Panther Commando

Chapter 3693: There is no danger

At this time, Yu Jing landed safely on the ground and completely calmed down. She brushed the dust off her body, raised her finger and pointed at the parachute hanging on the tree and said with some frustration: "This military parachute is different from the civilian parachute I used before, the speed of descent is obviously much faster, and I get used to it in the air. It took me a while to gradually grasp the method. But the crosswind just now was too sudden, and I adjusted the direction in the wrong direction in panic, so I strayed from the intended landing spot and hung it on the tree. Alas, what a shame!"

Wan Lin and the others laughed when they heard her explanation, Xiaoya comforted: "You are right, the landing speed of a military parachute is much higher than that of a civilian parachute, and the impact of landing is also great. This is the first time you use it. This kind of military parachute has landed safely, which is very good."

Yu Jing smiled a little embarrassedly: "Isn't it good? I hung it on the tree, and I almost had a close contact with a bear. It seems that I really have a relationship with an animal like a bear in my life, and I can still touch it on a tree. To this big baby." When several people around heard her witty language, they covered their mouths and laughed in a low voice.

Yu Jing immediately looked at Wu Xueying and Wen Meng and said, "The animal was a sun bear just now. It was on top of my head at the time. I could see it clearly. This kind of bear is easy to distinguish from common black bears and brown bears. The bear is the only bear subfamily that does not hibernate, it has a tan around the nose and lips, taupe eye rims, and a prominent orange-yellow 'U' pattern on the chest, so I can't see it wrong."

"What you said just now is right. Sun bears are mainly distributed in Southeast Asia and South Asia, but this kind of bear can also be encountered occasionally in the plateau area of ​​3,000 and 3,500 meters above sea level. This kind of bear is lonely and basically They are loners, they rest in trees during the day, they are active at night, they are very agile, and they are good at climbing trees."

As she said that, she raised her wrist and glanced at the multi-function watch, and continued: "We are now at an altitude of 3,200 meters, which is exactly in line with the range of activities of this kind of bear. Although this mountain area is very high, it is very difficult to find here. The temperature is not low, and there are some broad-leaved forests and coniferous forests growing in the mountains, which are more suitable for the habitat conditions of this sun bear."

She followed Wan Lin and Xiaoya and said, "I recognized this at a glance as a sun bear just now. Knowing that this animal is very ferocious, I was worried that it would attack in rage, so I pulled out my pistol and fired it above my head. Two shots, just to scare it away. This animal has been hunted and killed by humans because of its expensive bear bile and paws. It is a first-class protected animal and is very precious. We should not hurt it unless it is absolutely necessary. That's why I quickly told you not to shoot."

When Xiaoya heard Yu Jing's explanation, they all nodded in admiration, with a look of admiration in their eyes. They did not expect that Yu Jing, a scientific researcher, had such a wide range of knowledge, and even knew the habits and distribution range of animals such as sun bears, and was so kind-hearted.

At this time, Xiaoya looked at Yu Jing and said, "The impact of the military parachute landing is great, so hurry up and let me see." She was really worried that Yu Jing would be injured during the landing.

Yu Jing hurriedly jumped off the stone. She first checked the equipment she was carrying, and then moved her body and said, "No problem, your special forces' clothes are really strong and protect me. I don't have any. Injured." She looked up at the parachute above her head, and sighed again: "The landing speed of the military parachute is too fast.

Seeing that Yu Jing was safe, Wan Lin finally let go of his hanging heart. He said with a smile, "Our actions require speed, and if we stay in the air for too long, we can easily become the enemy's target, so the landing speed of the military parachute is obviously faster than that of the military parachute. Civilian umbrellas are much faster."

He then looked up at the dimly lit mountains, and whispered into the microphone: "All attention, act according to the predetermined plan, and set off!" There is still a distance of nearly 100 kilometers from the destination, and the more time is delayed, The greater the risk the expedition team faces, so he must hurry up and lead the team over.

Following the order issued by Wan Lin, the team members who were already on guard around immediately formed a battle formation and strode towards the side of the mountain. Wan Lin took a look around Xiaoya, and Xiaoya immediately led Wu Xueying and Wen Meng around Yu Jing and strode towards the dark forest in front.

Wan Lin followed in a low voice to Lingling who was carrying the electronic countermeasure box: "Notify Li Tou that we have landed safely and are heading for the designated location." "Yes!" Lingling replied in a low voice, and quickly reported the situation to Li Dongsheng. .

The night was getting darker and darker, and Wanlin's group of people crossed the sparse broad-leaved forest in front of them. In the distance, the boundless mountains had appeared in front of Wanlin's group of people.

Wan Lin and Lingling strode in the middle of the team, and he looked up into the air as he walked. The stars were shining brightly in the sky, and the clear air made the silver lights shining brightly. In the thick night, the steep peaks and undulating mountains are like a three-dimensional ink painting hanging in front of the eyes.

A few hours later, Wan Lin suddenly heard the sound of heavy breathing coming from behind He frowned, and thought to himself, "What's going on? Xiaoya and the others have no problem with their physical strength. Why is there such a heavy breathing sound during this time?" He stopped and turned his head to look at the surrounding players.

At this time, he noticed that the team members' original light footsteps were a little scattered, and everyone's speed had slowed down a lot without knowing it. Only the footsteps of Chengru, Fengdao and Zhangwa, the masters of internal power No major changes have occurred. .

"Altitude sickness!" Wan Lin suddenly realized that he was in a high-altitude area. He quickly raised his wrist and glanced at it. The multi-function military watch had already shown that the altitude was 4,100 meters.

With a move in his heart, he quickly raised his head and whispered to the microphone beside his mouth: "Stop advancing, Chengru, Fengdao, Zhangwa, be alert around you, and the rest of the team rest on the spot to adjust their breath!" With his command , the team members immediately stopped and sat down tiredly, and followed the spot with their legs crossed on the rock to exercise.

Wan Lin raised his hand and patted Xiao Hua, who was lying on his shoulder, and said in a low voice, "Be alert around you!" The sleepy Xiao Hua heard Wan Lin's voice and immediately opened her big eyes to look around. at a glance. It turned back and flashed the blue light in its eyes at Xiaobai who was lying on Xiaoya's shoulder behind, then jumped off Wanlin's shoulder and ran straight to the dark mountain in front of him.

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