Panther Commando

Chapter 3847: fire behind the mountain

Glittering silver stars have appeared in the dark night sky. The originally dark sky has a dark blue color against the silver starlight and a few white clouds. The sky above the steep mountains in the distance is flickering with flickering firelight, and the dark red firelight is intermittent. Obviously, the two sides who were fighting in the night behind the mountain were fighting fiercely.

Wan Lin stared at the flickering night sky in the distance for a while, followed by raising his gun with a cold face and standing up from the darkness, he raised his finger to the red light that flickered in the night sky in the distance, and commanded with a murderous aura in his tone: "Let's go!" After saying that, he strode towards the mountains ahead with his sniper rifle.

When Zhang Wa, who was standing beside Wan Lin, heard Wan Lin's order, he immediately greeted: "Xiao Hua, Xiao Bai, Bao Ya, come with me!" After that, he ran towards Wan Lin with his assault rifle in hand. , the two leopards and Bao Ya also jumped out from the mountains upon hearing the sound.

At this time, Wu Xueying had completely woken up from her grief and anger. The enemy she had thrown at Zhang Wa just now really made her feel a lot better. She ran to the stream where the starlight was reflected on her face with blood on her face, and then stood in the stream and bent over to pick up the stream and wiped it on her face a few times. She quickly washed the blood on her face and arms, and she was full of energy. She ran to Xiaoya and Yu Jing, and chased behind Wan Lin with a gun.

Yu Jing followed Xiaoya and Lingling and ran forward. She turned her head and glanced at Wu Xueying, who had regained her composure. She accelerated and ran to Wan Lin's side and said in a low voice, "Leopard head, the decision just now was great!"

Wan Lin heard Yu Jing's voice and knew that she was appreciating his actions just now. He turned his head and glanced at Wu Xueying, who was behind him, and said in a low voice as he ran forward, "The current situation is very complicated, and we may encounter enemies in the mountains at any time, so we must stabilize the emotions of each team member. Just now Wu Xueying's emotions have been out of control, she is very likely to make reckless actions in the following battle, so I must let her vent her anger and minimize possible risks."

As Yu Jing strode forward, she nodded slightly. She knew in her heart that the opponents in the battle just now were not strong. This was evident from the fact that the opponents were not equipped with body armor and their panic behavior after the sudden attack. But this battle, for the leopard team members who were immersed in grief and anger because of the sacrifice of the big leopard, was a battle that allowed them to vent their anger.

Now, all the leopard players have just spit out the bad breath that was stagnant in their hearts during the battle. This battle is actually a psychological treatment for the leopard players. Tasks do pay off.

Although Yu Jing is a scientific researcher, she has followed Wan Lin and the others to participate in several operations. She knows in her heart that for special forces members who perform tasks in extreme danger, they must remain calm on the battlefield and have a good understanding of the battlefield situation. Making timely and accurate judgments is a necessary condition for them to complete the arduous task, and it is also an important factor to protect their own personal safety.

The darker the night, the deeper the love, the whole mountain has been shrouded in thick night, and the mountains in the distance have become blurred. At this moment, a red light suddenly flashed from the top of a large mountain dozens of kilometers away to the left, followed by a dark red in the dark night sky in the distance.

Yu Jing stopped and looked nervously up to the dim top of the mountain in front of her. She then glanced at the flickering fire above the top of the mountain in front of her, and whispered to Wan Lin beside her, "Leopard head, the big mountain in front of your left. There is also a battle behind, which direction should we go in?" At this time, Xiaoya and the others in the back also walked quickly to Wan Lin and Yu Jing, and their eyes were hesitant to Wan Lin. look on the face.

Wan Lin stopped in the dark, looked up at the flickering firelight in the night sky in front of the left and pondered for a moment, he followed the lotus and said: "Go according to the original plan! , I have seen a patch of water more than ten kilometers ahead, which should be the lake formed by the impact of the meteorite."

He said, raising his hand and pointing to the fire that just appeared in front of him and continued: "Look, this fire is at least 20 to 30 kilometers away from us, we just rushed there, the battle over there is probably over, and the situation Unknown, we don't need to rush over to join in the fun. Let's go, we will arrive at the lake first, and then determine the next direction of travel according to the conditions of the lake. "

When Yu Jing heard Wan Lin's analysis, she immediately said: "Okay, then we will head to the lake in front of us, arrive at the lake as soon as possible to observe the surrounding situation, and see if we can find the whereabouts of the expedition team members as soon as possible." "Okay, You continue to follow in the middle of the queue, I will go to the front to take a look, and you will follow after." Wan Lin replied.

Wan Lin followed Xiaoya and the others and warned: "The front should be the gathering place of various You should pay attention to the two wings and the mountains behind you during your journey to prevent sneak attacks." "Yes!" Xiaoya replied in a low voice, and Wan Lin followed with her gun and ran towards the dimly lit mountains ahead.

The sky on the plateau looked unusually high, and the night sky was full of stars. From time to time, a cool mountain wind blows through the mountains, with a damp smell in the wind. In the dim starlight, the undulating mountains in the distance extend into the distance like an ink painting.

In the dimly lit mountains, the leopard team members were running ups and downs. Zhang Wa took Bao Ya and two leopards to the front of the queue. The two wings were divided into two groups: Chengru and Fengdao. Xiaoya and Lingling, who were protecting Yu Jing, and Yuwen, who had a serious arm injury. Wen Meng and Lingling have replaced Brother Yuwen and entered the queue of Chengru and Fengdao.

At this moment, the entire leopard commando team was like a huge arrow inserted into the darkness, appearing and disappearing in the undulating mountains, and rushed straight to the foot of the big mountain not far ahead.

Wan Lin quickly rushed out from Xiaoya's side with his spear. After a short time, he appeared beside Zhang Wa, who was a scout. He glanced at the two leopards and Bao Ya that appeared and disappeared in front of him, and asked in a low voice : "Have you found anything unusual?"

Zhang Wa turned her head and glanced behind Wan Lin, and replied in a low voice, "No, everything is normal." He then turned his head and glanced at the dark red flames flickering in the air in the distance, and asked in a low voice, "Leopard head, the one in front of you. The battle behind that mountain is fierce, should I scout the mountain in front of the side to see what happened there?"

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