Panther Commando

Chapter 3694: Altitude sickness

In the thick night, Xiaobai saw the blue light flashing in Xiaohua's eyes, followed by a red light flashing in his two big eyes, and hurriedly jumped out from Xiaoya's shoulders, he fell on the hillside and caught up like a smoke. Xiaohua, then excitedly ran towards the dimly lit mountains ahead.

Wan Lin saw the two leopards running out, he turned around and walked towards Yu Jing and the others behind him. At this time, Xiaoya and the others were already sitting on the rocks around Yu Jing, and they all let out heavy breathing. He strode up to Yu Jing in the dark and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Yu, how do you feel?"

Yu Jing's face was already pale and her breathing became short. She looked at Wan Lin and shook her head and replied, "It's okay, I just feel a little lack of oxygen, my whole body is weak, and I feel like I can't breathe."

At this time, Xiaoya took a few deep breaths. She reached out and took out a small metal cylinder from her backpack and handed it to Yu Jing, "This is altitude sickness, you need to get some oxygen." Before she came, she, the field military doctor, had already Considering that this is a high-altitude area, I specially prepared two barrels of portable oxygen to carry on my body, just because I was worried that Yu Jing, a scientist, would have adverse reactions.

Yu Jing quickly took the oxygen cylinder, raised her hand and inserted a catheter into her nostrils. Xiaoya gently twisted the switch on the oxygen tank, and Yu Jing sat in the dark and greedily inhaled.

Wan Lin glanced at Lingling, Wu Xueying, and Wen Meng who were sitting around to adjust their breath, and then looked at Xiaoya, who was still breathing a little too quickly, and said in a low voice, "Hurry up and adjust your breath. It's up to me, we just entered the plateau. There is a rapid march in the area, so everyone is a little uncomfortable." Xiaoya waved her hands tiredly and said, "This is my dereliction of duty as a military doctor, and it has nothing to do with you." After speaking, she turned around and sat down on a rock next to her. , slightly closed his eyes and slowly raised his skills.

Wan Lin sat cross-legged next to Yu Jing, he took a deep breath and stretched out his hand to grab Yu Jing's right hand, slowly pouring a burst of True Qi into her body, and said, "Mr. Yu, lift your Qi and follow me. The infuriating qi circulates for a week." Yu Jing didn't care to speak, she inhaled oxygen and mentioned the infuriating qi to start running.

It didn't take long for Yu Jing's pale face to have a faint layer of red. She took a deep breath and said to Wan Lin, "I'm much more comfortable, thank you, and you should rest for a while!" Wan Lin released her right hand and glanced at her face, then stood up and said, "Okay, you can run it for two more days, and then rest for a while." "Okay!" Yu Jing quickly turned off the oxygen tank and sat cross-legged. Breathe quietly on the ground.

In the dimness, Wan Lin glanced at the faces of Xiaoya and the others, seeing that their expressions had gradually recovered, knowing that they had gradually adapted to this hypoxic environment, he followed with his feet up and walked towards the dim mountain in front of him. go.

He walked up to Kong Dazhuang, who had a weaker foundation of internal strength, and saw that he was still breathing heavily like pulling a bellows. He quickly sat behind Dazhuang, raised his right palm and sent out a powerful infuriating qi in his heart. .

He knew in his heart that in this hypoxic plateau area, some seemingly strong people would have a strong altitude sickness, while women and the elderly would not have an obvious reaction. Da Zhuang's body is extremely strong, but he is a master of external skills since childhood, and the regulation of breath is his weakness, so his reaction is relatively large at this time.

Although Wang Dali has also practiced external skills since he was a child, he has been conditioned by his grandfather and has mastered the cultivation methods of internal skills, so his reaction is not too great. The rest of the team members are masters who are well versed in internal strength. As long as they adjust their breath for a while, they should be able to quickly adjust and adapt to this plateau hypoxia environment.

In the darkness, a group of Hua Leopard team members sat cross-legged among the rocks lined with rocks, moving their True Qi motionlessly. The rolling hills looked very dark and quiet in the dim starlight, and only the grass blades swaying with the breeze made a low "whoosh" sound from time to time.

Wan Lin helped Kong Dazhuang adjust his breath for a while. He saw that Dazhuang's breathing had gradually calmed down, so he told Dazhuang to continue to sit and rest. He followed to stand up and walked towards Chengru, who was guarding the hillside.

The hillside on the side was very dark. A sniper rifle was mounted on a raised rock on the halfway slope. Cheng Ru was squatting behind the rock, watching the movement in the mountains in front of him through the scope.

At this moment, out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Wan Lin bending over and walking down the hillside. He immediately turned to look at Wan Lin and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Yu, are they all right?" Wan Lin sat on a rock beside him. Looking forward, he replied in a low voice, "Mr. Yu has some altitude sickness. I helped her adjust her breath for a while, and now it's all right!"

Cheng Ru put down the sniper rifle on his shoulders, took a deep breath and said: "Altitude sickness is really terrible, I also felt short of breath at the beginning, and then when I was on the march, I raised my infuriating qi and slowly moved it, and now it is much better. We are fully accustomed, shall we set off immediately?"

Wan Lin turned his head and glanced at the team members who were distributed among the mountains. He replied in a low voice: "We have a lot of skills, so we are not sensitive to this kind of altitude sickness, but Yuwen and their skills are relatively weak~www.wuxiaspot. com~ Let everyone adjust your breath for a while. Haste is not enough, the more anxious you are to act at this time, the more you will delay the action time because of physical problems. You also need to adjust your breath for a while, and we will leave at dawn.”

He lowered his head and said to the microphone beside his mouth: "Fengdao, Zhangwa, you also adjust your breath for a while, we will leave at dawn, and leave the surrounding to Xiaohua and Xiaobai to be alert." Following his voice, in the front and right Zhang Wa and Feng Dao, who were alerted by the side of the mountain, immediately replied in a low voice, "Yes!"

Feng Dao and Zhang Wa immediately withdrew their assault rifles from the hidden rock and sat down with their backs against the rock. Wan Lin also sat cross-legged next to Cheng Ru, quietly mobilizing the infuriating energy in his body.

Unknowingly, the stars blinking silver light in the night sky suddenly quietly retreated into the gray sky. The ink-like mountains gradually revealed gray peaks, and the steep and towering peaks in the distance flashed with a milky white luster.

Wan Lin opened his eyes and stared at the mountains in the distance. He stared at the mountain tops that were shining with white light, and thought to himself: "The altitude of those mountain tops is at least five or six kilometers, and they must be covered with perennial non-chemical transformation. Ten thousand years of snow!" At this time, Cheng Ru, who was beside him, also opened his eyes, he turned to look at the tops of the mountains in the distance, and exclaimed in surprise: "Xueshan, the top of the mountain must be a place where there is no year round. melting snow."

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