Panther Commando

Chapter 3855: lilac crystal light

The canyon is densely covered with rocks, and the flowing stream flows slowly forward around the rocks. It is difficult to find the water flowing through the rocks if you don't pay attention. The crowd raised the muzzle and looked at the cliffs on both sides of the canyon through the night vision scope.

The canyon is indeed very dangerous as the wind knife said. The peaks of hundreds of meters seem to be pressing on the face. The cliffs on both sides of the canyon are rugged, and huge rocks hang upside down. Falling in general, the rugged cliffs give people a creepy feeling.

The canyon was pitch-dark, but the waves splashed at the end of the canyon. The stream that originally flowed slowly between the mountains here seems to suddenly converge into a river at the end of the canyon. It is fiercely hitting the knife-like cliffs. The splashes of water are sparkling white in the dim starlight. .

Cheng Ru raised his sniper rifle and looked at the steep rock wall of the canyon, and muttered in a low voice in astonishment: "This is a terrain where one husband is the only one who can't open up. If there are a few armed men with guns blocking the canyon, We can't get close to the lake from here at all!" He moved the muzzle to look at the dark mountains on both sides, and then said in a low voice: "The mountains in front of them are undulating on both sides of the canyon, and there is no difference at all. The channel can be close to the lake.”

Zhang Wa and Feng Dao had solemn expressions on their faces when they heard Cheng Ru's low sigh. The terrain in front of us is indeed very dangerous, and the surrounding mountains are continuous, and there is no way to bypass the lake.

If they crossed the mountain from the foot of the mountain next to the canyon, I am afraid that they would not be able to cross this steep mountain within twenty or thirty hours. But now the situation is critical, they have no time to delay. Everyone's eyes followed to Wan Lin, who was lying on the top of the rock.

Wan Lin lay on the top of the boulder and aimed motionlessly at the canyon in front of him. At this time, his face was as calm as water in the starlight, and he couldn't see any expression at all. After a while, he raised his head from behind the sniper rifle, looked sideways at Zhang Wa and Cheng Ru under the rock, and said in a firm tone, "We don't have time to take a detour now, no matter what happens in front of us, we will At all costs, we must reach the lake through the canyon in front of us as soon as possible, and strive to find the missing expedition team members as soon as possible!"

"Okay! Then I'll take Bao Ya and two leopards into the valley to scout." Zhang Wa looked up at Wan Lin and said, just as he finished speaking, Yu Jing's surprised whisper suddenly came from the side of the mountain: "Oops, that's great!"

Wan Lin and the others hurriedly turned their heads to look. Wang Dali and a group of people were scattered in the surrounding mountains, raising their guns and aiming at the surroundings. Xiaoya, Lingling, Wen Meng, and Wu Xueying were squatting around the two leopards and Yu Jing, and they were watching intently. Looking at the two leopards and Yu Jing, a flash of excitement flashed in the eyes of several people. At this moment, Yu Jing was holding a dark lacquered box in her hand, and the opened box was shining brightly in the dark.

Wan Lin jumped off the rock with his gun in surprise. He whispered to the people around him, "Go, go and see, Xiaohua and Xiaobai must have found a treasure from the corpses of those gangsters!" After speaking, he Quickly walked towards Yu Jing's side.

In the dim mountain, Yu Jing, Xiaoya, Lingling, Wu Xueying, and Wen Meng were squatting under a rock. They were staring at the small box Yu Jing was holding, and their eyes flashed with surprise. The box is not as big as the palm of a hand, and the three oval stones inside are emitting a lavender crystal light in the starlight.

The two leopards have been hugged tightly by Xiaoya and Lingling. They are staring at the treasures in the box with their heads stretched out, their eyes glowing. If Xiaoya and Lingling clung to their front paws, the box would The treasures in the book will surely be snatched away by these two greedy leopards.

Wan Lin walked over to Yu Jing and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Yu, is this the same as the meteorite rubble we found earlier?" Yu Jing turned to look at him and replied excitedly, "It looks similar in shape and texture. , but the color is different, the first few are crystal white light, and although these few are not big, the light they emit is a more charming purple, you see." After speaking, she raised the box to Wanlin in front of several people.

Zhang Wa looked at the gems emitting fascinating colors, and said excitedly: "It's so beautiful! This is what Xiaohua and Xiaobai found?" Yu Jing glanced at the two leopards with glowing eyes, and replied with a smile: " Yes, they found it from the corpse of a Gurkha mercenary who was crushed under the rock. These gems must have been stolen from others by these mercenaries, and they are still stained with blood." After speaking, she said He pointed to the gem in the box.

Wan Lin and the others looked at them intently, and sure enough, they could see that the side of the gem was indeed stained with some red bloodstains. The bloodstains looked fresh in the purple light. There were also two dents hit by bullets on the metal box. A few people followed and looked to the side of the mountain, a black figure was lying on his back among the rocks, the lower half of the body was still buried by the rocks, only the upper body was exposed outside the rocks, and the body armor on the chest had been covered by two leopards. His claws were torn open, and the metal box was obviously hidden by this kid in his close-fitting Wan Lin glanced at each other and nodded. These Gurkha mercenaries were shot to death by Wan Lin and several others with saber and hidden weapons, but there are traces of bullets on the metal box where the gems were placed, which shows that the metal box was indeed killed by several mercenaries. The other armed personnel holding the treasure, and the fresh blood stained on the gemstone showed that they did not take the treasure box for a long time, so that the blood on it would not be so fresh.

At this time, the wind knife walked to the body, bent over to remove a few rocks that were pressing on the opponent's waist, and then pulled out a machete from the opponent's waist with a "cha" sound, and the strange machete followed. A cold light flashed in the dim starlight, and the surrounding air seemed to have a chill at this moment.

"Good knife!" Feng Dao narrowed his eyes and stared at the blade and praised in a low voice. Although he is a master of hidden weapons at flying knives, his Feng family's ancestral sword skills are also a must in Chinese martial arts, so he is very fond of this kind of sharp knife. The machete is quite knowledgeable, and at a glance it can be seen that this * is indeed a rare good knife.

At this time, Bao Ya also came over with great interest. He took the machete in the hand of the wind knife and took a closer look, followed by raising his hand and shaking out a few knives in front of him, and said in a low voice: "Look at this knife. It looks as weird as a dog's leg, but it is very handy to hold in the hand, the short blade body can be naturally connected with the arm, and the blade is sharp and suitable for cutting, it is indeed a rare good knife!"

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