Panther Commando

Chapter 3823: out of the canyon

The three leopards swooped on the backs of the three giant wolves in front of them fiercely, opened their mouths and bit the giant wolves' necks. They then jumped up from the wolf's back and turned to face the other three coming out from the side. The wolf pounced.

At this moment, three red pillars of blood had been ejected from the necks of the three giant wolves behind them. It shot several meters away, and then fell from the sky to the head of the giant wolf that was rushing around. A pink blood mist immediately filled the sky above the black lacquered rock, which was shocking!

The big leopard twisted and threw himself in front of the other giant wolf on the side. It let one side of its head away from the other's sharp teeth, and pressed its two big claws on the top of the other's head, and its heavy body followed. The giant wolf was pressed under him, and its wide open mouth followed like a wolf biting **** its back.

The three fierce leopards and the blood column suddenly raised in the mountains made the surrounding wolves suddenly stunned! The giant wolves that were rushing towards each other suddenly stopped, and all of them looked at the blood mist spraying from their companions in fear. The mountains that were fleeing like ten thousand horses just now suddenly became silent!

At this moment, a violent wolf howl suddenly sounded in the mountains behind, and the furious wolf howl shook the mountains with a "humming" echo. The giant wolves who were staring blankly at the blood mist sprayed in the air seemed to be waking up from a dream. They turned their heads and glanced at the mountains behind them, followed by a fierce look in their green eyes.

The wolves turned their heads abruptly, their fierce eyes staring at the three leopards in front of them who were biting their companions. They then raised their heads to the sky and let out a howl. With the howls resounding through the valley, the six or seven giant wolves that were already close to the mouth of the valley suddenly opened their big mouths, revealing their sharp teeth. The body roared forward and rushed straight to the three leopards in the mountains in front of them.

At this time, the surrounding wolves saw that their companions had rushed towards the three leopards fiercely, and the wolves rushed to the mountains ahead. At this time, the big mouths of the giant wolves were already wide open, and the white teeth flashed with a cold light in the sun. The mountains that had just been quiet suddenly became chaotic, and the roaring wolves seemed very chaotic in the mountains. ferocious.

A few people in Wan Lin who were lying on the rocks in the canyon suddenly burst out with murderous intent in their eyes! A group of people jumped up to the rock in front of them with their guns, stepping on the rocks covered with the enemy's blood, and rushed straight to the outside of the Taniguchi!

No one expected just now that in front of Xiaohua and Xiaobai, the two ferocious mountain kings, the giant wolves in front of them were not frightened, but charged up even more fiercely! This was indeed beyond their expectations, and everyone rushed out of the valley with their guns. At this moment, how could they let their brothers face the ferocious wolves alone? So they all rushed out of the valley without hesitation!

Wan Lin jumped up to the rock in front of him, and at a glance, he saw that Yu Wenfeng had already stood up with his assault rifle, and was about to run towards Taniguchi with his gun. He quickly turned his head and shouted sternly, "Yuwenfeng, sit down and rest, this is an order!" After speaking, he rushed towards Taniguchi in front of him with his gun in a gust of wind.

As soon as Wan Lin and the others rushed to the mouth of the valley, they saw at the same time that huge wild wolves were running among the rocks outside the valley. The wild wolves were all rushing forward with their big white teeth exposed. fly.

Under the steep cliff outside the valley on the right, more than a dozen giant wolves with mouths full of blood were raising their heads from the piles of bones, and there was a fierce aura in their green eyes. The four or five giant wolves near Taniguchi saw a few figures suddenly rushed out of Taniguchi. They suddenly sprang up from a piece of white bones under them without a word, and went straight to Wanlin and the others at Taniguchi with the sound of the wind.

Kong Dazhuang rushed to Taniguchi and immediately held the machine gun in both hands, "bang bang bang" and swept out a string of bullets under the cliff on the right. Bao Ya also rushed to the side of the cliff, raised his right hand and vigorously threw a * at the wolves, then crouched behind the rock, and pulled the trigger against the wolves rushing from the mountains in front of him.

At this time, Zhang Wa and Feng Dao had already rushed under the cliff on the left side of Taniguchi, and their assault rifles spewed two fire snakes at the same time, and a piece of bullets roared and flew towards the black wolves in the mountains on the left. At this time, they already knew that the gangsters who escaped from the canyon while they were in the chaos had turned into piles of bones under the kiss of these brutal giant wolves, and their muscle tissue had already been eaten up by the wolves. clean!

In the ferocious rain of bullets and the loud explosion, the wolves immediately heard the screams of being hit. Several giant wolves that were jumping up from the ground and rushing towards Taniguchi fell backwards in the bullet rain and the fragments of the *explosion, but they rolled off the ground a few times, and then let out a violent howl. jumped up from the rocks and limped towards Taniguchi with blood stains all over his body. A look of fury appeared in the green rocks. The giant wolves in the surrounding mountains rushed towards Taniguchi, as if they didn't care about the sound of gunfire and explosions that I just remembered.

At this time, Wan Lin was already lying on the rock at Taniguchi, and his expression was extremely gloomy. He already knew that after these giant wolves mutated, not only their bodies became huge, but their temperaments also became more ferocious and brutal. And just now when they were hunting the gangsters, they had seen the muzzle and the fire of the explosion, so these giant beasts were not so afraid of the sound of gunfire and explosions.

He quickly moved his sniper rifle and swept the surrounding wolves, but his finger on the trigger did not pull the trigger, and the muzzle of the gun moved quickly among the fleeing wolves. He has lived in the endless mountains since he was a child. Although he has never seen such a giant wolf that has become huge, he knows in his heart that any wolf pack must have an alpha wolf, and this alpha wolf is the uniform. The key to this huge wolf pack in front of him is.

At this moment, "Ow", a deafening leopard roar suddenly sounded from the wolves directly in front of Taniguchi, and immediately saw Xiaohua running up from the back of a giant wolf with a trail of blood, welcoming him. It jumped at the head of a wolf rushing in front, and its right paw was raised in the air, and a loud "pop" sounded from the top of the head of the giant wolf in front.

In the blood flower shot from the top of the giant wolf's head, Xiaohua's body jumped forward again, and a blazing blue light flashed in its eyes, rising and falling on the back and top of the giant wolves. The blood column rose under its four sharp claws, and its meteor-like figure rushed straight to the back of the wolves.

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