Panther Commando

Chapter 3676: All-round training

On the top of the mountain behind the side, there were already more than two dozen special forces soldiers covered in dirt standing silently, all of them holding guns tightly in their hands, standing upright and looking at Li Dongsheng and a group of officers beside him. At this moment, Wan Lin, the leader of the Leopard Commando, was holding a sniper rifle in his left hand and saluting his right hand and shouting a password.

Li Dongsheng turned around and raised his hand in return. He strode to the front of the team, glanced at the mud-covered players, and said loudly, "Everyone has worked hard!" In his voice, he glanced at the reconnaissance with tactical paint on his face. Several members of the team said with satisfaction: "Very good, you can suddenly appear under the eyes of so many of us, it seems that your training is very effective!"

At this time, a group of officers standing on the side of the mountain looked at the group of team members who suddenly appeared in front of them in astonishment. They were all staring at Li Dongsheng just now, but no one noticed that more than 20 heavily armed fighters had been quietly touched behind him. The ability of this group of leopard team members and special reconnaissance team members to covertly really exceeded their imagination, and they were amazed in their hearts.

A group of members of the special reconnaissance team heard the brigade commander's praise, and smiles appeared on their faces. At this time, Chief of Staff Hong Tao came over, he glanced at the members of the special reconnaissance team, and said with a smile: "It seems that you are training with Captain Wan and the others, and your technical and tactical level has indeed improved a lot. Let me tell you, in our special reconnaissance team. In the brigade, you are the first unit to be praised by the brigade commander."

The spy battalion commander Wang Hong also came over and said with a smile: "Yes, since the establishment of the special operations brigade, this is the first time I have heard the brigade commander's praise. Yes, your special reconnaissance team did not embarrass my spy battalion. Good job, keep working hard!"

He followed Wan Lin's group of people and said, "Thank you, brothers!" Wan Lin walked over to Wang Hong and said with a smile, "Everyone is a family, there is nothing to be thankful for. In addition, our commandos will also start training. , we and the reconnaissance team are helping each other.”

At this time, Li Dongsheng had already walked up to the members of the reconnaissance team, and he looked at them carefully. The training uniforms on the players have been torn by sharp rocks, and blood has appeared on the elbows, calves and faces of several players.

He raised his finger and pointed at the team member's injury, and asked with concern, "Is the injury serious? Do you need to ask a hygienist to bandage it?" Several team members looked down at the arm and calf cut by the rock, and one team member stood at attention and answered. Said: "Report to the brigade commander, we are all right. Doctor Wan Jun has given us battlefield medical training. We can handle this minor injury ourselves."

Li Dongsheng glanced at Xiaoya in the queue next to him with satisfaction, and said, "Okay, this is all-round military training, and everything focuses on actual combat."

He followed and turned to look at a group of officers walking by, and said loudly, "Don't stand stupidly, come and help these brothers, and when we go back, let's have an armed off-road." With that, he snatched the soldiers in front of him. backpack slung over his shoulders.

A group of officers behind him also hurried over and stretched out the backpacks on Wan Lin, the others and the members of the reconnaissance team. Several officers followed to take Wan Lin's weapons, but they were all pushed away with a smile. Li Dongsheng said with a smile: "You can take away the food and drink, but you have to take their weapons. You don't have the ability!" A group of officers laughed, they already understood: at any time, these brave leopards The team members will not hand over their weapons to others!

Li Dongsheng turned around with a smile and waved to the two leopards standing on the shoulders of Wan Lin and Xiaoya. He shouted loudly, "Xiaohua, Xiaobai, go home!" , the two leopards jumped from the shoulders of Wan Lin and the two with a "woo", and ran straight to the opposite hillside...

When everyone returned to the station in a dusty manner, it was already past two o'clock in the afternoon. Wan Lin and the others went straight back to their resident courtyard. Everyone quickly maintained the dusty weapons before entering the bathroom and hurriedly washing them.

After washing up, everyone changed into a clean training suit and walked out of the bathroom. At this time, Wan Lin was standing in the courtyard with a towel on his shoulders, afraid of smashing and Xiaohua. When he saw everyone walking out, he turned around and threw the towel in the air in his hand, and said with a smile, "Xiaohua, dry the towel."

Following his voice, Xiaohua jumped up from his shoulders and bit the towel in the air. It followed the body and twisted to the side of the clothesline. When it jumped in front of the rope, it opened its mouth wide, accurate. hung the towel in the middle of the rope.

Everyone who walked out of the bathroom laughed when they saw Xiao Hua's sensitive movements. Zhang Wa also threw the towel in the air into the air, and shouted, "Xiaohua, there is still one, please help."

Xiaohua heard Zhang Wa's cry, and looked up at the towel that was falling. It didn't say a word, and ran towards Wan Lin with its head lowered, ignoring the towel falling in the air at all.

"Hey, the stinky thing fell to the ground, you can tell the difference!" Zhang Wa saw that Xiaohua didn't care about the towel she threw out, he ran forward in panic, followed by bending over and picking up the towel that was about to fall to the ground , He threw the towel on the clothesline in frustration.

" Everyone laughed when they saw his embarrassed appearance. Wan Lin bent down and hugged Xiaohua who was running, and laughed too. He followed and greeted everyone, and went to the brigade department together. Go to the cafeteria.

Everyone walked into the canteen, and Hong Tao, Qidong, Wang Hong and Wei Chao were already sitting at a table waiting for them. Wan Lin sat next to Hong Tao, looked around and asked, "Why didn't Li Tou come?" Hong Tao replied, "Just as he was about to come with us, he was called by Minister Gao of the War Department to the military area. Don't know what's in a hurry? I grabbed him a handful of jerky you brought from home. Come on, let's eat first."

When Lingling heard Hong Tao's words, she raised her face and said excitedly: "Did we have work again? It's really tiring to train with the special reconnaissance team. It's hard to use live ammunition. I have to raise the muzzle three inches. Shoot, it's killing me."

Everyone laughed when they heard Lingling's complaint. Indeed, in this kind of training with live ammunition, every team member needs to be extra careful when pulling the trigger to prevent accidental injury to the players below.

At this time, Wang Hong sighed and said: "However, the reconnaissance team has indeed made great progress under your training that is close to actual combat. I remember that at the beginning, some team members felt that the bullets flying overhead would not Unconsciously, he dodged behind the cover, his face turned pale with fright."

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