Panther Commando

Chapter 3829: Taniguchi crisis

At this moment, Zhang Wa and Wan Lin had extremely nervous expressions on their faces. They already understood from the expressions of the three leopards that Xiaoya and the others must be in danger! These ferocious animals all have a strong sense of danger. They must have felt that their master is in danger from this strange inspiration, otherwise they would never have rushed forward so anxiously.

The passage in front of the two of them is very narrow and tortuous. The steep rock wall seems to completely close the passage. The damp and dark passage flickers to the left and right, and the black cliffs stand straight on both sides of the passage. The small stream that passed through the valley was flowing slowly among the rocks, and pieces of white water splashed from time to time under the rocks.

At this time, Wan Lin and Zhang Wa could no longer see the two leopards. The big leopard was running fast in the front passage, and the rough and tortuous passage could no longer be seen. to the figure of this big leopard.

Wan Lin and Zhang Wa rushed along the narrow canyon and quickly rushed to the front side of the rock wall. The two followed and ran into the passage on the right. At this moment, Wan Lin, who was running in front, suddenly heard a burst of rapid gunfire, and the explosion sound of "Boom, Boom" also faintly reflected from the narrow cliff in front of him.

A bright light suddenly flashed in Wan Lin's eyes. He jumped over a rock more than one meter high in front of him, raised his left hand and made a "ready to fight" gesture to Zhang Wa behind him, and then he jumped forward again. , several undulations have turned to the left along the rough passage.

Wan Lin rushed under the other steep rock wall in front of him with a few ups and downs. He turned around and rushed into the side passage. At this time, the sound of gunfire was getting clearer and clearer. The gunshots of "Da Da Da", "Bang Bang Bang" and the explosion of "Boom Boom" were intertwined, and the towering cliffs were reflecting deafening echoes.

Zhang Wa rushed under the cliff in front with a gun, and then turned to the right side of the passage. He turned the passage and found that Wan Lin had lost his figure in the passage in front of him, and a beam was shot into the narrow and dark passage in front of him. white light. A bright light suddenly flashed in Zhang Wa's eyes, and in front of him was Taniguchi! While running wildly, he pulled the bolt with his right hand with a "crash", and rushed down the cliff on the side of the valley with a gust of wind.

He quickly rushed under the cliff on the right, and immediately saw that Wan Lin had appeared on the steep rock wall on the left side of the mouth of the valley. At this moment, Wan Lin's body was leaning against a rock more than ten meters high, his left foot was inserted into a crack in the rock below, his right foot was firmly on a raised rock, and he bent down on the rock in front of him. On the stone more than half a meter wide protruding from the cliff, the sniper rifle is protruding out of the valley!

Zhang Wa immediately ran to the Taniguchi along the rock wall on the right, her figure rising and falling on the dark rocks. The deafening gunshots from outside the valley had clearly entered his ears, and the explosion of "Boom" sounded from the mountains on the right side of the valley, and pieces of gravel hit by bullets splashed from time to time on the cliffs on both sides of the valley. , the rocks around Taniguchi fluttered with rubble and sparks.

Zhang Wa's heart sank immediately. He had already judged from the gunshots from outside the valley that the Chengru group and Xiaoya on both sides of the valley had been suppressed by the fierce firepower of the enemy in the mountains on both sides of the valley. You can't get close to Taniguchi at all!

When Wan Lin and Zhang Wa entered the valley just now, the task of the two groups, Xiaoya and Chengru, was to guard the Taniguchi here, so their two groups were scattered between the mountains on both sides of the Taniguchi, firmly controlling the Taniguchi, preventing anyone from entering the canyon.

Judging from the gunfire outside the valley now, the enemy who suddenly appeared in this mountain must be numerous. They used their superior firepower to divide Chengru and Xiaoya into the mountains on both sides of the valley, so that they could not care for each other, and then they were facing each other. Tried to annihilate separately. No wonder they didn't respond for so long. At this time, they couldn't escape safely and enter the canyon even if they wanted to leave.

Zhang Wa rushed to the cliff on the right side of the mouth of the valley in a hurry, and then jumped under a rock more than one meter high under the cliff. He lay on the rock and raised his gun to aim outside the valley.

The sound of gunfire outside the valley was like weaving. On the two towering rocks 300 meters away from the mountain in front, four or five fires were fiercely facing the mountain on the right. The sound of assault rifles was continuous, and several guns were whistling toward the mountains on the right, while the sound of gunfire in the mountains on the side of Taniguchi was intermittent.

Obviously, the ferocious firepower of the two machine guns and several assault rifles on the rock in front had already suppressed Cheng Ru, Wang Dali and Yu Wenyu on the right side of Taniguchi under the rock, and it was impossible to organize an effective counterattack.

Zhang Wa's eyes followed to the left front. At the foot of the mountain two hundred meters away from the side of the rock, two beams of light, one red and one basket, were flickering among the towering rocks, and screams and gunshots sounded from time to time. Obviously, the two leopards were attacking the enemy's firepower that suppressed Xiaoya.

Zhang Wa quickly observed the battlefield situation. He moved to aim at the enemy's firepower point on the rock in front of him and pulled the At this moment, he suddenly saw a machine gun spraying fire on the two rocks in front of him. Suddenly, it fell on the rock, and a blood mist was sprayed out from the gun. Immediately following, a red column of blood also rose from behind another machine gun on the side rock.

Zhang Wa is overjoyed! He knew that the leopard's head was already on the cliff on the left, and he downed the two enemy machine gunners who were the greatest threat to the mountains on both sides! Just as the two enemy machine gunners fell to their death, two strings of whistling bullets suddenly swept across two rocks about 100 meters apart.

Zhang Wa's body lying on the rock didn't move, but the muzzle he stretched forward spewed out two bursts of fire. In the firelight, a black shadow rolled over a rock in the distance, and the shadow fell towards the rock like a rag bag, and an assault rifle also flew out from the top of the rock.

Wan Lin's muzzle on the side cliff also shot out a cluster of faint firelight, and a black shadow rolled upside down on another rock, and the black shadow fell behind the rock along with the rising blood mist.

Zhang Wa shot two short bursts at the top of the rock in front of him, and then took the gun and rushed behind the rock in front of him. At this time, his eyes had already seen that two black shadows climbed up on the rock in the distance. Jumped straight back from the top of the high rock.

Obviously, the remaining enemies on these two rocks have been found to be locked by snipers, so they hurriedly swept out two strings of bullets at Taniguchi. The two shadows jumped off the rock in panic, and they quickly ran to the back hillside under the cover of the rocks in the mountains.

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