Panther Commando

Chapter 3846: take revenge

At this moment, Xiaoya and the others had already pulled out the sabers shining with cold light in their right hands, and the figures rushed forward like flying! At this moment, one red, one basket and two dazzling spots of light suddenly flashed on the hillside. Xiaohua and Xiaobai roared down the steep hillside and rushed down the mountain. The mountain was suddenly filled with a strong murderous aura!

Wan Lin, Zhang Wa and Feng Dao, who sprang from the mountains behind, had already rushed to the foot of the mountain first. The long whips that the three of them vigorously pulled forward had a sharp piercing sound. On the three black shadows that sprang from among the rocks.

At this time, Wu Xueying had already rushed over like a gust of wind. Her two big eyes flashed an angry light in the darkness. She looked at Wan Lin and the three in front of her and shouted anxiously: "Leopard head, Zhang Wa, Lao Feng, Leave one for me!"

At this moment, Zhang Wa's right arm slammed out to the side, and he shouted loudly: "Yingying, then!" In his voice, the long whip in his right hand was wrapped in a black shadow and flew from the rock in front of him. rise. At this time, the long whips in the hands of Wan Lin and Feng Dao also raised, and the two of them shouted at the same time to Xiaoya who rushed from the side: "Xiaoya, Lingling, then!"

In the roars of Wan Lin and the others, two dark shadows screamed and flew straight in front of Xiaoya and Lingling! Wan Lin, Feng Dao, and Zhang Wa threw out the black shadows entwined with long whips, and the three of them stepped into the rocks in front of them, followed by their raised right feet, with a gust of wind fiercely towards the three twitching rocks among the rocks. The shadow stomped on the back!

With the "click" sound from Wan Lin's feet, Wu Xueying, Xiaoya, and Lingling, who were rushing from the foot of the mountain, had already met the three black shadows flying from the sky, and a few cold lights flashed in front of them.

Immediately, there were three terrifying sounds of "poof", "poof" and "poof" in the darkness, followed by a few shrill screams from the three black shadows in the air, which had been entrained by Wan Lin and the three of them. With his powerful inner strength, he hit the seriously injured boy, screaming and falling from the air.

At this moment, two leopards that jumped down from the hillside landed on a rock in front of Wan Lin. Their eyes gleamed across the dark shadows around them, and then they suddenly raised their heads to face the man standing beside him. Wan Lin, Zhang Wa and Feng Dao let out an angry roar of "Ow".

They jumped to the two motionless shadows next to them, raised their right paws and slapped them hard. The two leopards saw that Wan Lin and Xiaoya had already taken the lead in clearing up the enemies at the foot of the mountain, but they didn't leave one for them, so they both roared in rage.

Wan Lin and the others didn't care to pay attention to Xiaohua and Xiaobai's emotions, the three of them turned around and looked sideways with their long whips in hand. At this time, Xiaoya and Lingling were pulling out the daggers from the enemy's body. The two of them raised their right feet and kicked the enemy who was falling to the ground with a "pop" sound.

At this time, Wu Xueying was pulling the shadow in front of her with her left hand, and the saber clenched in her right hand was rising and falling on the shadow of the shadow in front of her like crazy. His head stared at two big red eyes, looking at the dark night sky and shouting in a hoarse voice: "Big leopard, big leopard, open your eyes and see, I will avenge you!"

The mountains were quiet, only Wu Xueying's hoarse shout echoed in the night sky for a long time. Seeing Wu Xueying's excited look, Zhang Wa raised his foot and was about to run towards Wu Xueying. At this time, Wan Lin stepped over to his side, raised his hand and grabbed his arm, and said in a low voice, "Let Yingying vent, or she will have a problem!" Zhang Wa stopped when she heard the sound, her eyes shining With a distressed look, she quietly looked at Wu Xueying's sad and angry face.

At this time, Yu Jing strode from behind to Wu Xueying's side, her face pale, and she reached out and put her arms around Wu Xueying's shoulder. She already knew in her heart that these snipers, Wan Lin, could kill all the enemies in the distant mountains, but Wan Lin still led everyone to risk the danger and rushed up.

His purpose is to let Wu Xueying and Xiaoya completely vent their grief and anger, and let them kill the enemy in front of them to avenge the big leopard! Otherwise, the anger that has been suppressed in the hearts of the team members will definitely affect everyone's psychological state, and then affect the subsequent actions.

At this time, Wu Xueying's body and face were already splattered with the enemy's blood. She turned her face and glanced at Yu Jing who was standing beside her, and then suddenly pulled out a sharp saber from the enemy's chest. She raised her right The foot kicked the boy in front of him fiercely. Wu Xueying held a saber dripping with blood beads in her hand, and stared blankly at the gangster who flew out from her back. She followed and turned around and lay on Yu Jing's shoulder and shouted, "Sister Yu, I avenged the big leopard!" Yu Jing Lovingly patted Wu Xueying on the shoulder, she comforted her in a low voice: "Yes, you have already avenged your big leopard with your own hands, and your big leopard can close his eyes!"

At this two leopards suddenly raised their heads from among the dark rocks, and two beams of light, one red and one basket, went straight to the distant mountains. At the same time, there was a "bang bang bang" sound of machine gunfire on the hillside.

"Hide!" Wan Lin immediately shouted, then crouched on the spot under the rock in front of him, then raised his gun and aimed at the mountains ahead. At the sound of gunfire, Wu Xueying, who was lying on Yu Jing's shoulder, hugged Yu Jing and threw herself under a rock on the side. The little auntie and a few others also squatted under the surrounding rocks, and everyone raised their guns and looked into the distance.

Under the dim starlight, a few black shadows were running in the distant mountains. The machine gun bullets that Wang Dali swept out on the hillside seemed to have eyes, and hit a stream of sparks on the rocks beside them. Obviously, these boys in the mountains in front must have heard the gunshots here, so they wanted to join in the fun while taking advantage of the cover of darkness, in an attempt to sneak in and get a little cheaper when the warring parties here were not paying attention. Now, the sudden sound of machine gunfire from Wang Dali made them turn around in fright and flee to the distant mountains.

Wan Lin and the others were lying behind the gun, coldly observing these boys fleeing in the mountains in the distance. They have already understood from the panicked figures of the other side that the scattered gangsters in this mountain are not stupid. They know that any armed personnel with machine guns and snipers must be special operators with extremely strong combat capabilities. People are not the objects that these greedy boys can provoke, so they immediately turned around and fled to the distant mountains when they heard the sound of machine guns.

The few boys in the mountains fled very fast. Wan Lin lay between the rocks and stared at each other and disappeared into the darkness in the distance. Only then did he move the muzzle to aim at the distant mountains in front of him.

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