Panther Commando

Chapter 3830: battlefield situation

"Ow..." A deafening leopard roar suddenly sounded from the mountain on the left side of Taniguchi. When Zhang Wa heard the roar, he picked up the gun and rushed out from Taniguchi. He rushed out of Taniguchi and swept out a string of bullets at the two boys who were escaping in front of him, then turned around and rushed towards the mountain on the left.

At this time, Zhang Wa has seen that the fierce big leopard is roaring and rushing towards the crowd on the left side of the melee. The exit is six or seven meters away, and in a blink of an eye, it has approached the crowd who are fighting fiercely in front.

At this time, in the mountains on the right side of Taniguchi, there was a sudden sound of "bang bang bang" machine guns and assault rifles. They were rushing from the foot of the mountain in front and lying under the rocks with the sound of gunfire. A piece of sparks was swept out of the rock, and the two boys who had already run to the hillside fell headfirst toward the hillside.

As Zhang Wa rushed towards the mountain on his left, he quickly replaced a new magazine, followed by raising his gun and aiming at the mountain on the left where the leopard's roar was heard. At this moment, he could already see that the hillside not far in front of Taniguchi was being hit by dense bullets in a cloud of sparks and dust, and the machine guns and assault rifles of Wang Dali and Yu Wenyu on the right side of the mountain were providing cover for him.

At this moment, the big leopard, who was rushing towards the crowd on the left, suddenly let out a miserable howl, and then staggered and rushed forward a few steps. Its huge body fell on the rock in front. Its two glowing red eyes then looked towards the hillside several hundred meters away from the side, and its wide open mouth let out a furious roar.

Zhang Wa immediately saw that the big leopard's chest had been dyed red with blood. He suddenly realized that the big leopard must have been shot in the chest by a sniper on the hillside. He immediately raised his gun and aimed at the hillside in front of him.

At this time, a cluster of sparks was emerging from a rock crevice on the hillside, and Cheng Ru, the sniper on the right side of the mountain, had already aimed at the hillside and fired a bullet. Zhang Wa immediately pulled the trigger on the hillside where the sparks appeared, and a string of bullets whistled towards the hillside. At this time, a cluster of dazzling flames erupted from the mountain on the right side, and a * with a dazzling tail flame flew straight to the hillside.

"Boom", in a fire, a piece of gravel flew up the hillside, and a black shadow also flew up from the fire. A look of joy flashed in Zhang Wa's eyes, and she picked up her gun and rushed towards the crowd on the left. He already understood that it must be Wang Dali who shot the weapon he carried with him in his rage, killing this threatening enemy sniper in one fell swoop.

Taniguchi's battlefield situation changed immediately. Now Wan Lin and Zhang Wa suddenly appeared in Taniguchi, and the two quickly destroyed the enemy's firepower that was suppressing Cheng Ru and several others. Cheng Ru and the others immediately poked their guns from under the rock and launched a counter-attack amid the sudden reinforcement.

Zhang Wa didn't care to observe the situation in the mountain on the right, he quickly rushed to the mountain on the left. He had just approached the rock pile on the left with the shadows swaying, and immediately heard a high-pitched whip sound from the mountains on the left, with screams and slaps of the whip tip incessantly.

Zhang Wa has already seen the battle situation in front of him during the rush. A dozen black shadows are shaking in a rock pile in front of the side cliff. Xiaoya, Lingling and Yu Jing have been surrounded by seven or eight enemies in this chaos near the cliff. in the pile of stones. In the surrounding mountains, six or seven motionless shadows were lying on their backs, and the dark rocks were covered with dark red bloodstains. Obviously, these shadows were killed on the spot by Xiaoya and the others when they were approaching the cliff.

At this moment, Xiaoya and Lingling were holding sabres in their left hands and waving their whips vigorously in their right hands. The two of them were moving their bodies from left to right between the rocks and the shadows. He put on a tough fishing net and tightly protected Yu Jing who was close to the cliff behind him.

Zhang Wa could see at a glance that Xiaoya and Lingling were using their flexible movements to quickly dodge the daggers and daggers from the enemy. , the right long whip whistled to the enemy rushing in the distance.

Yu Jing, who was under the cliff, was holding the dagger that Wan Lin gave her in her left hand. She raised the dagger to block the dagger from a shadow on the left, and took half a step towards the enemy's side. The saber quickly wiped the enemy's neck, and the movement was very agile!

At this moment, the sleeves of Xiaoya, Lingling, and Yu Jing were already bloodied, and the three of them were extremely agile. gun.

While rushing, Zhang Wa looked at the rock pile more than ten meters away from Xiaoya and the others. Wen Meng and Wu Xueying stood back to back among the rocks, and the long whip waving in their hands was vigorously throwing at the five shadows around them. The surrounding shadows dodged the whip shadows in embarrassment, and cursed Although Zhang Wa couldn't understand what the other party was cursing, he already understood that these **** must have discovered it. There were several beautiful female soldiers in the mountain on the left, so they immediately used firepower to suppress the Chengru people in the mountain on the right, while the rest rushed to the mountain on the left to capture Xiaoya and the others alive.

Zhang Wa's eyes burst out with anger immediately, he suddenly raised his true qi and rushed towards Xiaoya and the others, holding an assault rifle in his left hand, and his right hand suddenly pulled a long whip from his waist.

At this moment, Zhang Wa suddenly saw that four or five black shadows suddenly rushed out from the foot of the mountain on the right. The figures of Xiaohua and Xiaobai were chasing from behind, and the top of the two shadows followed with blood. The fog fell headlong to the ground. The other two shadows who were running in front heard the voice behind them, they turned around and pulled the trigger immediately, and the two strings of fire snakes whistled and swept to the back.

Amidst the gunshots of "dadada" and "dadada", the two leopards had disappeared behind the rock like lightning, and the two boys with blood sprayed above their heads were fighting fiercely amid the gunfire of their companions. Fall back into the mountains.

Zhang Wa saw that Xiaohua and Xiaobai had disappeared under the rock, and his gun immediately swept out a fire snake against the rushing shadow, and the two boys who were turning around and shooting fell to the ground in response. Zhang Wa slammed the rock with her feet, and slanted her body to the side of the rock and rushed down.

At this time, his eyes had turned blood red. Xiaoya and the others under the cliff on the left must have been suppressed by the enemy's firepower during the battle, and some of the other party took the opportunity to attack them under the cover of firepower. Now Xiaoya and the others are fighting the enemy, and the situation is even more critical than he imagined!

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