength of our Chinese special forces."

Li Dongsheng shook his head and said: "No, the people who held the special forces competition last time are all seniors in this industry. They have already gray hair, although they have rich experience in special warfare, but in this Age no longer has this energy. According to the records in Xie Chao's diary, the age of this masked principal will not exceed forty years old. "

Wan Lin raised his head and looked at Li Dongsheng and said, "I don't care about him, if we have a fate in the future, we will meet him, and then we will naturally understand the reason. In short, no matter who they are, they should be our friends! "

Hong Tao on the side also said boldly: "Yes, it's good to have a drink after being a friend, and we will greet you with bullets if it is an enemy! I don't care about him, I believe there must be something like fate, and we must meet this mysterious principal one day!"

At this time, Xiaoya looked at Lingling and said curiously, "Lingling, what happened to Xie Chao and the three of them? Did they have anything new in training?" Everyone's eyes followed to Lingling.

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