Panther Commando

Chapter 3822: Running wolves

Wan Lin raised the muzzle of his gun and looked out of the valley. The peaks outside the valley are ups and downs, and the dark gray mountains are like an endless black sea, with waves surging and boundless.

Now Wan Lin's position is facing Taniguchi, his field of vision is extremely narrow, and he can't see the situation between the mountains outside the valley at all. He quickly picked up the gun and ran behind the side rock, then leaned on the side rock and raised the gun to look at the mountains in front of the outside of the valley.

Between the jagged rocks on the side of the mountain, the small stream flowing out of the valley is surging with white waves to the distant mountains, and white streams appear on the surrounding hillsides from time to time. The mountains gradually converged into a small river that was not wide, meandering and flowing to the distant mountains.

Wan Lin was lying on the rock and carefully observed the mountains outside the valley. At this time, he suddenly discovered that there were huge gray wolves lying on the surrounding steep hillsides! A huge gray wolf, almost integrated with the surrounding dark gray rocks. If their eyes glowed eerily, he would be hard-pressed to spot these beasts among the rocks.

Wan Lin raised his gun and aimed at the wolves in the mountains outside, frowning slightly, he secretly said in his heart: "Just now, this group of **** was forced into this canyon by the ferocious wolves outside. Look. It looks like there are at least one or two hundred wolves outside, otherwise these boys wouldn't be so embarrassed. By the way, the gangsters just turned their guns and shot outward. It must be the wolves trying to rush into the valley, but why didn't they see it? The corpses of those giant wolves who were killed?"

He lowered the muzzle in surprise and looked at the rocks in front of him near the mouth of the valley. At this time, he noticed that the rocks outside the valley had turned dark red, and the mountains were covered with white bones stained with blood, and everything in front of him was like a terrifying Asura field.

He stared at the blood-stained bones for a moment, and the pupils in his eyes suddenly shrank. At this time, he already understood that the giant wolves killed by those gangsters had been eaten into bones by his cruel companions! No wonder these enemies, who are already lying at the mouth of the valley, are so afraid of these hungry wolves outside the valley.

At this moment, a few harsh screams suddenly sounded from outside the valley, and then a group of giant wolves on the side hillside suddenly stood up and rushed down the cliff on the right side of the valley entrance. At the same time, huge giant wolves also stood up in the surrounding mountains, and a group of giant wolves swarmed towards Taniguchi.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of huge giant wolves were running in the mountains. The eyes of the giant wolves were gloomy, and they stared at Taniguchi with a look of extreme greed. The shadows of the wolf were moving and the dust was flying.

Wan Lin and the surrounding Leopard team members raised their guns and aimed at Taniguchi in astonishment, lest those giant wolves rush into Taniguchi. At this time, they already understood from the screams that sounded outside the valley that the boys who escaped from the canyon just now must be surrounded by wolves. Wolves nibble.

The wolves outside the valley roared towards the mouth of the valley, and the dust and the wolf shadows roaring from outside the valley were as powerful as galloping horses. Some of these wolves, who had just been scared away by the deafening gunshots and explosions in the valley, rushed down the cliff on the right side of the Taniguchi, while the other rushed straight to the Taniguchi.

At this moment, huge giant wolves rushed down from the surrounding hillsides all over the mountains and plains, and there was fierceness in Lu Yingying's eyes. Greedy green light. The dust and fog in the mountains were flying, and the deafening hoofs shook the canyon with a "humming" echo. The rush of wolves outside the valley was extremely scary!

The faces of Wan Lin and the others who were lying on the back of the Taniguchi rock became tense. Everyone pulled the bolt with a "hula", and then they all took a few * from their bodies and placed them on the rock in front of them. They had already encountered these huge giant wolves in the mountains ahead, and they knew that if the bullets didn't directly hit the vital parts of these behemoths, it would be difficult for these ferocious big guys to stop.

In the blink of an eye, the ferocious giant wolves had approached Taniguchi. At this critical moment, Xiaohua and Xiaobai suddenly jumped up from under the rock, and the two leopards were dripping with red bloodstains on their claws.

They were in the air, and suddenly shot two dazzling beams of light, one red and one blue, towards the outside of the valley, and their petite bodies rushed out of the valley like cannonballs. Immediately after, a huge black shadow also sprang out from under the rock in front of Wan Lin. The fierce leopard opened its mouth and let out a deafening roar, and then rushed out with a wind noise and followed. The two hill kings in front rushed out of the valley bravely!

The ear-piercing roar and two dazzling beams of light that suddenly came out of the valley made the wolves rushing in suddenly agitated. The wolves rushing from all over the mountains and plains suddenly stopped, and they looked up at the mouth of the valley. A terrified look appeared in the wolf's eyes.

At this time, the two leopards had already rushed out of the canyon like They landed and jumped up again, fiercely pounced on the seven or eight giant wolves near the Taniguchi, the red and blue light beams in their eyes revealed a A ferocious breath.

The giant leopard, which was two laps bigger than the giant wolves, also rushed out of the Taniguchi with a gust of wind at this time, and its wide mouth revealed four blood-stained canine teeth and a light bulb. A furious red light shot from its big eyes, and it jumped up from the rock and went straight to a giant wolf beside the two leopards.

At this moment, the red and blue light beams that burst out from Xiaohua and Xiaobai's eyes seemed to have a kind of power that stuns the soul. At this moment, Xiaohua and Xiaobai had already rushed over the heads of the two giant wolves with a gust of wind.

The big snow leopard rushed forward with the sound of the wind. It rushed to the front of a giant wolf and stood up abruptly, and its two front paws the size of palm fans whistled and patted the wolf head in front of it. At this moment, the giant wolf in front of the giant leopard seemed to have suddenly awakened. It suddenly let out a howl, turned around and fled to the side of the mountain, and its footsteps had become staggered in panic.

When the big leopard saw the prey in its mouth suddenly escape, a red light suddenly shot out of its eyes, and its two sturdy hind legs kicked the rock behind it vigorously, and its huge body rose into the air. It pounced on the back of the giant wolf with a "woo", and its two big raised claws slapped the back of the giant wolf fiercely.

The giant wolf knelt on the forest floor with a "pop", and it turned its head and bit the giant leopard behind it. But at this moment, the giant leopard opened its big mouth with a "crack" sound, and it had bitten the giant wolf's neck fiercely.

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