Panther Commando

Chapter 3736: fallen shadow

At this time, Wan Lin and the others on the mountain ridge had also seen the blood on the leopard's shoulder. Everyone was shocked. The muzzle of the gun suddenly aimed at the three black shadows who were holding the gun down the mountain, and the index finger of the right hand was gently placed on it. After pulling the trigger, Xiaoya and the others turned their heads anxiously and looked at Wan Lin.

At this time, everyone could see that the huge snow leopard at the bottom of the mountain was injured by the bullet, and everyone's faces showed anxious expressions. Everyone's fingers had already squeezed the trigger, but no one had pulled the trigger without authorization.

Now that he has entered a state of battle, without the order of Wan Lin, the leopard's head, no one dares to shoot easily! Therefore, Xiaoya looked anxiously towards Wanlin's side, hoping that he would quickly order and kill the three gangsters at the foot of the mountain. At this moment, they were really worried that this mighty leopard would be killed by the three gunmen at the foot of the mountain.

Wan Lin lay motionless behind the sniper rifle, his cheeks pressed against the cheek rest, and there was no expression on his face. At this time, he did not know the identities of the following people, and he could not determine whether the ferocious leopard would attack his group, so it was difficult for him to issue an order to shoot.

At this moment, the leopard, which was slanting out of the rocks in front of him, suddenly turned around again at the sound of gunfire, and rushed straight towards the three black shadows who were shooting with their guns. Its huge figure dashed forward and left and right next to the towering rocks, and the agile figure rushed towards the opponent in front with a dust mist. At this moment, the rocks around it were splashed with pieces of debris hit by bullets, and clusters of red bloodstains continued to appear on its black and white body!

At this moment, the leopard's open mouth was tightly closed, and it didn't say a word. In the whistling rain of bullets, it carried a first-class dust mist, and rushed towards the three figures in front of it in anger. A piece of blood. At this time, a looming red light has been ejected from its two round eyes!

When Xiaoya and the others saw that Wan Lin didn't say anything, they hurriedly lay behind the gun and aimed at the mountains below. At this time, they saw the red light spurting out of the leopard's eyes, and they already knew in their hearts that the fierce leopard had been completely irritated, and shot bullets at the opponent and rushed up without hesitation!

Amidst the gunshots of "da da da", the huge figure of the leopard swept past the rocks, and the figure that flickered to the left and right was like a huge plume of smoke, flying around the mountains ahead. At this time, its huge four leopard claws flew up and down on the rocks, and the slap of the "slap" sounded extremely powerful in the sound of gunfire.

Xiaoya looked at the big leopard, which was still moving extremely agilely, and let down the hanging heart a little. Obviously, although the ferocious leopard was being hit by the whistling bullets, it did not cause much damage to it, otherwise its running speed would definitely be affected.

The dark gray mountains are lined with strange rocks, and the dark gray color gives a gloomy and depressing feeling. At this time, the deafening gunshots under the ridge had already been combined with the "pop" sound of the leopard running, and the surrounding mountains were echoing "humming" in the loud noise. On the rocks around the leopard, pieces of rubble shot up by bullets splashed everywhere.

In the blink of an eye, the angry big leopard roared and rushed to the rocks less than 100 meters away from the three figures. At this moment, the three boys who were raising their guns and shooting suddenly put down the assault rifles they were holding. Their right hands were raised up almost at the same time. The leopard that came from the side and the front flew away.

"Boom", "Boom", "Boom", the sound of the explosion roared with a piece of fire and gravel, and a black-gray gunpowder smoke suddenly filled the mountains. Wan Lin and the others looked at the sudden burst of fire in the mountains, and their faces became nervous.

At this moment, "Ow", "Ow", two deafening leopard roars suddenly sounded from the steep hillside on the side, and two dazzling beams of light, one red and one blue, shot out from the black lacquered rock wall at the same time. , The two dazzling beams of light were like the sun and the clouds, and instantly washed away the smoke of gunpowder under the mountain. Immediately after, two light and shadows, one yellow and one white, jumped out of the steep rock wall from the side like lightning, and rushed straight to the bottom of the mountain lined with chaotic rocks!

"Ow!" A loud, furious roar followed from the mountains below. In the gunpowder smoke washed away by the dazzling red and blue light columns, a huge black shadow burst out from the diffuse gunpowder with a bang. In the blink of an eye, the huge black shadow rushed behind the three figures like a fly.

The leopard's huge body suddenly jumped into the sky, like a black hill, and went straight to the top of the two figures who were fleeing in front of him! The leopard's two thick forearms suddenly raised upwards, the long nails on the front paws flashed with a cold light, and with the sound of the wind, he went straight to the two round heads under him and slapped it fiercely!

"Crack", "Crack", two dull slaps suddenly sounded, and a red blood light flew out from under the dark body of the big leopard. The two boys who were running forward didn't say a word, and fell straight down to the mountains in front of In the blink of an eye, they were pressed under the body by the huge leopard.

At this thrilling moment, an exclamation in R language suddenly sounded from the side of the big leopard. Wan Lin's face changed when he heard the scream from another boy down the mountain, and a gleam suddenly flashed in his eyes! Although he did not understand the R language, he had already been able to distinguish this strange pronunciation from his repeated encounters with Yamaguchi mercenaries, and his sniper rifle immediately aimed at another black shadow down the mountain!

Just as Wan Lin was about to pull the trigger, two lights, one red and one blue, jumped up from under the rock on the side of the other figure, and rushed towards the figure who was screaming like lightning!

Wan Lin quickly released the trigger to avoid accidentally hurting his two friends. At this time, the screaming boy at the foot of the mountain just turned around, and he raised the muzzle of the big leopard who was jumping up from under the rock with a panicked expression.

Just as he was about to pull the trigger on the chest of the big leopard that was rushing towards him, "woo", "woo", two fierce wind noises had already sounded from his side, before he could see the two rushing at the side. Light and shadow, there were two crisp sounds of "pop" and "pop" on his head!

Under the dazzling sunlight, a red and white blood column flew up from the top of the boy's head. His round head was already torn apart and flew around at this moment, and the upright figure seemed to be suddenly short. Halfway through, with a splash of blood, it slowly fell down to the rock in front. ...


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