Panther Commando

Chapter 3697: dwarfed mountain

On the dark, rocky hillside, Bao Ya saw Wan Lin appear beside him, he raised his hand and made a "safe" gesture. Wan Lin squatted under the rock and looked at Bao Ya and nodded. Then he extended his sniper rifle from the side of the rock and aimed at the mountains ahead through the night vision scope on the gun.

In the dim starlight, the towering mountain peaks in the distance looked like sharp swords piercing the sky, looking extremely steep. The mountains ahead were winding and rolling, and the steep slopes overlapped and crisscrossed each other.

In the darkness, pieces of broken rocks were strangely shaped and looked very ferocious. In the distance, dark blue white clouds rolled in the sky, and the tops of the snow-capped mountains that were clearly visible during the day had merged with the rolling white clouds in the dark.

Wan Lin hid behind the rock. He slowly moved the gun body to observe the dangerous terrain in front of him, his brows wrinkled unconsciously. At this time, Bao Ya, who was next to him, looked down at the locator, and he whispered in a somewhat puzzled voice: "Leopard head, this place does not match the terrain marked on the map. Are we deviating from the direction? We didn't veer off course."

Wan Lin was stunned when he heard Bao Ya's puzzled voice. He also took out his positioning device and glanced at it, and said thoughtfully, "That's right! You guys pay attention to your vigilance. I'll discuss it with President Yu later!" He also glanced at the little flower lying on the cliff in front of him with some doubts, then turned around and ran back with the gun in hand.

Using the dim starlight above his head, he ran back to the rock where Yu Jing was hidden. At this time, behind the two rocks next to Yu Jing, Wen Meng and Wu Xueying were lying on their stomachs, both of them aimed their guns at the surroundings. Yu Jing and Xiaoya were squatting beside Lingling, staring at the electronic countermeasure box that Lingling placed on her lap.

Wan Lin came over and squatted beside Xiaoya. He whispered to Yu Jing, "Mr. Yu, Bao Ya asked if we deviate from the direction? The positioning device shows that we have not strayed. What do you think of this?"

When Yu Jing heard Wan Lin's question, she raised her finger to the confrontation box on Lingling's leg and said in a low voice, "We also discovered this problem. Lingling and I just used satellite to relocate, and we did not deviate from the direction."

As she said that, she raised her finger and pointed at the screen of the electronic countermeasure box and said, "Look, this is the picture sent back by the satellite three months ago in this mountainous area. It used to be a soothing hillside covered with meadows, but now it has been It has become full of strange rocks, and the terrain and landforms have undergone earth-shaking changes."

In the dimness, Wan Lin stared at the screen intently, and a picture of a flat mountain was clearly displayed in front of him. The picture was indeed completely different from the current steep hillside covered with jagged boulders.

He looked up at Yu Jing and asked in a low voice in surprise: "Just now, Bao Ya and I also found that this place does not match the terrain shown on the map. We thought that the positioning device was disturbed, so we deviated from the direction of travel. But the surrounding mountains , how could such a big change happen?" Xiaoya and Lingling on the side also looked at Yu Jing in surprise.

When Yu Jing heard Wan Lin's question, she raised her finger and pointed to the dark foot of the mountain below and explained, "Look at the foot of the mountain below. The foot of the mountain is covered with mud and rocks." She then raised her finger to the top of the mountain and said, "From the It can be seen from the altitude marked on the satellite image that the original altitude of this mountain should be 4,110 meters, and the distance from the foot of the mountain should be 600 meters. But now you can see that this steep peak is only about four feet away from the foot of the mountain. 100 meters."

Wan Lin, Xiaoya, and Lingling looked in the direction of her finger. At this moment, they found out in the darkness that the mountain they were on was indeed only about 400 meters above the foot of the mountain. It is clearly marked that the elevation of this mountain is 600 meters.

Lingling looked up at the steep top of the mountain, and said in surprise, "That's right, why is this mountain so short all of a sudden? It's so strange!" Wan Lin and Xiaoya also looked at Yu Jing's face in surprise.

At this time, the mountains were very quiet, and the surrounding jagged rocks seemed to be asleep in the thick night, only the sound of the wind came from the distant mountains.

Yu Jing shook her head slightly when she heard Lingling's shocked voice, and she replied in a low voice, "It's not that the mountain has become shorter, but the foot of the mountain has become higher!" She raised her finger and pointed to the jagged boulders around her and continued. : "Look here, it's night, and your vision is blurry, but if you look closely, you can still see that the rocks on this hillside have been exposed recently, and these sections are the recent collapse marks. This place is far from the satellite. The collision point between the detected unknown object and the earth is only about 20 kilometers away."

She then pointed to the dark bottom of the mountain and continued: "It is inferred that this mountain collapsed during the violent shaking when the unknown body hit the mountain in front of it, and the soil and rocks that fell from the mountain accumulated at the foot of the mountain. , so the elevation of this mountain is only about 200 meters less. The rocks on the side of the mountain where we are located were originally mountains hidden under the soil layer.”

Wan Lin and the others suddenly realized when they heard Yu Jing's explanation! Lingling followed up and asked: "From the current situation, the radio signal of my electronic countermeasure box has not been disturbed. Does that mean that if we move forward a few kilometers, we will lose contact with Li Dongsheng?"

Yu Jing replied immediately: " I have used the instrument to detect the magnetic field in this area just now, and now the geomagnetic field here is abnormal, I estimate that our radio signal may be disturbed at any time. ."

When Wan Lin heard this, he quickly ordered Lingling: "Report our location to Deputy Minister Li immediately, and tell him that we have entered the geomagnetic change area and may lose contact with them at any time. Now we are still 20 kilometers away from our destination. "Yes!" Lingling replied quickly, then put on her earphones and sent a contact signal to Li Dongsheng.

Lingling quickly reported the current situation and location to Li Dongsheng in the dark. She immediately cut off the communication and looked at Wan Lin and said, "Leopard head, Deputy Minister Li told us to pay attention to safety." Wan Lin nodded and looked at Yu Jing asked: "I remember when we were drying the rice bowl, everyone lost their sense of direction. Is it related to this geomagnetic change?"

Yu Jing replied: "Yes! The earth's magnetic field is divided into two parts: the basic magnetic field and the changing magnetic field. Now the changing magnetic field here has been disordered. I am not sure about the specific reason. It should be related to that unknown body. Disorder will directly affect the direction of people and animals. Pigeons, turtles, whales and those migratory birds, they all have a strong ability to determine the direction, and this ability is closely related to the earth's magnetic field."

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