Panther Commando

Chapter 3683: requesting gaze

When Wang Molin heard Yu Jing arrive here, a nervous expression suddenly appeared on his face. He looked at Yu Jing and said with some worry: "I remember you told me about this, the green stone itself is weakly radioactive. The mysterious matter falling from subspace is highly radioactive, will it harm the personnel of our scientific expedition team?"

When Gao Li, Li Dongsheng and Wan Lin heard Wang Molin's doubts, they all looked at Yu Jing nervously, and a kind of anxiety arose in their hearts.

Yu Jing pondered for a moment, then shook her head and replied, "It shouldn't be. Judging from the golden luster rubbed by this object and the earth's atmosphere, the size of this object is not large. Moreover, this object is extremely high. The speed hits the earth, and the resulting explosion is very violent, and the object itself will definitely be shattered in the violent explosion, and the energy contained in it should be exhausted at that time."

She then looked at Wan Lin and asked, "I think there are two reasons for the tragic death of the attendants you just mentioned in the dry rice bowl. One is that they lost their way inside and were trapped alive; Here comes the terrifying mutant animals. How did you know your direction when you were operating in an area the size of a rice bowl?"

Wan Lin quickly replied: "At that time, all the positioning equipment we carried failed, and even the compass could not point the direction. Most of our team members really lost their sense of direction. We relied on the flowers to lead us to the area where the monsters are located. , We killed three huge monsters one after another, and found the green stone and two gems near the cave where the monsters lived. Xiaobai also appeared near the cave at that time."

At this time, Li Dongsheng looked at Wang Molin and Yu Jing and said, "I led the team in that operation. At that time, we found a strange stone platform with an area of ​​about 100 square meters on the steep hillside next to the monster's nest, with smooth stone walls. It is crystal clear, and it emits a faint seven-color light under the reflection of the sun. It is crystal clear. It is very strange."

Yu Jing had already heard of the scene at that time, but Wang Molin looked at Li Dongsheng in astonishment and asked, "How could there be such a strange scene, is that stone platform still there?"

Li Dongsheng shook his head and replied: "At that time, Xiaobai took Wan Lin and had already found the green stone with huge energy. Later, under the stimulation of Xiaohua and Xiaobai's eyes, the stone wall suddenly collapsed violently. In the collapse, it disappeared without a trace.”

When Wang Molin heard this, he looked at Yu Jing with some puzzlement and asked, "How could such a strange phenomenon occur in that place?" Yu Jing explained: "I guess that the stone platform is in a state of glazed glass produced under high temperature. , it should be that when the unknown body of green stone hit the mountain, the high temperature generated by the impact burned into a glass-like shape."

When she said this, she pondered for a moment and continued: "As you all know, that green stone itself contains extremely high unknown energy. Xiaohua and Xiaobai's eyes also contain an extremely high energy. The large amount of energy, so their eyes shone on the green stone at the same time, which must have induced the huge energy in the green stone, and the high temperature and high pressure generated by the release of this unknown energy destroyed that beautiful rock wall at once. It's really a pity!"

When Wu Yingying and Wen Meng heard Li Dongsheng and Yu Jing's description, a light flashed in their eyes. Wu Xueying looked at Yu Jing impatiently and said, "Sister Yu, from the current situation, this mysterious area suddenly appeared in the northwest mountainous area. , it should be the same as that dry rice bowl, so let's go over there and have a look. Besides, the scientific research team is still there, so let's not waste time and leave quickly, shall we?"

She and Wen Meng were studying at the Public Security University last time during the dry rice pot operation, so they missed that operation. This time they heard that there was such a miraculous thing, and the members of the scientific expedition team were unknown in the mountains in the northwest. They really wanted to rush to that area to rescue the scientific expedition team members and see the mysterious area.

When Wan Lin, Xiaoya, and Lingling heard Wu Xueying's anxious words, they all looked at Yu Jing and Wang Molin. They have encountered such a similar situation in the dry rice pot, and there are two magical leopards, Xiaohua and Xiaobai, so they are indeed the best candidates to rescue the members of the scientific expedition team. I am afraid it is difficult for others to complete this. secondary task.

Wang Molin saw the eyes of Wan Lin and the others asking for instructions, he looked at them and waved his hands and said, "Don't worry, we will definitely send people to rescue the members of the scientific expedition team, but the current situation is very complicated. That mysterious collision point Nearby, not only are there many mysterious phenomena that we don't understand yet, but there are also some outlaws with weapons rushed there."

He said and pondered for a moment, then said: "Even if you rush over, you must make careful preparations in advance, and you must not act blindly without preparation. Now that the scientific expedition team has been trapped, we can no longer let you Go in blindly."

At this time, Gao Li looked at Wang Molin and said thoughtfully, "That mountain area is under the jurisdiction of the Northwest Military Region. Did they send someone from the ground to rescue it?"

Wang Molin immediately replied: "After the Northwest Military Region received the report for at that time, it sent reconnaissance planes to search from the air, and at the same time sent two platoons of rescue teams from the border troops, and also strengthened the border area. patrols.”

With that said, he raised his finger and pointed at the picture with dense vegetation on the screen, and continued: "I immediately sought the opinion of the research institute after receiving the notification at the headquarters. They took this picture based on the satellite and the aircraft electronic device failed. It was immediately judged that strong radioactive and electromagnetic changes occurred locally, so it is recommended that the Northwest Military Region immediately withdraw the rescue team to prevent more people from being harmed. Now, the Academy of Sciences has used satellite and ground remote sensing equipment to All-round monitoring of this impact point."

Wang Molin said this, looked at Wan Lin and the others and said, "The Institute of Astrophysics mentioned Yu Jing to me at that time, saying that she is a well-known astrophysicist in the world today, especially in cosmic rays and meteorites. She has in-depth research on unknown substances that land in space, and it would be nice to have her here."

He said and laughed: "Hehe, but they only know that Yu Jing is in the country, but they don't know where she is now? As soon as I heard it, I immediately said that I will be in charge of finding Yu Jing, and let them continue to use scientific instruments to test. I followed Wu Xueying and Wen Meng to that area."

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