Panther Commando

Chapter 3682: very similar

Wan Lin heard Wang Molin say that the searched military plane almost crashed, he looked up at Yu Jing in astonishment: "How could this be?" Yu Jing shook her head and replied, "We don't know now. But what is certain is that the local electromagnetic The environment has changed so much that all radio signals and electronic equipment are strongly disturbed here."

Yu Jingyang pointed to the picture on the screen and continued: "This originally desolate and rugged mountain has suddenly become lush and lush in such a short period of time. This shows that the environment here must be in the process of the unknown object hitting the ground. They have been strongly stimulated by external factors. Under this strong and sudden stimulation, the internal genes of plants have undergone dramatic changes, so these plants suddenly become very lush. And all these changes point directly to That unknown object that suddenly fell from space!"

Wang Molin took Yu Jing's voice and said, "Judging from the current situation, the situation there is very complicated and dangerous, and the life and death of our scientific expedition team members are also unknown."

He turned to look at Gao Li and Li Dongsheng and said: "Yu Jing is our top physicist in China. She is not only a famous scholar in the field of lasers, but also a world-renowned astrophysicist. Let her come and analyze her views on this unknown object that suddenly descended on our China, and also listen to your opinions."

Gao Li, Li Dongsheng, and Wan Lin heard Wang Molin say that Yu Jing actually has a deep knowledge of astrophysics, and everyone looked at Yu Jing in surprise. Although Li Dongsheng has a very close relationship with Yu Jing, like Wan Lin and the others, he only knows that Yu Jing is a well-known scientist in the field of lasers, but he does not know that she also has a deep research on astrophysics.

When Yu Jing saw everyone looking at her in surprise, she said lightly: "Actually, my main academic focus was astrophysics. The universe is full of different rays and particles, and these are all my researches. Direction. Later, it was because my teacher suggested that I turn to laser research, so I entered the laser research institution, in fact, I was a half-way monk in laser research.”

"My God! You became the most famous laser master in the world halfway through becoming a monk. You are too scary!" Wu Xueying exclaimed in surprise with her big eyes.

Yu Jing looked at Wu Xueying and said with a smile: "Actually, lasers are similar to the various rays in astrophysics that I have studied in the past. They are all rays with energy, so my current research has not departed from this old line of work."

She waved her hand and said, "I'm talking about the substance that hit our earth, why did it turn to me again. Let's not mention this, let's continue to talk about the mysterious ignorance that landed in the northwest region. Now the expedition team has fallen into In this dangerous area, their team members are the elite of our technology community, and we can't watch them disappear forever in this mysterious depression."

As she said that, she turned to point to the picture on the screen and said, "Judging from the drastic changes in this mountainous area, there should have been a very violent explosion at the time of the impact. This mysterious substance that fell from the air must also be In the explosion, there was a huge power that we can't know, so that the topography, topography and vegetation here have changed drastically."

At this time, her expression had become very dignified. She pondered for a moment and continued: "There are infinite mysteries in space, and there are many mysterious objects and phenomena that we humans cannot understand. It fell to our earth more than ten days ago. There are also many magical phenomena in this object."

"What we now know is that the topography of the impact site has changed dramatically, the vegetation in the area has mutated, and all radio signals and electronics close to the area have been blocked or disabled. It turns out that this mysterious object has a huge energy that we don't know yet."

At this time, Wan Lin suddenly interrupted and said: "Mr. Yu, I remember that when we went to the northeast to carry out the mission, we encountered this situation. At that time, all the radio signals in the place called 'Dry Rice Basin' were interfered. And there are mutated ferocious wild boars inside."

Yu Jing's eyes lit up when she heard this, and she looked at Wan Lin and asked, "The dry rice bowl you're talking about is where you found the green stone, the little flower, and the gem on Xiaobai's chest?" At this time, Wu Xueying also looked curiously. Zhu Wanlin asked: "That mysterious green stone was found in this dry rice bowl? How can there be such a strange place name."

Wang Molin and Minister Gao also looked at Wanlin. They knew the origin of the mysterious green stone, but they didn't know exactly where the rice bowl was.

Wan Lin saw Wang Molin and the others also looking at him, and he quickly said, "The dry rice bowl is a place in the northeast surrounded by craters, with an area of ​​about 300 square kilometers."

When he said this, he raised his finger and pointed to the picture on the screen and said: "By the way, the area should be similar to the depression formed by this impact point, and there are depressions like giant basins all over There are nine in total. Ninety-eighty-one pots in a series."

"The origin of the place name Ganfan Basin is said to be that a group of ginseng guests entered this area by mistake in order to dig up thousand-year-old ginseng in the Qing Dynasty, and they never came out. It means that these people were eaten by those pots, and that area has since been called 'dry rice pot' by the locals."

Hearing this, Yu Jing pondered and said, "I heard you say this before. Think about it carefully, did all the electronic equipment malfunction at that time?"

Wan Lin replied affirmatively: "Yes, all the radio communication devices at that time failed, and there were huge wild boars inside. They were so ferocious that even the bullets we shot couldn't penetrate their thick skin. This should be you. The mutation I mentioned just now. By the way, it is said that the two planes of the little devil back then plunged into this mysterious area and crashed when they passed over this dry rice bowl."

When Yu Jing heard this, her expression suddenly became excited. She looked at Wang Molin and said, "It seems that the dry rice bowl that Wan Lin and the others used to enter should be very similar to the depression that we have now! The giant beast discovered should be the mysterious energy released by the mysterious object like green stone, which changed the genes in their body, and then became fierce, abnormal and huge."

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