Panther Commando

Chapter 3698: figure in the dark

Wu Xueying, who had been lying on the side of the rock to be alert, heard Yu Jing's explanation, she blinked her big eyes and asked, "Sister Yu, I hear that a large number of whales are stranded every year. Will rush to the shore again to kill themselves. Is this because they judged the wrong direction?"

"Yes!" Yu Jing replied in a low voice, and then she explained: "Any migratory animal has a map of the migration route in its mind. During their migration, they all rely on the magnetic field of the earth, the sun and the stars in space. It is the geomagnetic field that is most affected by its location. Once the geomagnetic field changes drastically, they lose their sense of direction just like humans. When a large number of migratory animals encounter this situation, it is difficult for them to survive. , you're talking about whale suicide because of this situation."

Yu Jing then raised his finger and pointed to the steep hill in front of him and said: "From the current situation, this is already the edge of the impact point, and if we go further, we should enter the densely vegetated mountains. At that time, we will not only lose contact with the outside world. It also loses its sense of direction and is likely to get lost in it.”

As she said, she put down her arms, looked at Wan Lin and asked worriedly, "You once said that Xiaohua didn't lose her sense of direction when she was cooking the rice pot?" Losing your way is dangerous.

Wan Lin glanced down at Xiao Bai who was lying on the rock, and replied in a low voice, "Yes, last time we were in the dry rice bowl, Xiao Hua led us to find the monster's lair, where we found Xiao Bai and the others. Strange phenomenon. Judging from the situation at the time, Xiaohua and Xiaobai were indeed unaffected. At that time, I had already raised my infuriating energy, but I still lost my sense of direction, so I could only roughly judge the direction from the surface of the plant based on my experience in the mountains."

When Yu Jing heard this, she pondered for a moment and said, "That's good. Judging from the current situation, lush vegetation has suddenly grown near the impact point, which means that the area must have been stimulated by some unknown reason. That's why those vegetation quickly covered that area. I estimate that the expedition team is most likely lost at the impact point with dense vegetation in front. As long as Xiaohua and Xiaobai are not affected by changes in the magnetic field, then we will not You will get lost in it. The vegetation has grown suddenly recently, and it may be difficult to tell the direction by the change of the bark."

At this time, Xiaoya glanced at the scientific research equipment that Yu Jing was carrying, and said with some worry: "The communication equipment will lose its function in it, so will there be problems with the detection equipment on your body?"

Yu Jing nodded and said, "It may be affected. However, we have two leopards following us. They are very sensitive to danger. If there is danger in that area, they will definitely stop us from going there." Wan Lin also looked up. Xiaoya said: "Yes, Xiaohua and their senses are indeed sensitive to the environment. Once there is danger, they will definitely prevent us from approaching dangerous objects." They understand that Xiaoya, as a military doctor, is worried that there are toxic or radioactive substances near the impact point. .

At this moment, Xiaobai, who was lying on the rock in front of several people, suddenly stood up and looked forward, and a red light faintly flashed from his two big eyes. Wan Lin was startled, and quickly raised his hand to stop the others from continuing to speak. He raised his eyes to look up the cliff above, Xiaohua was turning her head and looking back, with a faint blue light flashing in her eyes.

At this time, two warning sounds of "da da" from Bao Ya, who was on guard in front, were heard in the headphones of Wan Lin and the others. Wan Lin and the others immediately lay around the dark rock. Wan Lin and Xiaoya immediately raised their guns to aim at the dark mountains ahead. Lingling also quickly closed the screen of the electronic countermeasure box, and immediately raised their guns from the rock. Looking ahead.

The mountains in front are very dark, and the rocks in the mountains appear shadowy in the dark. In the darkness, Wan Lin and the others could see vaguely through the night vision scope on the gun that a few dark shadows suddenly appeared at the foot of the side mountain six or seven hundred meters away. On the mountain to the west of the mountain, the speed is actually very fast.

The group of people walked to the foot of another big mountain in front and stopped suddenly. Three of them immediately crouched under a boulder, and a faint beam of light followed from under the dark rock. At this time, a mountain wind blew from the mountains in front, and a very low voice followed from the front, and the sound was extremely low.

With the faint light of the flashlight in the distance, Wan Lin could already see that the other party was looking at the map. At this time, he heard the sound from a distance, and quickly raised his infuriating head to listen to it, and then his brows wrinkled.

After a short time, the light under the rock suddenly disappeared again, and several figures fell into darkness. The three shadows stood up from behind the rock, followed by a few people and strode towards the foot of the mountain in front, and soon disappeared into the dark mountains in the distance.

At this moment, Lingling retracted her assault rifle, turned her head to look at Wan Lin and said in a low voice, "Leopard head, isn't this our expedition team member? What did they seem to say? The voice was too low, I couldn't hear it clearly."

Wan Lin retracted his sniper rifle and replied in a low voice: " There are six people in this group of people who just appeared. Our scientific expedition team is also six people, but there are also two hunter guides hired from the local area. There are eight people in total. Moreover, if it is our scientific expedition team members, they should be able to send communication signals here. They were talking in a foreign language just now, and the voice was too low for me to hear, but it is definitely not our Chinese language. "

Wan Lin pondered for a moment, looked at Yu Jing beside him, and said in a low voice, "It seems that these are foreigners who have smuggled in from abroad. They look very bloated, and they should be carrying a lot of testing equipment, and they may also be carrying arms."

When Yu Jing heard Wan Lin judged that the other party was a smuggler, she immediately whispered excitedly: "Leopard head, these people must be coveting our baby, so why don't we go and kill them?"

Wan Lin smiled, and he said in a low voice: "How can you just kill people. If people just come for a scientific examination, although they don't have the relevant procedures for our Huaxia, we can't kill them casually. Besides, we are on this trip. The main task is to rescue our scientific expedition team members, if the other party does not have malicious intentions, we try to ignore them as much as possible."

Lingling also looked at Yu Jing and said in a low voice: "That's right, we catch them, and in this barren mountain, no one will take them back to prison. Forget it, as long as they don't pose a threat to our people. , try to leave them alone."

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