Panther Commando

Chapter 3764: source of lake water

Xiaoya looked at Yu Jing and said with a smile: "Sister Yu, you don't need to worry about it, they have already eaten enough in the lake, this is just to comfort us." Yu Jing retracted her hand and put the fish in her mouth, With a sigh, he said, "We are so lucky to have Xiaohua and Xiaobai by our side!"

Yu Jing followed and looked up at the layer of mist that pervaded the surrounding area and sighed: "Oh, this is a rare fairyland on earth! But who knows, in such a dream-like scenery, there are still undercurrents. There is an infinite murderous intention hidden!"

Wan Lin sat on the rock and slowly chewed the fish in his mouth, but his eyes were fixed on the creek flowing slowly along the crevice on the other side of the lake. Through the crevices of the rock, to the great lake we saw in the distance?"

Yu Jing heard Wan Lin's voice talking to herself, looked up at the small stream reflecting the white light on the other side of the lake, and she followed: "Yes, from a distance observation, the area of ​​the lake is about seven or eight. Square kilometers, we are still 20 to 30 kilometers away from where we are now. I think it is most likely the place where the unknown body landed."

Xiaoya raised her head and said thoughtfully, "From the military map, there was no such lake in the past, so where did all the water come from?" She looked up at the babbling stream on the other side and shook her head. Then he said, "This stream is too small to fill such a large collision pit, right?"

Wan Lin heard Xiaoya's questioning voice and turned to look at Yu Jing. Yu Jing pondered for a while looking at the surrounding black cliffs and said, "From the landform of this mountainous area, it can be seen that this mountainous area is lined with solitary peaks and gravel, which is a typical karst landform, and most of the rocks here are composed of limestone. ."

She turned her head to look at Xiaoya and Wanlin and said, "This landform looks very dry from the outside, but there is probably a turbulent dark river hidden under the rocks. I estimate that the landing place of the unknown body is right at the bottom of the dark river. Above. The huge impact and violent explosion when it landed just blew up the underground river, so the turbulent river quickly filled the deep hole formed by the explosion and formed the lake."

Yu Jing raised his finger and pointed to the clear stream on the opposite bank, and continued: "Of course, the huge explosion and impact have also lowered the altitude around the landing point. There are only a few streams and rivers in this mountain. It will also change direction and flow to the impact point. The original map has shown that there is a large river in that area. The violent explosion and the change of terrain will definitely change the river course. I judge that the river between the mountains, It's likely that it has merged into that lake."

At this time, Wen Meng, Wu Xueying, and Lingling also ran back from different directions. Wu Xueying ran to Wan Lin and the others. She squatted down beside the big fish anxiously, pulled out her saber and sliced ​​a piece of fish and stuffed it into her mouth.

While chewing on the delicious fish, she said vaguely, "they can eat the baby, and as soon as I ate a piece, they already stuffed the rest of the fish into their mouths, just like that stupid leopard. It's the same." Lingling and Wen Meng also ran over, they pulled out their sabers and cut off the fish and stuffed it into their mouths, Lingling also said vaguely: "Yes, yes, they are so good at eating, they are really the same size as that big one. Like a leopard."

Wan Lin, Yu Jing and Xiaoya all laughed when they saw the three of them gobbling their food, Wen Meng chewed the fish in his mouth, looked up at Wan Lin and said, "Leopard head, those red fox mercenaries stole the gems. After the fragments, will they flee directly abroad with the treasure? If so, it will be troublesome!"

Wan Lin replied immediately: "No, the big foreign consortium is buying the gems from them at a high price according to weight, so these greedy mercenaries will not leave easily. For them, these gems are invaluable wealth. So, they will only leave this area after they confirm that it is difficult to find those celestial fragments in the area."

Yu Jing also said: "Yes, now so many people from abroad are running in to hunt for treasures, the purpose is to find these fragments as soon as possible. They must understand that if time passes, the fragments of meteorites are likely to disappear from this area and can no longer be found. "

When Wan Lin and the others heard Yu Jing's answer, they all looked at her in confusion. Wu Xueying swallowed the fish in her mouth and asked in surprise, "Could those celestial fragments still run away by themselves?"

Yu Jing washed the saber in the lake water, then vigorously shook off the water droplets on it, raised the saber and inserted it into the scabbard on her leg. She looked up at Wu Xueying and replied, "Those fragments won't run away on their own, but will gradually leave their original positions with the changes in the earth's crust and the impact of water currents, and may be buried forever in the ground."

As she said that, she raised her finger and pointed to the steep mountains in the distance, and continued: "After the violent impact and explosion of an unknown body, the crustal structure here has undergone drastic changes, and the rock formations on the surface will become extremely unstable. The topography of the mountain may change at any Therefore, I am afraid that it will not take long for this area to undergo drastic changes, and those meteorites that are already extremely rare will definitely disappear forever in this endless piece of land. In the mountains."

When Wu Xueying heard this, she said angrily, "No wonder those **** ran in in a hurry. It turns out that they were afraid that after a long time, they would no longer find these valuable things."

Yu Jing nodded and said: "Yes, in such a short period of time, they took great risks to cross the border and come to our territory. They are worried that they will not be able to find these treasures after a long time. At the same time, this also shows that Behind them, there are indeed experts who are proficient in astrophysics guiding them, otherwise they would not have learned this knowledge. I feel that some of them must be surrounded by researchers like me.”

After Wan Lin listened to Yu Jing's analysis, he swallowed the fish in his mouth, and also reached out his sword and put it into the clear lake water to wash it. He immediately raised his saber to wipe off the water droplets on the blade, and with a bang, the general's saber was inserted into the scabbard on his leg accurately.

He raised his head and looked at the mountains in the distance and said coldly: "It is precisely because the fragments of these unknown bodies have extremely high economic value, so these people, driven by their greedy nature, will not leave this area in a short time. area. After we found the expedition team members, we immediately took action to kill these **** in the mountains one by one. Hehe, they were almost killing each other by then, and the remaining **** were just left for us to clean up!"...


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