Panther Commando

Chapter 3695: Heaven and Man 1

Cheng Ru's surprise voice just fell, and a crisp voice also sounded from the bottom of the mountain: "Oh, it's really a snowy mountain, this place is so beautiful!" Wan Lin turned his head and looked down the mountain. It turned out that Wu Xueying was standing up in surprise and pointing into the distance. the snow-covered top of the mountain screamed.

The surrounding Yu Jing also stood up, and all of them stared obsessively at the endless plateau mountain scenery in front of them. The figures of Bao Ya, Lin Zisheng and others also stood up in the surrounding mountains. Everyone looked up and looked into the distance, and the expressions on their faces had returned to normal.

Wan Lin smiled at the surprised expressions of the girls at the bottom of the mountain. He knew that the troops' station had always been in the south, and it was difficult to see such a scene of snow-capped mountains on the plateau, so everyone saw this somewhat hazy scene of snow-capped mountains in the early morning, and their expressions were all over the place. Appears very excited. At the same time, it can be seen from everyone's relaxed expressions that after just a few hours of adjustment and rest, everyone's physical strength has been restored, and the body has gradually adapted to the geographical environment of this plateau hypoxia.

Wan Lin watched as Yu Jing and the others were about to greet them, when a loud roar of "Ow" suddenly came from the mountains in front of them, followed by the sound of rushing running in the silent mountains. Everyone was startled, and quickly picked up their guns and ran to the high point in front of them.

Wan Lin also ran towards the hillside in front and shouted into the microphone in his ear: "Don't shoot, it's the bear's roar!" He followed with a loud whistle to the front. At this time, Xiaohua and Xiaobai, who were on guard in the mountains ahead, did not make a warning sound, which means that there is no danger in the mountains ahead. It must be that the two leopards encountered the sun bears they saw last night.

Wan Lin ran to the front of the hill, got up and jumped on a rock more than two meters high. He raised his gun and aimed at the mountains below through the scope. On the undulating mountains hundreds of meters away, three black shadows, one big, two small, and three were running and stopping in the mountains. cry.

At this time, the surrounding team members had also run to the mountain in front. Everyone hid behind the rock and raised their guns to aim forward, and everyone laughed. Yu Jing followed Xiaoya and the others to the extremely fast rock at the foot of the mountain in front. She saw Xiaoya and the others raised their spears and aimed forward through the scope. She also quickly took out a pair of small telescopes from her bag. She raised her binoculars and looked forward, then laughed "giggling".

It turned out that the three shadows in front were the two leopards and the sun bear that Yu Jing met last night. At this moment, two leopards were surrounding the black sun bear, running forwards and backwards, left and right. The leopard's eyes are looming with red and blue luster, and the demeanor is very fierce.

Obviously, the two leopards saw the sun bear that threatened Yu Jing last night, so they wanted to clean up and clean up the bear that had been frightened and panicked.

Last night, Wan Lin had already issued a whistle, ordering them not to harm this precious sun bear, so the two leopards did not kill them, but made various threatening actions around this rare animal. It didn't hurt it directly, otherwise the bear would have been their breakfast.

At this moment, the distant eastern sky has already shown a white light, and the rolling mountains appear more and more clearly in the morning light. Through the scope on the gun, Wan Lin could clearly see the sun bear lying on the ground, his small eyes filled with panic, and his whole body trembled violently in panic.

Obviously, this sun bear has understood that it has no ability to fight against these two ferocious little animals, so it has been so frightened that it has no courage to escape, let alone resist.

Wan Lin looked at the way the two leopards were teasing the bear, and grinned, then he let out a low whistle. The two leopards heard the sound coming from behind, they ran to the sun bear that had surrendered and glared at it, then turned around and ran back.

The sun bear saw the sudden departure of the two animals that terrified it in front of him. It seemed to be stunned, as if it didn't understand how these two fierce opponents would suddenly let go of their fat meat.

It took a while for it to determine that the danger had disappeared. It climbed up tremblingly from the ground, and then slanted and fled to a forest in the distance, running faster and faster. A dark forest. Everyone grinned when they saw the sun bear crooked and ran away in panic.

At this moment, the sky in the east suddenly turned red, and the white clouds in the sky suddenly became red in an instant, and the boundless mountains suddenly became very clear. The few white mountain tops in the distance that were still blurry just now seemed to be pulled in front of everyone.

Wan Lin's group of people turned their heads and looked. The rolling hills in the east were covered with layers of clouds, and a fiery red sun was floating upward from the gap between the clouds. Under the fiery red sun, the layers of white clouds showed red and yellow colors, and the high sky was as blue as wash. The Wanlin group looked at the eastern sky in amazement. They did not expect that the sunrise on the plateau would be so spectacular and magnificent!

Wan Lin also looked at the mesmerizing sight of the eastern He raised his sniper rifle and stared at the endless mountains in front of him.

The mountains in front are rolling and rolling, and the slopes below the mountainside are a bright green color, and dark gray rocks and light yellow soil slopes are exposed around the top of the mountain. In the distance, the tops of several high mountain peaks were expanse of white, and a few white clouds were floating in the blue sky.

The green grass, the dark gray steep peaks, the blue sky, and the white clouds fluttering in the wind seem to have formed a three-dimensional landscape picture. In Wan Lin's heart, who is in this beautiful picture, he suddenly felt a kind of expansiveness. Magnificent, quiet and ethereal feeling, as if at this moment have been far away from the chaotic and noisy world.

At this time, Wan Lin's shoulders were lying on the small flowers with round eyes, one person and one beast stared at the unique scenery of the plateau in front of him, as if frozen and motionless. At this time, Xiaoya and the others followed Yu Jing from the foot of the mountain. Yu Jing looked at Wan Lin who was motionless and suddenly smiled.

As she walked, she turned to look at Xiaoya next to her and said in a low voice, "Although the oxygen in the plateau is thin, this is the place where the earth is closest to space. The vast mountains and blue sky give this land an ethereal spirit. , simple temperament. You see, the leopard head and the little flower have melted into this natural openness, and have reached the realm of harmony between man and nature.”

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