Panther Commando

Chapter 3763: stunning view

The hundreds of meters high waterfall smashed into the green lake water with a roar, and Wu Xueying screamed and fell into the lake water in the splashing waves. Xiaoya and Lingling, who were squatting beside her, moved quickly, they stretched out their arms at the same time, grabbed Wu Xueying's clothes and pulled her back. Yu Jing and Wen Meng on the side also quickly stood up, grabbed Wu Xueying's arm and pressed her against the wet rock.

Wu Xueying sat on the rock and looked at the big fish in the lake that was floating towards her with its mouth wide open. She cried out in shock, "My mother, is it me who eats the fish or does this fish want to eat me? Huh?" Yu Jing and several people next to her heard her cry, and they all let out a burst of crisp laughter.

At this time, the big fish had already floated to the edge of the lake. Wan Lin stretched out his hand and grabbed the gills and pulled the big fish to the shore. At this time, Xiaohua raised his head and emerged from the lake water next to the big fish. Bite the big fish and came to the shore.

In the sound of water, Xiaoya and the others looked at Xiaohua and let out a cry of surprise. Xiaoya reached out and picked Xiaohua up from the water and put it on the rock on the shore. Wan Lin also took Bai Huahua. The big fish came up to the shore.

At this time, another big fish more than half a meter long floated to the surface. Xiaobai shook his big tail on the water and pushed the big fish to the shore with all his strength. Wan Lin quickly put the big fish in his hand on the rock on the shore, reached out and grabbed the big fish pushed by Xiaobai and lifted it out of the water. Wu Xueying hurriedly squatted off the rock and reached out to hug Xiaobai from the water.

Yu Jing squatted on the shore and looked at the two big fat fish and exclaimed in surprise: "Oh, such a big fish is enough for all of us to have a full meal!" In her surprise cry, Xiaoya and her group suddenly Standing up from the shore, covered his mouth and snickered, he turned and ran back. Wan Lin also smiled and hid behind the rocks on the side.

Yu Jing felt the sudden departure of the people around her. She turned her head to look at Xiaoya and called out in surprise, "Why are you going? Hurry up and clean up the fish." In her voice, Xiao Hua and Xiao Hua stood on the rocks on the shore. Bai suddenly shook his wet body, and a white splash of water rose from their bodies, and a splash of water flew straight towards Yu Jing's body.

"Oh!" Yu Jing screamed and turned around and ran back. "Giggle giggle..." Xiaoya and the others hid behind and looked at Yu Jing's embarrassed appearance, and they held their arms and bent over and laughed. Only now did Yu Jing understand the reason why Xiaoya and the others avoided. It turns out that these stinky girls have long known the habit of two leopards.

In the setting sun, the dense water splashes thrown by the two little leopards reflected semi-circular rainbows in the air. The seven-color rainbows looked extremely beautiful on the waterfalls and green lakes.

Yu Jing ran a few steps and then stopped. She turned around and saw the rainbow appearing behind her. She stared at the scenery in front of her with fascination, as if she could no longer feel the drops of water falling from the sky.

The steep mountain peaks in front of her, the rapids rushing down like a white trainer, the green lake under the rock wall, and the charming rainbow on the shore made her feel like she was in a fairyland, completely forgetting that this place was still a desolate mountain full of dangers.

Xiaoya and the others saw Yu Jing staring blankly at the falling rainbow, and they hurried to her side again, dragged her to a few rocks on the shore and sat down. Several of them are combatants, and they dare not relax their vigilance at any time. If it weren't for the loud waterfalls here, they wouldn't dare to let out a happy laughter.

Yu Jing sat on the rock, and she looked up at the roaring rapids and murmured: "It's so spectacular! I have traveled all over the world's famous tourist areas in the past, but I have never seen such a magnificent waterfall and such a charming waterfall. The little rainbow!"

As she said that, she reached out and hugged Xiaohua and Xiaobai, who were standing on the rock beside her, to her lap, and asked with concern, "Xiaohua, Xiaobai, are you exhausted, are you full?" The two leopards grinned openly. Big mouth, lying on her back on her lap, then raised his right paw to point to his belly. Xiaoya smiled and hugged Xiaobai to her lap, stroking its round little head and said with a smile, "Sister Yu, don't worry, they've already been full in the lake."

At this time, Wu Xueying and Wen Meng were squatting beside Wan Lin, staring excitedly at the two big fish Wan Lin placed on the rock, Wu Xueying asked with glowing eyes, "Leopard head, how do we eat these two big guys? Huh?" Wan Lin said with a smile, "How else can I eat it? Of course it's raw!"

Yu Jing turned her head to look at Wu Xueying and smiled: "Hee hee, Yingying, you can't eat grilled fish, there is no firewood here for you to grill fish." She followed the big fish on the rock and said, "However, these two Big fish grow in such sweet spring water, it must be delicious even if eaten raw!"

Wu Xueying hurriedly stood up and said, "It's fine, you can eat it raw. Although the individual rations we distribute are not bad, I'm sick of eating it every day, so let's change the taste." She followed Wen and looked at Wen Meng said: "Mengmeng, let's go and clean up these two fish." Wen Meng looked at the two big fish that were opening and closing their mouths, and said with some fear: "It's better for you to go, I don't dare to clean up such a big fish. fish."

Wan Lin looked at the two with a smile and said, "Let me do These two fish are quite heavy." After speaking, he reached out and grabbed the gills of the two big fish and stood up, holding the Two big fish walked behind the side rocks.

It didn't take long, Wan Lin walked back with the two big fish that he had packed up quickly, Wu Xueying, Wen Meng and Lingling hurried over to pick up the two big fish. Wu Xueying pulled out her saber and cut off a small piece of meat and put it in her mouth. She chewed it twice, then turned to look at Yu Jing and Xiaoya who were sitting beside her, and exclaimed excitedly, "Sister Yu, Miss Xiaoya, come and taste it. Taste it, it's delicious." Saying wow, she chopped off a large piece of fish with a dagger and said, "I'll send some to the dolls first."

Wan Lin saw Wu Xueying excitedly running to the side of the mountain, and also pulled out a saber to cut off a large piece of meat and handed it to Wen Meng and said, "Wen Meng, go and send some to Feng Dao and Zisheng." , he chopped off another large piece and gave it to Lingling and said, "Laocheng and the others are on the hillside, you can send them to them." Wen Meng and Lingling twisted and ran to the side with the fish in their hands.

At this time, Yu Jing and Xiaoya also came over with Xiaohua and Xiaobai in their arms. The two sat on the rock on the shore, reached out and took the two small pieces of fresh fish handed over by Wan Lin and put them in their mouths. have eaten."

She pulled out her saber, leaned over and cut off a small piece of fish meat and sent it to the mouth of Xiaohua, who was lying on her lap, and said, "Xiaohua, eat some more, it's so delicious." Xiaohua glanced at the fish meat that was handed to her mouth, it was Wagging his tail, he turned his head aside. ...


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