Panther Commando

Chapter 3735: bright red blood

In Yu Jing's exclamation, everyone could see clearly through the scope, a big leopard with a length of four or five meters was lying on the high rock. At this moment, the huge leopard stretched its round head forward, its two round eyes flashed a red light, its two sturdy front legs stretched forward, and its powerful front claws clawed tightly around the body. The dark gray rock below, the slender waist has collapsed, and the entire figure maintains the shape of being thrown at any time.

Wan Lin and his group all stared at the big leopard that suddenly stood still on the rock. This leopard looked extremely ferocious. It lay on the rock and didn't move, its two round red eyes staring at the mountain in front of it. Three figures running in between. Its white fur is covered with black stripes, and its motionless figure is like a sculpture built on a black rock, with an unusually vigorous and mighty demeanor!

Xiaoya was lying behind the assault rifle and stared at the big leopard in the distance, and she whispered in admiration: "What a beautiful and mighty big leopard, it's just like the magnified Xiaohua and Xiaobai, no wonder it was running just now. So agile, it turns out to be an enlarged version of a snow leopard!"

She gets along with Xiaobai, the little leopard, day and night, and she has already deeply fallen in love with this mighty and beautiful animal. Now that she saw this huge snow leopard, she couldn't help but let out a sigh of admiration, and the index finger of her right hand that held the trigger also unwittingly released.

Everyone around also clearly saw the ferocious snow leopard in the distance. The strong hostility in everyone's eyes suddenly disappeared, and their fingers unwittingly gently released the trigger, and everyone turned their heads and flew towards the side hillside. Xiaohua and Xiaobai looked away.

For all the leopard commandos, the image of the leopard has penetrated deep into their hearts! At this moment, no one of them can easily pull the trigger on a leopard, even if it is a leopard that fiercely pounces on them!

At this moment, Wan Lin's eyes also flickered with light. Through the scope on his sniper rifle, he stared motionlessly at the mighty snow leopard in the distance, and his eyes were also full of surprise. At this moment, he heard Xiaoya's admiration, and also turned his head to look at Xiaohua and Xiaobai who were running back from the side hillside.

On the steep rock wall in front of the side, two little leopards were like two slips of green smoke, running up and down towards the ridge where Wan Lin and the others were. At this moment, the petite figures of the two little leopards were walking flat on the almost upright black wall. They dashed to the bulging rocks on the rock wall for a while, and disappeared into the twisted rock crevices for a while, and the flying figures were unusually vigorous. In a blink of an eye, the two leopards had already approached the ridge where Wan Lin and the others were along the steep rock face.

At this moment, out of the corner of Wan Lin's eyes, he suddenly saw that the big snow leopard, which had been lying on its back, suddenly jumped forward from the high rock. , fell into the rocks more than ten meters away, jumped up again, and dashed forward with ups and downs.

The black and white giant leopard rose and fell on the dark brown boulders, like a huge plume of smoke, chasing after the three black shadows fleeing in front. At this time, its heavy body continued to rise upwards, and then fell heavily on the rocks. Pieces of the hard rocks that were smashed by its powerful claws kept rising.

At this time, it was running extremely fast, and a dust mist composed of gravel and dust was already behind it, and it was like a gray tail tightly attached to its back.

The three black shadows who were running in the mountains in front had already noticed that the ferocious leopard was chasing after them again. Some of the three people suddenly let out a panicked cry, and a black shadow suddenly stopped after them. , turned to face the back and raised a black gun body, and then a burst of "da da da" gunshots suddenly sounded.

The two shadows around the man also stopped beside the rock. They also turned around and raised their guns to the big leopard rushing behind them. The gunshots of "da-da-da" and "da-da-da" suddenly sounded. Ringing in the barren mountains.

Amidst the crisp gunshots that sounded suddenly, a flurry of birds "hoola" rose from the surrounding mountains, and the birds uttered a "chirping" exclamation, then fluttered their gorgeous wings and screamed to the distance. Fly between the mountains.

At this moment, Wan Lin's group, who were lying on the ridge, were staring nervously at the ferocious leopard. They had no time to watch the colorful birds in the sky. They lied behind the gun and stared nervously at the galloping leopard in the distance. Everyone's heart was raised to their throats at the moment when the gun sounded.

Although everyone does not know that this fierce leopard has become extremely large, will it attack his group of people? But because of the two little leopards, Xiaohua and Xiaobai, everyone is praying for this big leopard who is facing the opponent's bullet rain, hoping that it can safely escape the opponent's bullets!

At this time, the three shadows at the foot of the mountain were already more than 1,000 meters away from the ridge where Wan Lin and the others were located. The fierce leopard also rushed to the mountain that was less than 2,000 meters away. The distance between the two was already 500 to 600 meters~ In the clear sunshine in the mountains, Wan Lin and a group of people can clearly see several figures under the mountain and the mighty demeanor of the snow leopard through the scope of the gun.

Among the three strings of whistling bullets, pieces of gravel hit by the bullets had already splashed on the dark gray rocks around the leopard. The red sparks gleaming on the rocks stood out among the dark gray mountains.

Amidst the fierce gunshots, the leopard, who had just jumped up from the rock, suddenly paused in the air, then leaned over and fell to the side of the rock pile.

"Whoops, the leopard was shot!" Yu Jing exclaimed in a low voice, the big leopard that fell into the rocks suddenly rolled among the rocks for a week, and then jumped up from the dark gray rocks. The huge body immediately rushed towards the rock pile in front of the side, and the running posture still seemed very agile and extremely fast.

In the bright sunshine, Wan Lin's group clearly saw that the big round eyes of the leopard had turned blood red, and the big mouth that had been closed while running just now suddenly opened, with four sharp edges on the upper and lower jaws. Its canine teeth are flashing with a touch of white light, and it has been angered by the deafening gunshots and the howling rain of bullets in front!

Wan Lin was lying on the back of the sniper rifle, his cheeks pressed tightly against the cheek rest, and the muzzle of the gun was slowly moving with the galloping leopard. At this time, he could clearly see that although the leopard was still rushing forward at a high speed, there was a bright red bloodstain on the white fur on its shoulders! ...


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