Panther Commando

Chapter 3675: curiosity kills

A group of officers standing on the top of the mountain in the distance held up binoculars and stared at the mountains ahead. Amid the fierce gunfire, the three-person team that arrived for reconnaissance, under the dense rain of bullets shot from the hillside in front, continuously crawled and rolled back in the mountains with the help of the undulating terrain in the mountains and the cover of their comrades in the back.

The mountains are constantly bursting with flames, and the explosions of "Boom", "Boom", "Boom"... The three scouts retreated quickly, taking cover in rocks and low-lying areas, then twisted and pulled the trigger on the hill behind. In the morning light, a string of bullets whistled towards the hillside ahead.

At this moment, the flanks of the rocks and tree trunks on the hillside in the distance continued to flash the fire from the spears, and the whistling bullets flew straight to the mountains below. In the violent rain of bullets shot down from the hillside, the rocks and grasses around the members of the reconnaissance team below were splashed by the gravel dust mist and pieces of dirt hit by the bullets. The withered grass that had been ignited by the explosive flames had already emitted black smoke.

From the top of the mountain where the officers of the special operations brigade were watching, the battle between the mountains in the distance was very fierce, it really seemed like a life-and-death battle. Looking at this intense training scene, all the officers clenched their fists unconsciously. Their tense faces showed a tense look, and their eyes stared at the smoke-filled mountains in the distance.

At this time, the three scouts in the mountains finally retreated safely to the comrades in the back from the rain of bullets fired from the front, under the cover of the firepower of the teammates behind. They tumbled to the side of the cover team, immediately turned around and swept a string of bullets towards the distant hillside, and then ran directly past their companions and ran back.

After they ran two or three hundred meters, they lay down behind a few rocks, turned around and swept out a string of bullets towards the distant hillside, covering the retreat of the teammates in front.

The sound of gunshots and explosions gradually faded away, and a blue signal flare rose from the front hillside, and the gunshots stopped abruptly!

A group of officers standing on the top of the mountain saw the sudden rise of the flare, and their nervousness was relieved. They understand that the live-fire training in the mountains is finally over.

Sure enough, with the rise of the flare, under the rocks and thick tree trunks in the distance, soldiers in mountain camouflage uniforms and fully armed stood up almost at the same time. Two small shadows flew down the hillside, and a dozen other people also rushed down the hillside with agile movements, running straight to the scouts who had already stood up in the mountains in front of them.

At this time, Captain Zhang of the spy battalion standing on the top of the mountain held a telescope and stared at the two ups and downs of black dots. He exclaimed in surprise to Wang Hong who was standing beside him: "Battery commander, that's not a leopard's. People. They have been away from the station recently, when did they come back?"

When the people around heard Zhang's question, they immediately understood: the people on the hillside in front were members of the Panther Commando. They glanced at each other, and several of them whispered: "No wonder, it turns out to be a leopard person" "Yes, that is, they are sure to use live ammunition!"...

Wang Hong heard Company Commander Zhang's question and the discussions of the people around him. He put down the binoculars, turned his face to look at Company Commander Zhang, and said angrily, "Aren't you talking nonsense, Huabao's station is in the Special Forces Brigade, and they don't come back here. Where? Do they have to report their actions to you?"

The tall company commander Zhang heard Wang Hong's scolding, and he quickly put down the telescope and said embarrassedly: "No, no, that's not what I meant!" "Hahahaha..." Everyone around heard the conversation between the two of them and laughed. .

At this time, Li Dongsheng brought Hong Tao, Qidong, and Wei Chao over with a smile. He raised his hand and patted Company Commander Zhang on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Hehe, have you been criticized by your battalion commander?" Brigade Commander, he took off the helmet on his head in embarrassment, touched his big bare head and said with a smile: "Hehehe, curiosity kills people, I won't dare to talk more in the future."

"Hahahaha..." Li Dongsheng laughed loudly. He raised his finger and pointed to a group of team members who were lining up in the mountains in the distance, and said loudly: "Company Commander Zhang was right just now, he was with our special reconnaissance team for live ammunition training. It is the most elite leopard commando in our military region!"

He then turned his head to look at the crowd and said, "As special forces, everyone should have heard of the new hunter school, the Eagle Falcon Base, right?" After those famous hunter schools!" Captain Zhang replied quickly, then raised his hand to cover his big mouth.

When the officers around saw him, they all smiled and gathered around and said, "I heard about it", "It is said to be a new hunter school that trains special operators"...

"Yes!" Li Dongsheng looked at the crowd and continued: "This newly established hunter school adopts the actual combat training method you have just seen, and the training effect is excellent. Of course, the actual combat used in their training. , that is different from the actual combat of the enemy, which is different from our special reconnaissance team's method of simulating actual combat. Because this falcon base is located in a war-torn They can find opponents at any time, and take students to fight against opponents. A real gun fight."

When he said this, his face suddenly became serious, and he raised his voice and said: "Now, we are in a period of peace, and we have no chance to participate in this kind of actual combat. But if the army is not prepared for war, it is a serious problem for the country! Our surroundings are not very peaceful. , some hostile forces are still staring at our beautiful country in China. We soldiers shoulder the heavy responsibility of defending our homeland and defending our country! Therefore, we must step up training to ensure that our special forces brigade is a capable team. A steel team that can pull, get up, and win at critical moments!"

He glanced sharply at the group of officers of the special operations brigade beside him, and said sharply: "Keeping the battle is the responsibility of the generals; well-trained, the military matters. I require all the officers and soldiers of the special operations brigade to be based on the Carry out training in actual combat, and become an invincible steel force in our military region and China like the brave commando of the leopards!"

"Yes!" shouted a group of officers standing at attention. The roar made by a group of officers was like a bomb that suddenly detonated on the top of the mountain, causing the surrounding mountains to send out a "humming" echo.

The roar on the top of the mountain did not stop, and a low and powerful voice suddenly came from behind a group of officers: "Stand at attention...Salute. Report!" Li Dongsheng and a group of officers on the top of the mountain heard the sound and turned their heads to look at the side of the mountain. go.

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